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Custom Query Languages: Why? How? @AnjanaVakil - J on the Beach 2017

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HOLA! I’m @AnjanaVakil Software Engineer/DSL-builder, ÜberResearch with input from Tobias Johansson Technical Lead, Valo

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DIMENSIONS Scientific research funding data for funders, researchers, and research organizations.

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VALO Real-time and historical analytics on data streams. Plus beachy conferences.

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WHAT is a Custom Query Language (CQL) ?

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CUSTOM QUERY LANGUAGE (CQL) domain- specific

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CUSTOM QUERY LANGUAGE (CQL) data retrieval & analysis

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CUSTOM QUERY LANGUAGE (CQL) text-based interface

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“ a common text that acts as both executable software and a description that domain experts can read Martin Fowler, Domain Specific Languages

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search grants for "malaria" where funder.acronym="NIH" return categories, years, researchers:[surname] aggregate funding sort by funding DIMENSIONS query language

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VALO query language from /streams/sensors/air group by sampleTime window of 1 minute select sampleTime, sensor, avg(pollution)

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WHY would you want your own CQL ?

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VALO modeling time from historical /streams/tenant/collection/name group by timestamp window of 3 seconds every 1 second select timestamp, count(), sum(value) order by timestamp

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Display from Model DECOUPLING Model from Storage

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DIMENSIONS decoupling SOLR > Elastic ?

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“ Trying to describe a domain using a DSL is useful even if the DSL is never implemented. It can be beneficial just as a platform for communication. Martin Fowler, Domain Specific Languages

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HOW should you design a CQL ?

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1. Clarity 2. Concision 3. Familiarity 4. Responsiveness WHAT MAKES A GREAT USER INTERFACE? 5. Consistency 6. Aesthetics 7. Efficiency 8. Forgiveness

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1. 2. Concision 3. Familiarity 4. the user can easily express what they want 5. 6. Aesthetics 7. Efficiency 8.

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VALO historical data from historical /streams/sensors/air group by sampleTime window of 1 minute select sampleTime, sensor, avg(pollution)

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1. Clarity 2. 3. Familiarity 4. Responsiveness the user doesn’t often need the docs 5. Consistency 6. 7. 8. Forgiveness not

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Unknown source 'articles' Did you mean one of these sources? applications clinical_trials grants patents publications DIMENSIONS error messages

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it will change but no matter how good your design

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Get user feedback ASAP expect & embrace change (as usual) Design for flexibility

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HOW can you implement a CQL ?

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PARSING YOUR CQL Terrence Parr, The Definitive ANTLR4 Reference

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Use a parser generator Prototype quickly, giving up control over some details of lexing/parsing. e.g. ANTLR, parboiled2 PARSING YOUR CQL Roll your own Retain full control over lexing/parsing and internal syntactic representation.

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Use a parser generator Prototype quickly, giving up control over some details of lexing/parsing. e.g. ANTLR, parboiled2 PARSING YOUR CQL Roll your own Retain full control over lexing/parsing and internal syntactic representation.

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ANTLR (v4) Java-based parser generator with targets for various other languages (e.g. Python, JS, …)

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THE ANTLR4 FLOW grammar lexer parser AST listener

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grammar Query; query: target results EOF; target: 'search' name filter?; results: ('return' name)+; name: [a-z]+; ANTLR4 GRAMMAR

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# Generated by ANTLR 4.5 from antlr4 import * class QueryListener: def enterTarget(self, ctx): pass def exitTarget(self, ctx): pass ANTLR4 LISTENER

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Let’s RECAP !

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CUSTOM QUERY LANGUAGES WHY bother An executable model of your domain/logic. Decoupling display, model, and storage. HOW to design Language as interface. Expect & embrace change. HOW to implement Parser generators can speed up prototyping, at the cost of some control.

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GRACIAS! I’m @AnjanaVakil Huge thanks to Tobias Johansson & Valo! Presentation template by SlidesCarnival