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$PEFS%PKP΁Α͏ͦ͜ Welcome to CoderDojo

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What is CoderDojo? $PEFS%PKPͬͯԿʁ

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Programming Class? ϓϩάϥϛϯάڭࣨʁ

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No ͍͍͑

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ϓϩάϥϛϯάΛ௨ͯ͡ࢠڙͱࢠڙ େਓͱࢠڙ͕ܨ͕ΔίϛϡχςΟ We are community that connected through programming.

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Over 1,900 activities in the world. શੈքͰ Ҏ্ͷ׆ಈ

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Over 150 activities in Japan. ೔ຊͰՕॴҎ্ͷ׆ಈ

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7~17 years old youth, no entry fee. খֶੜʙߴߍੜର৅ɺࢀՃඅແྉ

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What do we do with CoderDojo? $PEFS%PKPͰԿΛ͢Δʁ

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Teach and Learn how to programming. ϓϩάϥϛϯάΛڭֶ͑ͯͿ

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Create and Share ࡞ͬͯڞ༗͢Δ

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Presentation time ൃදλΠϜ

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3 welcomes for presentation time. ൃදλΠϜͭͷ0,

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The project in progress is welcome. ະ׬੒Ͱ΋0,

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Remix or imitations are welcome. ୭͔ͷ·ͶͰ΋0,

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Are you struggling with bugs? It's big welcome! όάͬͯͯ΋શવ0,ʂ

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ະ׬੒Ͱ΋0, ୭͔ͷ·ͶͰ΋0, όάͬͯͯ΋શવ0,ʂ The project in progress is welcome. Remix or imitations are welcome. Are you struggling with bugs? It's big welcome!

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Let’s enjoy programming! ϓϩάϥϛϯάΛָ͠Έ·͠ΐ͏ʂ