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Productionizing big data - stories from the trenches

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Roksolana Diachuk •Engineering manager at Captify •Women Who Code Kyiv Data Engineering Lead •Speaker

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AdTech methodologies deliver the right content at the right time to the right consumer AdTech

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You have your pipelines in production What’s next?

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Types of issues • Low performance • Human errors • Data source errors

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Story #1. Unlucky query

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Problem Drop 13 months of user profiles

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Problem 13 months hour=22042001

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Loading mechanism loader.ImpalaLoaderConfig.periodToLoad: “P5D” loader.ImpalaLoaderConfig.periodToLoad: “P13M” val minTime = currentDay.minus(config.feedPeriod) 
 listFiles.filter(file => file.eventDateTime isAfter minTime)

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Solution loader.ImpalaLoaderConfig.periodToLoad: “P5D” loader.ImpalaLoaderConfig.periodToLoad: “P1M” loader.ImpalaLoaderConfig.periodToLoad: “P13M” …

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Story #2. Missing data

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Data ingestion Data from Partner X Data costs attribution Extractor

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Problem XX Advertiser ID, Language, XX Device Type, …, XX Media Cost (USD) X Advertiser ID, Language, X Device Type, …, X Media Cost (USD)

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Solution • Rename old columns • Reload data for the week

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Solution val colRegex: Regex = “””X (.+)“””.r val oldNewColumnsMapping = df.schema.collect { case oldColdName@colRegex(pattern) => (, (“XX “ + pattern)) } oldNewColumnsMapping.foldLeft(df) { case (data, (oldName, newName)) => data.withColumnRenamed(oldName, newName) }

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XX Advertiser ID, Language, XX Device Type, …, XX Media Cost (USD) Solution

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Story #3. Divide and conquer

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Problem processing_time part-*.parquet filtering aggregations created part-*.parquet

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• Slow processing • Large parquet files • Failing job that consumes lots of resources Problem

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• Write new partitioned state • Run downstream jobs with smaller states • Generate seed partition column - xxhash64(fullUrl, domain) Solution

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processing_time part-*.parquet created bucket=0 part-*.parquet part-*.parquet … bucket=9 part-*.parquet part-*.parquet processing_time part-*.parquet Solution

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Story #4. Catch the evolution train

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Data organisation evolution

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Problem • Missing columns from the source • Impala to Databricks migration speed • Dependency with another team • Unhappy users

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Log-level data Mapper Ingestor Transformer Data costs calculator Data costs attribution

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Data costs attribution Data costs attribution Data extractor Impala loader

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Data costs attribution Data extractor Impala loader Data costs attribution

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Solution XX Advertiser ID, Language, XX Device Type, …, XX Partner Currency, XX CPM Fee (USD) XX Advertiser ID, Language, XX Device Type, …, XX Media Cost (USD) 26 columns 82 columns

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Solution Data extractor New ingestion job

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//final step is writing the data df.write .partitionBy(“event_date”, “event_hour”) .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .parquet(dstPath) Solution

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Why this solution doesn’t work data_feed clicks.csv.gz views.csv.gz activity.csv.gz event_date clicks1.parquet clicks2.parquet

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Impressions Clicks Conversions Attribution data source

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Solution impressions clicks conversions clicks.csv.gz views.csv.gz activity.csv.gz

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Story #5. Cleanup time

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Corrupted data Data from Partner X Ingestor

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Corrupted data Data from Partner X Ingestor IllegalArgumentException: Can't convert value to BinaryType data type

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Solution • Adjust pipeline • Reload data for 3 days on S3 • Relaunch Databricks autoloader

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Current solution impressions videoevents conversions impressions conversions Clicks clicks videoevents

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Current solution impressions conversions clicks videoevents

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Better solution impressions videoevents conversions impressions conversions clicks clicks videoevents

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2. Observability is the key 4. Plan major changes carefully 1. Set up clear expectations with stakeholders Prevention mechanisms 3. Distribute data transformation load

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2. Errors can be prevented 4. Data evolution is hard 1. Data setup is always changing Conclusions 3. There are multiple approaches with different tools

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