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Building Distributed System with Akka Anil Wadghule

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Current scene in internet

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Size of the internet

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Market forces leading to change Concurrent connections •“Internet of Things”, mobile devices Big data •Size of data is overwhelming our ability to manage it Response times •Real-time results (e.g. analytics) with sub-second latencies

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Physical factors leading to change •Expensive hardware → cheap hardware •A single machine → cluster of machines •A single core → multiple cores •Slow networks → fast networks •Small data snapshots → big data, streams of data

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Modern Application Requirements High Availability Fault Tolerance Scalability

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Google going down? Accepted?

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Google going down? Accepted? Highly Available

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Millions people visit Google

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Millions people visit Google Highly Scalable

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Facebook doesn’t crash in afternoon

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Fault Tolerant Facebook doesn’t crash in afternoon

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Reactive Principles

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What is a Distributed System?

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Your computer?

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Your computer?

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Your computer? NO.

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No global clock Distributed Systems

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You have a distributed system, when the crash of a computer you’ve never heard of, stops you from getting any work done. Leslie Lamport: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems.

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A collection of independent computers that appear to its users as one computer. Tanenbaum and Steen: Distributed Systems, Principles and Paradigms

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Collection of interconnected nodes

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Distributed Architecture

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8 Fallacies of Distributed System •The network is reliable. •Latency is zero. •Bandwidth is infinite. •The network is secure. •Topology doesn't change. •There is one administrator. •Transport cost is zero. •The network is homogeneous.

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Distributed System Examples • •Cassandara database (unlike local Sqlite db)

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How do we scale?

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Coffeeshop Example

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Regular small app o o One Americano Please! Akira

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Regular small app o o Akira - Americano Head
 Barista Assistant

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Starbucks goes popular •Starbucks needs to serve more customers now

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Scaling Strategies •Read Replication •Sharding •Consistent Hashing

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Read Replication

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o o Akira - Americano Akira - Americano Akira - Americano Akira - Americano Akira - Americano Read Replication Akira - Americano Head
 Barista Assistant 

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Issues for Read Replication •Complexity •Consistency

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Sharding •Add more writers (i.e. Head Baristas) •Split orders with some key (i.e. Customers name )

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Sharding o o Akira - Americano Akira - Americano Akira - Americano Akira - Americano o o Akira - Americano Koichi - Cappuccino Akira to Chang
 Barista 1 Jim to Lorenzo
 Barista 2 A-C J-L Akira - Americano Akira - Americano Koichi - Cappuccino Koichi - Cappuccino Koichi - Cappuccino Koichi - Cappuccino Koichi - Cappuccino Koichi - Cappuccino

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Issues with Sharding •Limited data model •More complexity •Limited data access patterns •Only good for certain kind of applications e.g. SAAS apps

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Consistent Hashing

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Consistent Hashing and Random Trees Karger et al. at MIT, 1997

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0000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Akira-Americano

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0000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 9F72-Americano

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0000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 9F72-Americano 9F72 > 8000

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What if node crashes?

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0000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Node crashes 9F72-Americano

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0000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 9F72-Americano 9F72-Americano 9F72-Americano N = 3
 Replication Factor

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Consistency formula R + W > N • N = Total number of replicas (e.g. 3) • W = Number of replicas acknowledge my update • R = Number of replicas that agree on read

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When to use consistent hashing? •Scale •Transactional data (Business transactions .. not ACID) Data which changes a lot •Always available

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CAP Theorem

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Consistency Availability Partition Tolerance

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Partition Tolerance

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CAP Theorem •Partitioning can’t be negotiated. It’s reality. •You have to compromise Availability or Consistency

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Distributed Transactions

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ACID? Distributed Transactions

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Ordering Coffee •Receive Order •Process Payment •Enqueue order (mark the cup) •Make Coffee •Deliver Drink

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Why split the work? •Parallelization •Uneven workloads

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What could go wrong? •Payment failure •Insufficient resources •Equipment failure •Worker failure •Consumer failure

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Response to failure? •Write-off (throw it out) •Retry (Typical) •Compensating action

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Distributed Transactions •How can we design a coffeeshop with atomic transaction?

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Distributed Computation

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Distributed Computation Strategies •Scatter-Gather •Map Reduce

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Fault Tolerance

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Fault Tolerant System •Embraces the notion of failure

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Ideal world system has •Two paths •Components that can never fail •Accounting for every possible fault by providing a recovery action

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Most regular applications •Catch-all mechanism •Terminate as soon as uncaught failure arises

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FileWatcher LogFile LogProcessor Row Log Processor Log Processor DbWriter Database Connection The database connection might break Java Concurrent Logs Processor

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Slide 72 text dbWriter.write(row5) DBBrokenConnectionException DBBrokenConnectionException DBBrokenConnectionException con.write(row5) Exception moves up the stack on the thread. We don’t have the connection details here to re-create dbWriter and retro dbWriter logProcessor FileWatcher thread logProcessor.process (file) Runnable dbWriter Writes using db Connection Exception can happen from different threads Many log processors are called to process files from several threads. Java Concurrent Logs Processor

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Difficult to recover •Exception moves up in stack •Making processed lines and connection info available •Breaks simple design •Violates best practices (Encapsulation, DI, SRP)

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What we need is •Faulty component replaced in a threadsafe manner

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Fault tolerant requirements •Fault Isolation •Structure •Redundancy •Replacement •Reboot •Suspend •Separation of concerns

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Capacity to recover from difficulties

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Why care about resiliency? •Financial losses •Losing customers •Affecting customers

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Actor Model

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Actor Model Carl Hewitt, 1973

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Actors •Higher level abstraction to write concurrent and distributed programs •To concurrently manageable state •Communication with Actor is by sending messages

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Akka •Created July 2009 by Jonas Bonér • •Written in Scala

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Akka •Open-source toolkit •Simplifies •Concurrency •Distribution

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Akka •Actor Model on JVM •Emphasizes actor-based concurrency (inspiration drawn from Erlang)

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Why Akka?

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Let it crash • Akka provides two separate flows: • Normal flow • Fault recovery flow

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Let it crash •The normal flow consists • Actors that handle normal messages •The recovery flow consists • Actors that monitor the actors in the normal flow.

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FileWatcher Disk Error Stop Corrupt FileException Resume Restart DbBrokeConnection Exception LogProcessor DbWriter LogProcessingSupervisor Escalate Actors in the log-processing application do not concern themselves with fault recovery Supervisors can decide to escalate problem to higher level The LogProcessingSupervisor create all the actors at startup and supervises them all Akka Concurrent Logs Processor

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LogProcessingSupervisor FileWatcher LogProcessor DbWriter DiskError Stop CorruptFileException Resume Db Broken Connection Exception Restart DbNodeDownException logProcessor Stop The LogProcessor also watches the dbWriter and replaces it once it is terminated due to a DbNodeDownException Akka Concurrent Logs Processor

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Benefits of Let it Crash •Fault isolation •Structure  •Redundancy  •Replacement  •Reboot  •Component lifecylcle •Suspend  •Separation of concerns 

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Akka - What’s in it?

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Akka Layers Akka Core Akka IO Akka Remote (Implements Distribution) Akka Cluster (Mobility) Akka Cluster Extensions (Pattern Singleton, Sharding, PubSub)

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Akka provides •Local actor •Remote actor •Scheduling •Routing •Cluster •Cluster Singleton •Sharding •Persistence •Distributed Data

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Local Actor on JVM1 Local Actor on JVM

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Local Actor on JVM Local Actor on JVM1 Coordinator Actor

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Local Actor on JVM Coordinator Actor println(“Hello World”)

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class Worker extends Actor { def receive = { case x => println(x) } } val system = ActorSystem("ExampleActorSystem") val workerActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[Worker]) workerActorRef | "Hello World"

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Akka Remoting

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Actor on JVM 1 Actor on JVM 2 Akka Remoting

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val workerActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[Worker]) workerActorRef ! "Hello Conference" val workerActorRef = context.actorSelection("akka:tcp:// ExampleActorSystem@") workerActorRef ! "Hello World"

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akka { actor { provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider" } remote { enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"] netty.tcp { hostname = "" port = 2552 } } }

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Akka Cluster

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Akka Cluster •Fault Tolerant Membership service for Akka nodes built on top of Akka Remoting •No Single point of failure or bottleneck •Provides support of load balancing or fail over

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Akka Cluster •Allows dynamically grow or shrink number of nodes •Actor could reside anywhere in the cluster.. local or remote.

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Akka Cluster Node Types Node Cluster Leader Seed Node Node Node

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Cluster (node 1, node 2, node 3, node 4) Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 User a b c d e User a b c d e User a b c d e User a b c d e This cluster is ring of Nodes Every node contains an actor system. The actor system needs to have the same name to be part of the same cluster. A list of member nodes Is maintained in a current cluster state. The actor systems gossip to each other about this state Akka Cluster

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Akka Cluster features •Cluster membership •Load balancing •Node partitioning •Partition Points •Gossip & Convergence •Failure Detection

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Akka Gossip Protocol •Decentralised, probabilistic, viral communication protocol with convergence •Each node hold the state of the cluster and tell neighbours about it

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Gossip (Communication Between Nodes) 7 7 7 Convergence

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Gossip (Communication Between Nodes) 7 7 7 Convergence 7 7

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How do we detect when node fails?

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Failure Detector

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Failure Detector 7 ! 7 Failure Detection 7 7

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Failure Detector 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

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Cluster Seed nodes (1, 2, 3) Master nodes (4, 5) Worker nodes (6, 7, 8) Node 1: Seed Role Node 3: Seed Role Node 2: Seed Role Node 4: Master Role Node 7: Worker Role Node 8: Worker Role Node 5: Master Role Node 6: Worker Role Minimal setup cluster. 3 seeds 2 master 3 workers

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Cluster Seed Nodes: 1 Node 1: Seed Role

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Cluster Seed Nodes: (1, 2) Joining: (3) Node 1: Seed Role Node 2: Seed Role Node 3: Seed Role Join

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Cluster Seed Nodes: (1, 2, 3) Joining nodes: (4, 5) Node 1: Seed Role Node 2: Seed Role Node 4: Worker Role seed list (1, 2, 3) Join Node 3: Seed Role Node 5: Master Role seed list (1, 2, 3) Node 3 responds fastest and handles join of node 5 Node 2 responds fastest and handles join of node 4

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Cluster Seed nodes: (2) Master nodes: (5) Worker nodes: (4) Joining nodes: (6, 7) Node 1: Seed Role Node 2: Seed Role Node 7: Worker Role seed list (1, 2, 3) Join Node 3: Seed Role Node 5: Master Role seed list (1, 2, 3) Node 2 responds fastest and handles join of node 4 Leave Leave Node 4: Worker Role Node 5: Master Role Node 6: Worker Role seed list (1, 2, 3) Join

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Cluster Seed nodes (1, 2, 3) Master nodes (4, 5) Worker nodes (6, 7, 8) Node 1: Seed Role Node 3: Seed Role Node 2: Seed Role Node 4: Master Role Node 7: Worker Role Node 8: Worker Role Node 5: Master Role Node 6: Worker Role Minimal setup cluster. 3 seeds 2 master 3 workers

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Cluster Leader: Node 1 Node 1: Leaving Node 2: Up Node 3: Up Seed node 1 Seed node 2 Seed node 3 Leave

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Cluster Leader: Node 1 Node 1: Exiting unreachable Node 2: Up Node 3: Up Seed node 1 cluster node Is shutdown Seed node 2 Seed node 3 Leave

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Cluster Leader: Node 2 Node 1: Removed Node 2: Up Node 3: Up Seed node 2 Seed node 3

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Joining Up Leaving Unreachable Down Initial state Final state State in transition Key Join Leader action Leader Exiting Leader action Leader action Down Removed

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Akka Cluster Patterns •Singleton •Sharding •Routing •Distributed Pub Sub

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Cluster Singleton

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Cluster Singleton b a e d c S

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Cluster Singleton b a e d c S

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Cluster Singleton b e d c S

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Akka Cluster Sharding

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Cluster Sharding •To distribute actors across several nodes •Interact with them with logical identifier (without knowing physical location)

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Node Shard E E E E E Shard Region Shard Coordinator Akka Cluster Sharding

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Akka Persistence

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Akka Persistence •Stateful actors to persist their internal state. •State can be recovered when actor is started, restarted

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Akka Persistence •Implemented using Event Sourcing •Only Changes to actor’s internal state are stored •Current state is never stored directly.

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Akka Distributed Data

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Distributed Data •A set of merge-friendly data types to maintain state across cluster

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Distributed Data •Useful to share data between nodes in Akka Cluster •Based on Conflict Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs).

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Akka makes distributed systems less difficult

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References • Akka in Action - Raymond Roestenburg, • 9a6b0f62b9ee4dc8980e5ff590f1a6cf/sheridan_college.pdf • Distributed Systems in One Lesson by Tim Berglund • Learning Akka - Salma Khater • Hands on Introduction to Distributed Systems Concepts with Akka Clustering - by David Russell • A tour of the (advanced) Akka features in 60 minutes by Johan Janssen • Go distributed (and scale out) with Actors and Akka Clustering

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Thank you!

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Questions? @anildigital