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This Way Up Implementing Effective Navigation

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Effective Navigation • We always know where we are and how to get where we want to go. • There is structure based on the relationships of information. • Navigation mechanisms are predictable, reliable and consistent.

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Consistent Navigation • Eliminates the learning process. • Gives users a sense of mastery. • Makes the device (and Android itself) feel like a cohesive experience that people want to continue to use.

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Information Architecture

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Information Architecture

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Navigation Design Resources Structure in Android App Design (I/O 2013) Designing Effective Navigation index.html

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System Navigation

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Tasks • A task is a collection of activities that users interact with when performing a certain job. • Activities are arranged in a stack (the "back stack") in the order in which they are launched. • A task is not a process. • A task is not an application.

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Simple Task

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Simple Task

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Simple Task

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Simple Task

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Simple Task

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Complex Task (Multiple Applications)

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Complex Task (Multiple Applications)

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Complex Task (Multiple Applications)

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Complex Task (Multiple Applications)

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Complex Task (Multiple Applications)

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Back Button • The current activity is popped from the top of the stack (the activity is finish()ed). • The previous activity in the stack is brought forward (the state of its UI is restored). • Some exceptions: • Dismiss the soft keyboard if visible. • Dismiss any dialogs or floating windows. • Exit any contextual action mode. • Pop any local FragmentManager back stack.

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Back Button

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Back Button

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Back Button

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Back Button

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Back Button

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Back Button

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Home Button • Puts the current task in the background and takes the user directly to the home screen. • Task Affinity allows the home screen to act as a task switcher as well as a launcher. • If a background task with the same affinity as the launch Activity already exists, it is simply brought to the foreground.

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Home Button

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Home Button

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Home Button

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Home Button

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Honeycomb and Beyond

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Recents Button • An efficient way of switching between recently used applications. • Provides a clear navigation path between multiple ongoing tasks.

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Recents UI • Evolution of the home button long-press UI present in legacy Android versions. • Unfortunately a dedicated button and the UI itself is still optional for OEMs building new Android devices.

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Action Bar • Introduced standardised navigation modes for view switching within an activity. • Introduced a new in-app navigation mechanism based on the hierarchical relationships between screens: Up.

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Up Button • Provides consistent structural navigation as opposed to the temporal navigation provided by the system Back button. • Ensures a user always remains within your app. • Should never be present in the topmost (root) activity of your application.

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Up vs Back - Peer Activities with Back

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Up vs Back - Peer Activities with Back

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Up vs Back - Peer Activities with Back

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Up vs Back - Peer Activities with Back

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Up vs Back - Peer Activities with Back

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Up vs Back - Peer Activities with Up

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Up vs Back - Peer Activities with Up

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Up vs Back - Peer Activities with Up

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Up - Creating a New Task

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Up - Creating a New Task

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Up - Creating a New Task

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Up - Creating a New Task

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Up - Creating a New Task

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Up - Creating a New Task

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Up - Creating a New Task

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Implementing Up

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Implementing Up getActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); ... @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case // ... } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); }

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Implementing Up - The Wrong Way getActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); ... @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case // fuck it finish(); } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); }

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What’s Wrong? • We violate the model of structural navigation. • Simply finishing the activity could take us anywhere - it might even take us out of the app! • Android devices provide a Back button for this type of navigation, so your app should not add a Back button to the UI.

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Intent Flags - Why They Suck • It’s not really an API. • Some flags only work in exact combinations. • Many flags are not relevant for most 3rd party apps (unless you’re building a launcher replacement). • Overlap/conflict with activity launchMode. • Confusing documentation. • Implementation can become a process of trial and error.

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No content

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Navigation API

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Navigation API • Native Up navigation for Jelly Bean (API 16) and above. • Based on hierarchical metadata specified for each in your manifest. • The support library provides equivalent functionality for earlier Android versions via NavUtils. • TaskStackBuilder offers additional utilities for cross-task navigation.

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Specifying a Parent Activity (API 16+) Use android:parentActivityName attribute: ... ...

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Specifying a Parent Activity (Support Library) Add the element: ... ...

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Implementing Up getActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); • No additional code is required for API 16+. • A small amount of boilerplate code is required in onOptionsItemSelected(…) if you are supporting earlier Android versions...

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Implementing Up (Support Library) If we know we can never launch the Activity from a different task (i.e. deep link), we can trivially call: @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case NavUtils.navigateUpFromSameTask(this); return true; } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); }

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Implementing Up (Support Library) • If an Activity provides an intent filter that allows other apps to launch it, we need to check for this condition and start a new task (with appropriate back history). • Use NavUtils.shouldUpRecreateTask(…) to check if we need a new task. • Use TaskStackBuilder to create a new task.

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Implementing Up (Support Library) @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case Intent upIntent = NavUtils.getParentActivityIntent(this); if (NavUtils.shouldUpRecreateTask(this, upIntent)) { // This activity is NOT part of this app's task, so create a new task // when navigating up, with a synthesized back stack. TaskStackBuilder.create(this) // Add all of this activity's parents to the back stack .addNextIntentWithParentStack(upIntent) // Navigate up to the closest parent .startActivities(); } else { // This activity is part of this app's task, so simply // navigate up to the logical parent activity. NavUtils.navigateUpTo(this, upIntent); } return true; } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); }

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Supplying Intent Extras (API 16+) If a parent activity expects extras to be supplied, override getParentActivityIntent(): @Override public Intent getParentActivityIntent() {! ! Intent parent = super.getParentActivityIntent(); parent.putExtra(CategoryActivity.ARG_CATEGORY, "books"); return parent; } Or override onPrepareNavigateUpTaskStack(…) for complete control of the task stack.

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Supplying Intent Extras (Support Library) For Up within the same task: Intent upIntent = NavUtils.getParentActivityIntent(this); upIntent.putExtra(CategoryActivity.ARG_CATEGORY, "books"); NavUtils.navigateUpTo(this, upIntent); For a new task stack, use editIntentAt(…): TaskStackBuilder tsb = TaskStackBuilder.create(this) .addParentStack(this); // Add the required Intent extras as appropriate tsb.editIntentAt(tsb.getIntentCount() - 1) .putExtra(CategoryActivity.ARG_CATEGORY, "books"); // Navigate up to the closest parent tsb.startActivities();

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ActionBarCompat • Provides the same native Up functionality as Jelly Bean. • No onOptionsItemSelected(…) boilerplate code is required. Activity (API 16+): getParentActivityIntent() onCreateNavigateUpTaskStack(...) onPrepareNavigateUpTaskStack(...) onNavigateUp() navigateUpTo(...) shouldUpRecreateTask(...) ActionBarActivity (ActionBarCompat): getSupportParentActivityIntent() onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack(...) onPrepareSupportNavigateUpTaskStack(...) onSupportNavigateUp() supportNavigateUpTo(...) supportShouldUpRecreateTask(...)

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Implementing Back

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Implementing Back • Do nothing - the system handles Back for us. • Avoid overriding onBackPressed() unless you have some custom UI state to dismiss - always call the super implementation! • However, we need to ensure we manage the task state and create a “synthetic” back stack in a couple of cases...

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Changes Since Honeycomb (API 11) • The back button's behavior is local to the current task and should not capture navigation across different tasks. • Tasks are rooted at the home screen (launcher).

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The Notification Scenario

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The Notification Scenario

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The Notification Scenario

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The Notification Scenario Any previous task that has affinity with Gmail is replaced entirely

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The Notification Scenario

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The Notification Scenario

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The Notification Scenario • We can’t just push the Gmail message activity on to the current Play Store task - it makes no sense there! • Blindly adding it to any existing task for Gmail will result in an unpredictable task state. • Replacing the task stack entirely makes Back more predictable for users. • The Recents button is the modern mechanism for switching context back to a prior task.

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So Why Fake History?

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So Why Fake History?

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So Why Fake History?

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Hours or days later... So Why Fake History?

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Hours or days later... So Why Fake History?

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Hours or days later... So Why Fake History?

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Hours or days later... WTF? So Why Fake History?

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Deep Link From a Notification or Widget Notification.Builder builder = new Notification.Builder(this) .setContentTitle("Direct Notification") .setContentText("This will 'deep link' into a content activity") .setAutoCancel(true) // Construct a new task stack and supply the pending intent .setContentIntent(TaskStackBuilder.create(this) .addParentStack(ContentViewActivity.class) .addNextIntent(new Intent(this, ContentViewActivity.class) .putExtra(ContentViewActivity.EXTRA_TEXT, "Hello world!")) .getPendingIntent(REQUEST_CODE, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT)); NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); nm.notify("direct_tag",,; Use the same pattern to for a home screen widget to supply RemoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent(…)

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Navigation Drawer

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Navigation Drawer • Recently standardised in the framework Support Library and design guidelines. • Unlike top-level action bar navigation modes it can be accessed from anywhere in your app. • Allows for cross-navigation from lower levels when your app has deep navigation branches.

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Navigation Drawer - Root Level • The drawer indicator should appear alongside the icon or logo in the action bar - tapping it will open or close the drawer. • Navigation targets at the top level should work the same as with tab and list navigation modes - a view switch should occur (typically implemented using Fragments) with no back history created.

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Navigation Drawer - To/From Lower Levels • For activities that don’t have a corresponding entry in the navigation drawer, Up navigation applies as normal. The drawer should be accessible using the bezel swipe gesture only. • Navigation from the drawer should perform a targeted or selective Up and recreate the task: TaskStackBuilder.create(this) .addParentStack(MainActivity.class) .addNextIntent(new Intent(this, MainActivity.class) .putExtra(MainActivity.NAV_POSITION, position)) .startActivities();

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External Activities

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The “Unexpected App” Scenario

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The “Unexpected App” Scenario

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The “Unexpected App” Scenario

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The “Unexpected App” Scenario

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The “Unexpected App” Scenario

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Hours or days later... The “Unexpected App” Scenario

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Hours or days later... WTF? The “Unexpected App” Scenario

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Launching External Activities FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET should be used when launching an activity that represents a logical break in your application flow: Intent externalActivityIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK); externalActivityIntent.setType("image/*"); externalActivityIntent.addFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET); startActivity(externalActivityIntent); Already done for us in ShareCompat: ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.from(this) .setType("text/plain") .setText("I'm sharing!") .startChooser();

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Summary • Embrace modern navigation conventions - don’t just treat your task as an infinite stack of unordered activities. • Include parent activity metadata in your manifest and use the framework navigation APIs provided. • TaskStackBuilder is crucial.

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Summary • Don’t test in isolation and consider all navigation paths in to and out of your app. • The navigation design guidelines are not rules, but you should fully understand them and have good reasons to not adhere to them.

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