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Serverless Streaming Log Architecture ~ Theory & Practice ~ Kenju Wagatsuma

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Agenda Part I … Theory - What is “streaming” ? - “Batch” vs “Streaming” - “Event Time” vs “Processing Time” - Lambda Architecture - Kappa Architecture - Apache Hadoop/Storm/Spark/Kafka/Flink - Late Logs - Discarding, Watermark, Trigger, Accumulation Part II … Practice - Overall Data-flow - Watermark Implementation - Aggregation - Kinesis -> Lambda -> DynamoDB - DynamoDB Streams -> Lambda -> DynamoDB - Monitoring - “GetRecords.IteratorAgeMilliseconds” - DynamoDB Streams -> Lambda -> Slack - Misc (Cognito, Golang, Serverless Framework)

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Who are you? Kenju Wagatsuma - Serverside Engineer at Cookpad Inc. - Ruby, Golang, AWS - - “Header Bidding 導入によるネットワーク広告改善 の開発事情”

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Theory - Streaming Part I

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Definition & Glossary

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Image Area What is “streaming” ? Definition: - a type of data processing engine that is designed with infinite data sets in mind. ( ond-batch-streaming-101)

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“Batch” vs “Streaming” - Batch Processing - Process grouped logs at once, and process occasionaly - Streaming Processing - Micro-batch - ex) AWS Lambda with “Batch Size = 2 ~ n” (n is a not-too-large natural number.) - Real Streaming - ex) AWS Lambda with “Batch Size = 1”

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Image Area - Event time, which is the time at which events actually occurred. - Processing time, which is the time at which events are observed in the system. Figure: Example time domain mapping from “Event Time” vs “Processing Time”

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Lambda Architecture - introduced by Nathan Marz, the programmer of Apache Storm - “How to beat the CAP theorem” - Batch Layer + Serving Layer + Speed Layer - Batch Layer … re-computable, can ensure Consistency - Serving Layer … merge views from Batch Layer & real-time logs from Speed Layer - Speed Layer … low latency

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Image Area Figure: lambda architecture from

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Kappa Architecture - introduced by Jay Kreps, a co-founder and CEO at Confluent which was acquired by LinkedIn - “Questioning the Lambda Architecture” - Streaming Layer + Serving Layer

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Image Area Figure: kappa architecture from

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Lambda vs Kappa Architecture Pros Cons Lambda Architecture - Robust to data consistency - Harder to maintain multiple layers Kappa Architecture - Simple implementation - Need extra works to guarantee data onsistency

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Apache Hadoop/Storm/Spark/Kafka/Flink Name Speciality Batch Processing Stream Processing Hadoop HDFS(FIle System), YARN, MapReduce O X Storm Topology (Spout + Bolt), Tuple, Task X O Kafka Broker, Producer/Consumer (“Un-Managed Kinesis” ?) X O Spark inspired by Hadoop’s MapReduce engine O O (Spark Streaming) Flink Batch and Streaming in One System, ML Support, DataStram API O O

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Common Problems

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Late Logs Figure:

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How to tackle on “Late Logs”? - Discarding - simply discard late logs - Watermarks - “all input data with event times less than X have been observed.” - Triggers - declaring when the output for a window should be materialized - Accumulation - accumulate multiple results that are observed for the same window Read for more details :)

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What is “Watermark” Definition: a special mark contained in electronic documents, pictures, music etc that is used to stop people from copying them Example: audio watermark detection, photo watermark, copyright watermark

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How to “Watermark” - A. Save State in any external memory - e.g. RDS, DynamoDB - B. Calculate on-memory - formula … - e.g. late threshold = 10 minutes - use `median(event time)` instead to handle the too-future logs - e.g. mobile devices’ system clock are somehow modified by users incorrectly watermark = max(event time) - late_threshold

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Practice - storeTV Part II

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Overall Data-flow - Kinesis Stream receives logs from Android clients directly via kinesis:PutRecord - once per 90 sec, from at most 15,000 devices - Lambda polls Kinesis and aggregate as impression by increment - DynamoDB stores incremented records with UpdateItem (ADD) operation - another Lambda(s) polls DynamoDB Streams and aggregate hourly/daily

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Aggregation - Aggregate gradually per minute -> per 10 min -> hourly -> daily - Partition usual logs/lagged logs, and update records to the separate tables - NOT discarding (for now) to see how many logs will be discarded - determine whether logs’ timestamp is behind the watermark or not - watermark … the median of all timestamps - because users can change system clocks to the future

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Watermark Implementation func (sr *StreamRecords) watermark(eventTimes []EventTime) (median EventTime) { sort.Ints(eventTimes) // 1. sort l := len(eventTimes) // 2. get the median if l%2 == 0 { // when even median = Mean(eventTimes[l/2-1 : l/2 + 1]) } else { // when odd median = EventTime(eventTimes[l/2]) } return median }

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Image Area What to “monitor”? The famous Google’s “SRE” book says in Chapter 6 “The Four Golden Signals” section: - Latency - Traffix - Errors - Saturation Monitoring - The Four Golden Signals

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Image Area - Latency - How long does it take? - Traffix - How many Get/PutRecords? - Errors - Availability? - How many errors occur? - Saturation - Any delayed data? - IteratorAge? Monitoring - CloudWatch Dashboard

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Image Area - Create custom metrics - via cloudwatch:PutMetricData - Flexible alarm setting - Period - Evaluation Period - Datapoints to Alarm Figure: Monitoring - Custom Metrics & Alarm

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Monitoring - Implementation Example dataInput := &cloudwatch.PutMetricDataInput{ Namespace: aws.String("StoreTvAdLambdaMetrics"), MetricData: []*cloudwatch.MetricDatum{ { Dimensions: []*cloudwatch.Dimension{ { Name: aws.String("Function"), Value: aws.String("monitor-late-data"), }, }, MetricName: aws.String("LateLogCount"), Unit: aws.String("Count"), Value: aws.Float64(float64(lateLogCount)), }, }, } cloudWatchClient.PutMetricData(dataInput)

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Monitoring - Kinesis Streams IteraterAge - “GetRecords.IteratorAgeMilliseconds” Metrics - can monitor “how much stream processing is delayed” - - [CloudWatch Alarms -> SNS Topic -> Lambda -> Slack]

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Monitoring - Stream Saturation - Simply calculate the diff between updated records’ timestamp and current time, and compare with the threshold. - timestamp … get from DynamoDB Stream event records - threshold … pass via ENV (currently 10 min) - calculation … - [DynamoDB Stream -> Custom CloudWatch Metrics -> SNS -> Lambda -> Slack] time.Since(timestamp).Minutes() >= threshold

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Image Area Cognito - pass role to the Android clients - which can kinesis:PutRecord to the target Kinesis Stream ARN - use unidentified pool - because the Android does not need any login feature - much more secure than embedding API_KEY/CREDENTIAL_KEY to the Android clients

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Lambda x Golang 1.x - Officially supported from January 15th, 2018 - - aws/aws-lambda-go - - can easily grasp what kind of JSON event records will be available with Type - IMHO - One of the favorite language above other officially supported languages - Type, Runtime Performance, ecosystem, etc. - goroutine/channels have too much overhead for running on Lambda

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Lambda x Golang 1.x 1. init() function for declaring the global vars > A single instance of your Lambda function will never handle multiple events simultaneously

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Lambda x Golang 1.x 2. use -ldflags=”-s -w” to reduce the binary size - -s … Omit the symbol table and debug information. - -w … Omit the DWARF symbol table. by

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go build without -ldflags=“-s -w” $ ls -lh bin/ total 145704 -rwxr-xr-x 1 kenju-wagatsuma staff 12M Aug 9 22:26 aggregate-daily-logs -rwxr-xr-x 1 kenju-wagatsuma staff 12M Aug 9 22:26 aggregate-hourly-logs -rwxr-xr-x 1 kenju-wagatsuma staff 12M Aug 9 22:26 aggregate-logs -rwxr-xr-x 1 kenju-wagatsuma staff 12M Aug 9 22:27 monitor-late-data -rwxr-xr-x 1 kenju-wagatsuma staff 14M Aug 9 22:26 put-s3 -rwxr-xr-x 1 kenju-wagatsuma staff 7.8M Aug 9 22:27 sns-notification

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go build -ldflags=“-s -w” $ ls -lh bin/ total 96776 -rwxr-xr-x 1 kenju-wagatsuma staff 8.3M Aug 9 22:05 aggregate-daily-logs -rwxr-xr-x 1 kenju-wagatsuma staff 8.3M Aug 9 22:05 aggregate-hourly-logs -rwxr-xr-x 1 kenju-wagatsuma staff 8.2M Aug 9 22:05 aggregate-logs -rwxr-xr-x 1 kenju-wagatsuma staff 7.8M Aug 9 22:05 monitor-late-data -rwxr-xr-x 1 kenju-wagatsuma staff 9.3M Aug 9 22:05 put-s3 -rwxr-xr-x 1 kenju-wagatsuma staff 5.4M Aug 9 22:05 sns-notification

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[NOTE] Golang dependencies $ dep status PROJECT CONSTRAINT VERSION REVISION LATEST PKGS USED ^1.0.0 v1.2.0 4d30d0f e630af3 4 ^1.14.23 v1.15.3 cc03a15 36aaf21 37 * v1.38.1 358ee76 358ee76 1 * 0b12d6b 1 branch master branch master c60ecc3 c60ecc3 1 branch master branch master c6ca0d8 c6ca0d8 1 branch master branch master 627aa7e 627aa7e 1 ^1.2.0 v1.2.0 f58768c f58768c 1

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Serverless Framework - Why Serverless Framework? - Development Speed (easy to configure) - Motivation (never used before at production) - (Might be) easy to migrate to CloudFormation/SAM later - Why not Apex? - Easy to deploy Lambda, but that’s all - Why not SAM? - Writing CloudFormation stacks from the scratch might takes time - However, sam-local is a great tool so might migrate to SAM in the near future

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Serverless Framework - $ serverless deploy --stage (dev|prod|staging) - change stage via `--stage` option - $ serverless metrics - show simple metrics for functions - $ serverless invoke - Useful Lambda Event fixtures can be found at ...

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serverless invoke $ cat Makefile | tail -n8 run-sns-notification: deploy-dev serverless invoke \ --log \ --stage dev \ --function sns-notification \ --path fixtures/sns-events.json

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Thank you! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ