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MobiRuby iOS + Ruby = Super Awesome!! Thursday, February 14, 13

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Hi! I’m @masuidrive. • Yuichiro MASUI - Ichi • Open source developer, Ruby fun • Pukiwiki, Ruby on Rails tutorial movie in Japanese, IKEA hacker • Furo-grammer (Coding in hot tub) • FrogApps, Inc. CTO // ex-Appcelerati Thursday, February 14, 13

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Hi! I’m @masuidrive. • Yuichiro MASUI - Ichi • Open source developer, Ruby fun • Pukiwiki, Ruby on Rails tutorial movie in Japanese, IKEA hacker • Furo-grammer (Coding in hot tub) • FrogApps, Inc. CTO // ex-Appcelerati ϛΠϧ Thursday, February 14, 13

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mruby Thursday, February 14, 13

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mruby • Ruby for less resources • ISO/JIS compliant • CRuby subset. Not included File, Socket, Thread and more ext libraries • OS / CPU Independent • Not required POSIX, only C99 Thursday, February 14, 13

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Configurable • Drop off unnecessary features • Parser / Compiler • Struct, Time, Math, STDIO, Regexp, sprintf • Table algorithm - hash or list • NaN Boxing Thursday, February 14, 13

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mruby target • Embedded • Digital Appliance • Game console • Vendor machine • Bundle with applications Thursday, February 14, 13

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mruby internals • VM structure - Multi VM instance • No C global variable • Generational incremental GC (Mark&Sweep) • Not thread safe • Build system build on CRuby Thursday, February 14, 13

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development • Spring 2010 - Subsidy • Matz, some companies and colleges • April 22, 2012 - Publish to GitHub • mruby got some contributors Thursday, February 14, 13

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mrbgems • Daniel (@bovi) created extension package feature at end of Nov 2012. • Easy to install from GitHub • Supported cross build • Already provided 40+ gems Thursday, February 14, 13

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mrbgems • Daniel (@bovi) created extension package feature at end of Nov 2012. • Easy to install from GitHub • Supported cross build • Already provided 40+ gems Thursday, February 14, 13

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Thursday, February 14, 13

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Thursday, February 14, 13

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When will you release RiteVM? I want to run it on iOS/ Android . It’s mruby. I need more time to make public (probably June) Should I give you access to private repos? Yes! I want to try it! What’s your github account? Thursday, February 14, 13

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Thursday, February 14, 13

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What’s MobiRuby? • iOS app development kit on mruby • MIT license • Can access native functions • Have plan for Android version • Already released MobiRuby based app • Search “mobiruby” in AppStore on iOS Thursday, February 14, 13

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Vision • Provide Ruby power to Mobile devices • Meta programming is most important Ruby power Thursday, February 14, 13

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Hello world \ class Cocoa::MyAlertView < Cocoa::UIAlertView define C::Void, :alertView, Cocoa::Object, :clickedButtonAtIndex, C::Int do |me, index| if index.to_i == 1 app = Cocoa::UIApplication._sharedApplication urlstr = "" url = Cocoa::NSURL._URLWithString(urlstr) app._openURL url end end end alert = Cocoa::MyAlertView._alloc._initWithTitle "Hello", :message, "I am MobiRuby", :delegate, nil, :cancelButtonTitle, "I know!", :otherButtonTitles, "What's?", nil alert._setDelegate alert alert._show Thursday, February 14, 13

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Hello world \ class Cocoa::MyAlertView < Cocoa::UIAlertView define C::Void, :alertView, Cocoa::Object, :clickedButtonAtIndex, C::Int do |me, index| if index.to_i == 1 app = Cocoa::UIApplication._sharedApplication urlstr = "" url = Cocoa::NSURL._URLWithString(urlstr) app._openURL url end end end alert = Cocoa::MyAlertView._alloc._initWithTitle "Hello", :message, "I am MobiRuby", :delegate, nil, :cancelButtonTitle, "I know!", :otherButtonTitles, "What's?", nil alert._setDelegate alert alert._show Thursday, February 14, 13

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class Cocoa::MyAlertView < Cocoa::UIAlertView define C::Void, :alertView, Cocoa::Object, :clickedButtonAtIndex, C::Int do |me, idx| if idx.to_i == 1 app = Cocoa::UIApplication._sharedApplica urlstr = "" url = Cocoa::NSURL._URLWithString(urlstr) app._openURL url end end end class Cocoa::MyAlertView < Cocoa::UIAlertView define C::Void, :alertView, Cocoa::Object, :clickedButtonAtIndex, C::Int do |me, idx| if idx.to_i == 1 app = Cocoa::UIApplication._sharedApplica urlstr = "" url = Cocoa::NSURL._URLWithString(urlstr) app._openURL url end end end Hello world - 1st half Thursday, February 14, 13

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class Cocoa::MyAlertView < Cocoa::UIAlertView define C::Void, :alertView, Cocoa::Object, :clickedButtonAtIndex, C::Int do |me, idx| if idx.to_i == 1 app = Cocoa::UIApplication._sharedApplica urlstr = "" url = Cocoa::NSURL._URLWithString(urlstr) app._openURL url end end end Hello world - 1st half class Cocoa::MyAlertView < Cocoa::UIAlertView Thursday, February 14, 13

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class Cocoa::MyAlertView < Cocoa::UIAlertView define C::Void, :alertView, Cocoa::Object, :clickedButtonAtIndex, C::Int do |me, idx| if idx.to_i == 1 app = Cocoa::UIApplication._sharedApplica urlstr = "" url = Cocoa::NSURL._URLWithString(urlstr) app._openURL url end end end define C::Void, :alertView, Cocoa::Object, :clickedButtonAtIndex, C::Int do |me, idx| Hello world - 1st half Thursday, February 14, 13

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Hello world - 2nd half \ alert = Cocoa::MyAlertView._alloc. _initWithTitle "Hello", :message, "I am MobiRuby", :delegate, nil, :cancelButtonTitle, "I know!", :otherButtonTitles, "What's?", nil alert._setDelegate alert alert._show alert = Cocoa::MyAlertView._alloc. _initWithTitle "Hello", :message, "I am MobiRuby", :delegate, nil, :cancelButtonTitle, "I know!", :otherButtonTitles, "What's?", nil alert._setDelegate alert alert._show Thursday, February 14, 13

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Hello world - 2nd half \ alert = Cocoa::MyAlertView._alloc. _initWithTitle "Hello", :message, "I am MobiRuby", :delegate, nil, :cancelButtonTitle, "I know!", :otherButtonTitles, "What's?", nil alert._setDelegate alert alert._show alert = Cocoa::MyAlertView._alloc. _initWithTitle "Hello", :message, "I am MobiRuby", :delegate, nil, :cancelButtonTitle, "I know!", :otherButtonTitles, "What's?", nil alert._setDelegate alert alert._show Thursday, February 14, 13

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Next step \ class MyAlertView < MobiRuby::AlertView title "Hello" message "I am MobiRuby" cancelButton "I know!" do end button "What's?" do openURL "" end end alert = Thursday, February 14, 13

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MobiRuby stack iOS mruby mruby- cfunc Your code mruby- cocoa mobiruby- common mobiruby- ios Thursday, February 14, 13

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MobiRuby stack iOS mruby mruby- cfunc Your code mruby- cocoa mobiruby- common mobiruby- ios Thursday, February 14, 13

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MobiRuby stack iOS mruby mruby- cfunc Your code mruby- cocoa mobiruby- common mobiruby- ios Thursday, February 14, 13

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mruby-cfunc • C function bridge for mruby • Call C based function directly • Based on libFFI • Same as Ruby/DL library on CRuby Thursday, February 14, 13

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mruby-cfunc str = "STRING" CFunc::call(CFunc::Void, "puts", str) STRING Thursday, February 14, 13

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mruby-cfunc str = "STRING" ptr = CFunc::Pointer.malloc(7) result_ptr = CFunc::call(CFunc::Pointer, "strcpy", ptr, str) ptr.to_s -> “STRING” Thursday, February 14, 13

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mruby-cfunc \ class TestStruct < CFunc::Struct define CFunc::SInt8, :x, CFunc::SInt16, :y end test = test[:x] = 10 Thursday, February 14, 13

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MobiRuby stack iOS mruby mruby- cfunc Your code mruby- cocoa mobiruby- common mobiruby- ios Thursday, February 14, 13

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mruby-cocoa • Cocoa bridge for mruby • Use Cocoa functions transparently • Based on mruby-cfunc and Cocoa runtime • Manipulate Cocoa objects • Create class/instance, inherit existing classes • Garbage collection Thursday, February 14, 13

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Bridge Cocoa runtime • Objective-C has powerful runtime features • Create and modify class dynamically • ObjC class <- Ruby class <- ObjC class • ObjC value interconverted with Ruby value • Supported delegate and blocks Thursday, February 14, 13

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Memory management • Objective-C - Reference count • mruby - Mark & Sweep • Swizzled Objective-C “release” method • awful performance bottleneck Thursday, February 14, 13

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MobiRuby stack iOS mruby mruby- cfunc Your code mruby- cocoa mobiruby- common mobiruby- ios Thursday, February 14, 13

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mobiruby-common • Will be common utilities with Android ver. • require method • Some POSIX based functions Thursday, February 14, 13

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MobiRuby stack iOS mruby mruby- cfunc Your code mruby- cocoa mobiruby- common mobiruby- ios Thursday, February 14, 13

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mobiruby-ios • iOS specific utilities • Bootstrap • Xcode integration • Wrapped classes Thursday, February 14, 13

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Wrapped APIs \ class MyAlertView < MobiRuby::AlertView title "Hello" message "I am MobiRuby" cancelButton "I know!" do end button "What's?" do openURL "" end end alert = Thursday, February 14, 13

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Road map • Finished building Cocoa bridge • Fix bugs, Improvement • Packaging • Documentation • Build wrapped APIs Thursday, February 14, 13

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Road map • Finished building Cocoa bridge • Fix bugs, Improvement • Packaging • Documentation • Build wrapped APIs Version 1 Q1 2013 Thursday, February 14, 13

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Road map • Finished building Cocoa bridge • Fix bugs, Improvement • Packaging • Documentation • Build wrapped APIs Version 1 Q1 2013 Thursday, February 14, 13

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Current status • Already MobiRuby based app is in AppStore • Finally released alpha 1 • Can call almost iOS native functions • Writing test codes • It's only for iOS and mruby hackers Thursday, February 14, 13

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Pros. • Ruby power • Based on Matz implemented Ruby • mrbgems • MIT license • Compact (~4000 lines) Thursday, February 14, 13

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Cons. • Unstable • Less classes / functions • Don't have debugging feature • Need to understand iOS and Cocoa Thursday, February 14, 13

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Action! • Provide Ruby Power to the world • Create worldwide portfolio • Talk it at one or two foreign conferences Thursday, February 14, 13

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Questions? • If you have more questions, please tweet to @mobiruby or post to github issues. • • Thursday, February 14, 13

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Thank you • Logo design: Maylis Agniel • English review: @tenderlove and ebi-chan • • • • Thursday, February 14, 13