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Android Things Android Things ● Google‘s drive into IoT Google‘s drive into IoT – Evolution of Brillo Evolution of Brillo ● Based on Android (duh!) Based on Android (duh!) ● Targets SoM and has support for the RasPi 3 as well Targets SoM and has support for the RasPi 3 as well

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SoMs, SoCs and what not SoMs, SoCs and what not

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SoMs, SoCs and what not SoMs, SoCs and what not ● MicroControllers MicroControllers – Arduino, ESP 8266, ESP 32, Micro Bit, Calliope Arduino, ESP 8266, ESP 32, Micro Bit, Calliope – Runs only one program Runs only one program ● General Purpose Boards General Purpose Boards – Include OS (usually Linux or Linux based) Include OS (usually Linux or Linux based) – Thus can run multiple programms concurrently Thus can run multiple programms concurrently ● Most IoT systems use SoCs or SoMs Most IoT systems use SoCs or SoMs

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SoMs, SoCs and what not SoMs, SoCs and what not ● SoM vs. Development Boards SoM vs. Development Boards ● Development Boards are Development Boards are – For development and prototyping For development and prototyping ● SoMs are SoMs are – System on Module System on Module – Provide CPU, Memory, Interfaces, Timers, Voltage Regulators and Provide CPU, Memory, Interfaces, Timers, Voltage Regulators and Connectivity Connectivity – Need to be connected to the final production circuit board Need to be connected to the final production circuit board

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Breakout Boards Breakout Boards

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Android Things Android Things

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Android Things Android Things ● Android programming model Android programming model ● Support lib for hardware related stuf Support lib for hardware related stuf ● Supports plenty of services Supports plenty of services – Subset of Firebase Subset of Firebase – Subset Google Play Services Subset Google Play Services – Subset of Android Subset of Android

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Android Things Android Things

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Android Things Android Things ● No support for No support for – Notifications Notifications – typical ContentProviders like Calendar or Contacts typical ContentProviders like Calendar or Contacts ● Screens are optional Screens are optional – And quite frankly not the most important feature for IoT And quite frankly not the most important feature for IoT – Instead use voice, game controllers, simple buttons and sensors Instead use voice, game controllers, simple buttons and sensors

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Android Things Android Things ● Some oddities: Some oddities: – Permissions are always granted, but must be declared Permissions are always granted, but must be declared ● All code can throw IOExceptions All code can throw IOExceptions – my sample code blissfully ignores this :-) my sample code blissfully ignores this :-)

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Coding Android Things Coding Android Things ● Special support lib Special support lib – Peripheral I/O API Peripheral I/O API – User Driver API User Driver API ● But first But first – AndroidManifest.xml AndroidManifest.xml – build.gradle build.gradle

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AndroidManifest.xml AndroidManifest.xml /> > /> />

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build.xml build.xml dependencies { dependencies { //... //... compileOnly compileOnly '' '' //… } }

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Supported Protocols Supported Protocols ● GPIO GPIO ● PWM PWM ● I²C I²C ● I²S I²S ● SPI SPI ● UART UART

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GPIO GPIO ● For binary data For binary data – switching something on or of switching something on or of – Reading the state of a binary switch Reading the state of a binary switch

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GPIO GPIO val val gpioDevice = gpioDevice = manager manager.openGpio( .openGpio(GPIO_NAME GPIO_NAME) ) gpioDevice.setDirection(Gpio. gpioDevice.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_IN DIRECTION_IN) ) gpioDevice.setEdgeTriggerType(Gpio. gpioDevice.setEdgeTriggerType(Gpio.EDGE_FALLING EDGE_FALLING) ) callback callback = MyGpioCallback() = MyGpioCallback() gpioDevice. gpioDevice.registerGpioCallback( registerGpioCallback(callback callback) )

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GPIO GPIO private inner class private inner class MyGpioCallback : GpioCallback() { MyGpioCallback : GpioCallback() { override fun override fun onGpioEdge onGpioEdge(gpio: Gpio): Boolean { (gpio: Gpio): Boolean { if if (gpio. (gpio.value value && ! && !started started) { ) { startAudio() startAudio() } } return true return true } } override fun override fun onGpioError onGpioError(gpio: Gpio? (gpio: Gpio?, , error: Int) { error: Int) { Log.e(Constants. Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG LOG_TAG, , "error while accessing gpio: " "error while accessing gpio: " + error) + error) } } } }

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PWM PWM ● Frequency and modulation width Frequency and modulation width – Creating sound Creating sound – Steering a servo motor Steering a servo motor ● Only for outgoing signals Only for outgoing signals

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PWM PWM device device.setEnabled( .setEnabled(true true) ); ; device device.setPwmFrequencyHz( .setPwmFrequencyHz(note note. .tone tone. .frequency frequency) ); ; device device.setPwmDutyCycle( .setPwmDutyCycle(0.5 0.5) ); ;

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UART UART ● Serial transmission (medium speed) Serial transmission (medium speed) ● Full duplex Full duplex

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UART UART ● One to one connection One to one connection ● Very old protocol Very old protocol ● RS-232, USB and the like are based on it RS-232, USB and the like are based on it ● Only a few devices need it Only a few devices need it ● BUT: Can be used to read state of devices (Raspi) BUT: Can be used to read state of devices (Raspi)

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I²C I²C ● Connect up to 128 devices per I²C bus Connect up to 128 devices per I²C bus – Actually 117 since some addresses are reserved Actually 117 since some addresses are reserved ● Address is set by vendor Address is set by vendor – Sometimes adjustments via add-on pins are possible Sometimes adjustments via add-on pins are possible ● Single data line, thus half-duplex transmissions Single data line, thus half-duplex transmissions ● Can be based on registers or based on raw transfers Can be based on registers or based on raw transfers

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I²C I²C fun fun configureI2CDevice configureI2CDevice() { () { val val manager = PeripheralManagerService() manager = PeripheralManagerService() i2cDevice i2cDevice = manager.openI2cDevice( = manager.openI2cDevice("i2c_name" "i2c_name", , 0x40 0x40) ) } } // Modify the contents of a single register // Modify the contents of a single register fun fun setRegisterFlag setRegisterFlag(device: I2cDevice (device: I2cDevice, , address: Int) { address: Int) { // Read one register from slave // Read one register from slave var var value = device.readRegByte(address) value = device.readRegByte(address) // Set bit 6 // Set bit 6 value = value value = value or or 0x40 0x40 // Write the updated value back to slave // Write the updated value back to slave device.writeRegByte(address device.writeRegByte(address, , value) value) } }

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SPI SPI ● High performance protocol (up to 1GHz, though typically High performance protocol (up to 1GHz, though typically slower) slower) ● Uses clock signal for transmission Uses clock signal for transmission ● Limited number of devices because of Chip Select pins Limited number of devices because of Chip Select pins

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SPI SPI fun fun configureSpiDevice configureSpiDevice(device: SpiDevice) { (device: SpiDevice) { device.setMode(SpiDevice. device.setMode(SpiDevice.MODE0 MODE0) ) // Low clock, leading edge transfer // Low clock, leading edge transfer device.setFrequency( device.setFrequency(16000000 16000000) ) // 16MHz // 16MHz device.setBitsPerWord( device.setBitsPerWord(8 8) ) // 8 BPW // 8 BPW device.setBitJustification( device.setBitJustification(false false) ) // MSB first // MSB first } }

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SPI SPI // Half-duplex data transfer // Half-duplex data transfer fun fun sendCommand sendCommand(device: SpiDevice (device: SpiDevice, , buffer: ByteArray) { buffer: ByteArray) { // Shift data out to slave // Shift data out to slave device.write(buffer device.write(buffer, , buffer. buffer.size size) ) // Read the response // Read the response val val response = ByteArray( response = ByteArray(32 32) ), , response. response.size size) ) } }

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Drivers Drivers

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Drivers Drivers ● Useful for separation within teams Useful for separation within teams ● Useful if your device allows third party apps to run Useful if your device allows third party apps to run ● Driver developer cares about nitty-gritty low-level details Driver developer cares about nitty-gritty low-level details ● „ „Normal“ Android developer uses stuf as per usual Normal“ Android developer uses stuf as per usual

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Drivers Drivers ● Input Input – Touch events and button presses Touch events and button presses ● Sensors Sensors – Accelerometer, light, proximity… Accelerometer, light, proximity… ● GPS GPS – Maps NMEA strings of sensors to Location objects Maps NMEA strings of sensors to Location objects ● Audio Audio – For playing as well as for recording audio For playing as well as for recording audio

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Drivers - Code Drivers - Code override fun override fun onCreate onCreate() { () { super super.onCreate() .onCreate() inputDriver inputDriver = InputDriver.builder(InputDevice. = InputDriver.builder(InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_BUTTON SOURCE_CLASS_BUTTON) ) .setName( .setName(NAME NAME) ) .setVersion( .setVersion(VERSION VERSION) ) .setKeys( .setKeys(intArrayOf intArrayOf(KeyEvent. (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ESCAPE KEYCODE_ESCAPE)) )) .build() .build() UserDriverManager.getManager().registerInputDriver( UserDriverManager.getManager().registerInputDriver(inputDriver inputDriver) ) } } override fun override fun onDestroy onDestroy() { () { super super.onDestroy() .onDestroy() UserDriverManager.getManager().unregisterInputDriver( UserDriverManager.getManager().unregisterInputDriver(inputDriver inputDriver) ) } } // in your GpioCallback emit the event: // in your GpioCallback emit the event: inputDriver inputDriver.emit .emit(arrayOf(KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ESCAPE)))

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Drivers - Client Drivers - Client override fun override fun onKeyDown onKeyDown(keyCode: Int (keyCode: Int, , event: KeyEvent): Boolean { event: KeyEvent): Boolean { // Handle key pressed and repeated events // Handle key pressed and repeated events return true return true } }

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Why Android Things Why Android Things

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Why Android Things Why Android Things ● Loads of devs know Android Loads of devs know Android ● Also Java / JVM based Also Java / JVM based – Simplifies IoT dev for newcomers, even if unfamiliar with Android Simplifies IoT dev for newcomers, even if unfamiliar with Android – Java was IMHO one important aspect of Android‘s success Java was IMHO one important aspect of Android‘s success ● Huge ecosystem around Android (libraries, Android Studio...) Huge ecosystem around Android (libraries, Android Studio...) ● Firebase integration Firebase integration

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Why Android Things Why Android Things ● Security Security – Android security architecture Android security architecture – OTA updates by Google even for vendor abandonded devices OTA updates by Google even for vendor abandonded devices ● Though the lifespan of this guarantee is not yet defined Though the lifespan of this guarantee is not yet defined

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Why Android Things Why Android Things ● SoM based SoM based – Small module containing CPU, memory, storage and networking Small module containing CPU, memory, storage and networking ● Portability across supported SoM architectures Portability across supported SoM architectures – (still: keep your code independent of specifics!) (still: keep your code independent of specifics!)

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Some Use Cases Some Use Cases ● Agriculture (precision farming, humidity and other sensors…) Agriculture (precision farming, humidity and other sensors…) ● Sensors and monitoring for wind and solar energy plants Sensors and monitoring for wind and solar energy plants ● Financial industries (ATMs, payment and information terminals) Financial industries (ATMs, payment and information terminals) ● Logistics / warehouse robotics Logistics / warehouse robotics ● Public transport (information systems and NFC-based Public transport (information systems and NFC-based monitoring/ticketing) monitoring/ticketing) ● Sensors in production on ships or vehicles of all sorts Sensors in production on ships or vehicles of all sorts – Unless real time requirements are a must [airplanes, trains, safety systems] Unless real time requirements are a must [airplanes, trains, safety systems] ● IoT Edge devices (hubs or bridges) IoT Edge devices (hubs or bridges)

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When not to use Android Things When not to use Android Things ● Anything where energy efficiency is a must Anything where energy efficiency is a must ● Very ressource sensitive projects Very ressource sensitive projects – CPU, memory and storage requirements of Android Things CPU, memory and storage requirements of Android Things ● Real Time Requirements Real Time Requirements ● Anything that must run on unsupported architectures Anything that must run on unsupported architectures

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Back to Coding Back to Coding ● As usual: Starting point is an Activity As usual: Starting point is an Activity ● From here on it depends From here on it depends – With touchscreen With touchscreen ● Nothing changed Nothing changed – Without Without ● You only need onCreate() and onDestroy() You only need onCreate() and onDestroy()

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onCreate() is the new main() onCreate() is the new main() ● It‘s just a fancy starting point It‘s just a fancy starting point ● You might need the context You might need the context

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„ „IoT is all about Data“ IoT is all about Data“ Designing Connected Products, O‘Reilly, 2015 Designing Connected Products, O‘Reilly, 2015 ● That‘s where the Internet part of IoT comes into play That‘s where the Internet part of IoT comes into play – IoT provides data IoT provides data – IoT reacts to data IoT reacts to data

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The The Internet Internet of Things of Things ● Google ofers two products Google ofers two products – Firebase Firebase – Google Cloud IoT Core (currently in beta) Google Cloud IoT Core (currently in beta)

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Firebase with Android Things Firebase with Android Things Note: Firebase Auth is available; only user facing parts are not

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Cloud IoT Core Cloud IoT Core

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Q & A Q & A