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How to OOP A Primer for Novice Developers

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Marco Petersen @ocrampete16

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✗ an advanced OOP talk ✓ an intro to proper OOP

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Seasoned devs aren’t going to learn anything new.

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For people who know how classes work but don’t know how to use them effectively.

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Rich domain model Composition for code reuse Classes that focus on one thing

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Slides are on Speaker Deck at

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Use classes to create a rich domain model.

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Your domain model is what your business is about.

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Model real-world behavior.

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Infrastructural concerns are irrelevant.

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Use classes to create a rich domain model.

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Composition for code reuse, not inheritance.

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Inheritance is for specialization, not for sharing logic.

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Is it a “more specific version” of this thing?

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Extract what’s different and “inject” it. (Dependency Injection)

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Dependency Injection !== Dependency Inversion

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Composition for code reuse, not inheritance.

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Smaller classes that only do one thing.

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Single Responsibility Principle (SOLID)

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What a “responsibility” is depends on the layer of abstraction you’re at.

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When is a class too big? Uncle Bob: more than one reason to change Uncle Marco: lots of dependencies

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Smaller classes that only do one thing.

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Write classes that model the real world.

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Extract shared logic into their own classes and inject them.

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Classes should focus on doing one thing well.

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Thanks! Questions?