Slide 57
Slide 57 text
参考⽂献 LLMマルチエージェント
• 協調効果 Zhang, Hongxin, et al. "Building cooperative embodied agents modularly with large language models." arXiv preprint
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• 協調効果 Zhang, Jintian, Xin Xu, and Shumin Deng. "Exploring collaboration mechanisms for llm agents: A social psychology
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• 協調効果 Sun, Qiushi, et al. "Corex: Pushing the Boundaries of Complex Reasoning through Multi-Model Collaboration." arXiv
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• 対話精度向上 Du, Yilun, et al. "Improving Factuality and Reasoning in Language Models through Multiagent Debate." arXiv
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• 対話精度向上 Smit, Andries, et al. "Are we going MAD? Benchmarking Multi-Agent Debate between Language Models for
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• 対話精度向上 Chen, Justin Chih-Yao, Swarnadeep Saha, and Mohit Bansal. "Reconcile: Round-table conference improves
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• 対話精度向上 Wang, Qineng, et al. "On the Discussion of Large Language Models: Symmetry of Agents and Interplay with
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• LLM multi-agentsサーベイ Xi, Zhiheng, et al. "The rise and potential of large language model based agents: A survey." arXiv
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• LLM multi-agentsサーベイ Talebirad, Yashar, and Amirhossein Nadiri. "Multi-Agent Collaboration: Harnessing the Power of
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