You Don't Need
More Developers
PHP COMMUNITY SUMMIT | AUG 21, 2021 @afilina
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"We need to hire more developers,
but we can't find any!"
You generally don't need more devs. Let's find the
underlying problem to the shortage and solve it.
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Anna Filina
• Coding since 1997
• PHP since 2003
• Legacy archaeology
• Test automation
• Public speaking
• Mentorship
• YouTube videos
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Dig For the
Root Cause
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Why do we need
more developers?
We struggle to keep
up with all the work.
Because things take
a long time to do.
Ask "why" like a kid until you get the root causes.
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Because we have a heavy
development process
Because we need to wait for the
testers to catch up
Because most tasks can't be
delegated to the junior devs
Because this code is hard to
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Code is Hard
to Debug
You can spend the majority of your time debugging. It
usually takes more time to debug the code than to write it.
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"Every hour spent
on defect prevention
will reduce repair time
by 3-10 hours."
- Jones, Capers.
Assessment and control of software risks.
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5 x 3 = 15
15 – 5 = 10
1 hour each day x 3 hours saved on
debugging – initial investment
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5 x 3 = 15
15 – 5 = 10
5 x 10 = 50
50 – 5 = 45
Same, but with 10 hours saved per invested hour.
Equivalent of doubling the team size.
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Clean code has fewer defects.
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This is great!
I don't know what clean
code is.
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• Easy to reason about
• Testable and tested
• Easy to modify
If you need to modify 10 classes to add a tiny feature,
then you're potentially introducing more defects.
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Writing clean code
doesn't take longer.
It appears longer because it takes
time to learn clean code.
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That looks interesting.
Where can I learn this?
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Pair programming.
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Order devs by skill level.
Knowledge gap can be intimidating.
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One shares their screen and both
work on the same problem.
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Most of our time
is spent thinking, not typing.
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Better code means fewer defects.
Learning better code compounds over time.
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Knowledge travels between team members. Add new knowledge
with conferences, pair programming with outside dev, etc.
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But all of this is
Not really. Let's calculate
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Average PHP dev salary:
R$7.400 / month
According to Glassdoor.
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PHP Community Summit:
You can afford to send every single
developer every year, and then some.
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Time saved affords books and even
time to read them at work.
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Wait for Testers
to Catch Up
Wait for Testers to
Catch Up
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A fully automated test suite gives the confidence
to ship straight to production
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Typical non-automated QA process:
I wait 3 months for tester to get to my code.
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Bug found in code I wrote 3 months ago.
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I now need to switch context.
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I don't remember what that feature was all
about, since I did so many things in that time.
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Switch context back.
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Long feedback loop.
Even if it's not three months, manual testing takes long
enough for you to switch contexts and kill productivity.
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Automated tests shorten the feedback loop.
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Wait for Testers
to Catch Up
Can't Delegate
to Juniors
The whole notion of delegating work to
junior developers is misguided.
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Task 1 is easiest. Task 3 is hardest. We
tend to delegate easy stuff to juniors.
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We then let them work alone, in the hopes that
somehow, they will acquire new knowledge over time.
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Hoping that they'll be able to suddenly work on harder tasks
is inefficient, and doesn't guarantee best practices.
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Pair programming makes juniors useful today,
and speeds up their road to senior.
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Pair programming also prevents
the pipeline from drying up.
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✗ ✗
Senior devs will retire, start their own companies, or move
to other roles. More pressure on remaining senior devs.
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Wait for Testers
to Catch Up
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Communication specs through docs is
inefficient and error-prone.
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Behat / Codeception
* Or anything using Gherkin.
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Scenario: User can subscribe with a credit card
Given I selected a subscription level
When I enter valid credit card details
Then I should see a payment receipt
Business people can understand the requirement at a glance.
There's no chance at ambiguity. It's always up-to-date.
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Too many meetings.
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A few people talk, the rest listen to
things that don't concern them.
Invite as few people as possible.
Take notes and share if needed.
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Fewer people make meetings more productive:
more focus, more opportunity to speak.
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Declare recurring no-meeting days.
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You can also ensure that devs have several
consecutive hours to focus on other days.
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Build teams.
Stop assigning one developer per project.
Teams are where the magic happens.
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Real world example: 6 projects / 4 devs = everything on fire.
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Build a team and keep the
other projects in backlog.
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You can also build several teams.
Just don't start all projects at once.
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"Capable of dealing with
competing priorities."
Biggest warning sign in job descriptions.
Translation: we're always on fire.
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Better tooling.
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Company won't give this person direct access, forcing
them into a very inefficient, soul-crushing process.
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• Configure Xdebug
• Use an IDE
• Give people access
* for an even easier setup.
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You don't necessarily need more
You may just need to make them better
at their job and avoid wasting their time.
Start by making the most out of the devs
you already have.