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PCSL-Pokémon School Class #1

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Pokemon School Classes 1. IV’s/Intro to Breeding Guide 2. Natures & Stats/Base Stats Explanations 3. EV’s & EV Spreads 4. Dual Types/Type Matchups review 5. 30+ Status Conditions 6. Festival Plaza, why it’s not as bad as you think! 7. Move Combinations 8. Real Life Examples of Pokémon Situations 9. All Moves/Attacks By Groups/Families 10. All Abilities in review: Variations of Abilities 11. Stat Modifiers (Priority moves/Last Moves -6 to +6 Quick Attack/After you etc)

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Class #1 IV’s 1. IV’s A. Raising by Bottle Caps B. Maximizing IV’s by Breeding C. Breeding 101- Everstone/Power Items/Destiny Knot D. Breeding 101-How Ditto works E. Passing on Pokeballs/IV’s to offspring F. Attaching the right items to each parent G. Review/Quizzes

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Brief Overview  A Pokémon has a potential to be stronger: Inside (IV’s) and Outside (EV’s) (Lets use this for all intensive purposes)  IV = Individual Value or Internal Potential  EV = External Value or Effort Value  In this Presentation, we’ll discuss IV’s their Individual or Internal Potential

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IV’s Overview  IV’s are measured from 0-31  0 = No Good  31= Maxed out/Best/Hyper Trained!

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Where to Find IV Judge Function  Go to the Battle Tree (post game) and speak to the Ace Trainer next to the PC. You need a minimum of 20 eggs hatched in order to receive the judge function/app.

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A. IV Raising by Bottle Caps  You can raise IV’s by Hyper Training! Simply go to the shopping mall in Hau'oli City and speak to the man with the red shirt (Pokemon must be L100) Gold All Stats Reg 1 Stat

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Where Do I Find Bottle Caps? 1. By Fishing in Ripple Spots 2. By Festival Plaza Treasure Hunt  3. Exchange 30 shards with man in Festival Plaza Castle 4. Poke Pelago (Isle Aphun)

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B. Maximizing IV’s by Breeding  When breeding, you want to make sure both parents have the best IV’s to save some breeding time. (Note: Hyper Trained IV’s don’t pass max IVs like Best does!)  Tip: Attach a Destiny Knot on the parent with the highest IVs (31/31/31/31/31) See Sandshrew

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C. Breeding 101- With Items  Power Items: Passes down specific IV stat depending on power item (see table above).  Everstone: Passes down nature to offspring. Also passes Kanto Forms when held by Kanto parent  Destiny Knot: Passes down five IVs total from each parent to offspring  Incenses: Creates certain offspring Pokemon

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Where Do I Find Power Items?  In the 2nd Island inside the Battle Royale building  Speak to the 2nd Receptionist from the left

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D. Breeding 101- How Ditto Works  Ditto cannot pass down its own Pokeball.  It’s still useful because it copies the other parent’s species, regardless of gender/genderless.  Ditto can also pass down its own nature when holding an Everstone.

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E. Breeding 101- Passing Pokeballs to Offspring Different Parents/Species- Mother only Same Parents/Species- Either Parent 50/50% Same Parents/Diff Species- Mother only Parents/Ditto-Either Parent 100% Parent/ 0% Ditto Master Balls/Cherish Balls- Always pass down as Regular Pokeballs

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F. Breeding-Attaching Correct Items 1. Say you have a Sandshrew and a Ditto. The Sandshrew is Impish and has 5 IVs maxed out and the Ditto is 6IVs Neutral natured. What items would you give to each if you want an Impish Sandshrew? A. Sandshrew: Everstone Ditto: Destiny Knot 2. If you have a Mantine that is Rash nature and a Ditto that is Calm natured and you want a Calm Mantyke, what items will be attached to the parents? A. Mantine: Wave Incense Ditto: Everstone

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G. Quiz/Review Questions 1. Which Incense do you need to make a Chingling from two Chimechos? A. Wave Incense B. Sea Incense C. Lax Incense D. Pure Incense 2. Which Bottle Cap raises all 6 IV stats? A. Gold Bottle Cap B. Regular Bottle Cap 3. Which IV Stat is guaranteed to pass/copy to the offspring if a parent is holding a Power Lens? A. HP B. Speed C. Sp. Atk D. Sp.Def 4. See Example on the Right: Would you use a Gold Bottle Cap or a Regular Bottle Cap on this Ditto’s IVs? A: Reg Bottle Cap

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Sources 1. L∆nc∆ (Amino Apps) to-breeding/aeh0_uagogRzd3YwrL8zPdkN4k2lPl 2. 3. Saiph-Charon & Batabid 4. Gamer Guides moon/guide/side-activities/battle-royal/bp-and-prizes