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Applying design principles to software development

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Adriaan Fenwick
 User Experience Designer @adriaanfenwick

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Stop making bland things

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Users = most important aspect when building a product. Know your users.
 Understand their needs (and wants).
 Solve their problems.

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Create products that people love. Too many mediocre half-baked products in wild.

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One for all and all for one The Musketeers

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One for all and all for one UX belongs to everyone!
 Break down silos. The Musketeers

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Love triangle

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Love triangle

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Slide 20 text Movie Systems treat users badly “I fight for the Users!”
 - Tron “I'm a User, I'll improvise.”
 - Sam Flynn

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 What are they?

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 What are they? Humans

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 What are they? People

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Users People

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Users People Students Doctors Professionals Employees Patients

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Simple and Usable web, mobile and interaction design by Giles Colborne

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Experts Happy to explore your product or service and to push the limits of what it can do. ! Willing adopters Tempted to use something more sophisticated, but they're not comfortable playing with something entirely new. ! Mainstreamers Don't use technology for its own sake; they use it to get a job done.

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Who are your users? What are they trying to achieve? Make making decisions easier.

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“But this makes sense to me, if the user doesn’t get it they are stupid.”
 - Team member “We don’t need to test the system - I am the user.”
 - Executive member

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Sometimes you have to get creative to get your team to buy into your process Source:

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Needs and wants

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“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
 - Henry Ford

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Needs are important,
 but we often forget about the wants. Usable and useful + pleasurable.

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User Experience (UX) User Experience (UX) involves a person's behaviors, attitudes, and emotions about using a particular product, system or service. User Experience includes the practical, experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human–computer interaction and product ownership. Source:

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User Experience Design (UXD) User experience design (UXD or UED) is the process of enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the customer and the product. Source:

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Want, but don’t really need.

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Need, but don’t really want.

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Uncover needs, while listening to wants. Observe. Ask “Why” until it feels awkward,
 then ask why a few more times.

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Story about a bridge Source:

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A pleasurable experience Connect their needs
 on an emotional level
 with their wants.

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Make special moments Disney and his team had a sharp focus on creating a unique experience that guests could not get anywhere else. This focus on making as many special moments as possible resulted in happy (and repeat) customers. Human beings retain bad memories more than good, so providing happy moments results in people revisiting in a desire to relive or recapture those special moments. Source:

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How do you cater for pleasurability in estimations?

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How do you cater for pleasurability in estimations? SCRUM

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Source: Sometimes it does feels this way

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There is a tension and imbalance
 between ux and agile methodologies. Features are rarely iterated on to improve. User review contain no users.

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Design is iterative by nature. Design creates many solutions to truly solve the problem. Estimation undermine design.

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Understand they are different processes. Staying ahead of the curve is a challenge. Big picture design thinking competes with delivering small business impact value.

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Doesn’t quite fit, does it?

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We need to figure out how we can make it work. SCRUM. AGILE. UX.

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Product discovery: a better way If we want to design better, more useful products, we need to stop designing solutions too early and start instead with product discovery: a process that helps us understand the problem properly so we don’t just design things better, but design better things. Usable yet Useless: Why Every Business Needs Product Discovery,
 by Rian van der Merwe Source:

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Design is messy

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Lean startup and the MVP

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MVP Product

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Lean startup and the MVP Lean in agile dev = Creating donuts without sprinkles.

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Lean startup and the MVP Lean in agile dev = Creating donuts without sprinkles. Stop making bland things

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Lean startup UCD framework at its core.

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Lean startup UCD framework at its core. Measure Learn Build

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Problem with interpretation of MVP. Too often focused on MP and not the V. Usable, useless. Not a pleasant experience.

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Too many half-baked products.
 Too many donuts without sprinkles.

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Laura Klein - UX for Lean Startups

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Introduced the cupcake concept to the Lean Startup world.

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Wedding cake. Not minimum.

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Half-baked / Raw ingredients. Not viable.

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Cupcake. Minimum viable cake.

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Lean startup and the MVP with a better user experience

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Applied to SCRUM (QA Testing process). Sharing with the team. Printed examples based on project.

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Visibility Match Control Consistency Prevention Recognition Flexibility Minimalism Recover Help

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Universal Methods of Design
 Bella Martin
 Bruce Hanington

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Design principles

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Based on goals of product. Selective process - very collaborative. Decision making.

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Design standards

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Enables consistency. Create a vocabulary and visual
 language the team understands. Prevents the perception of interns running
 around behind the scenes.

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Living standards = ui pattern library. Supports autonomy on the team.

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Usability testing

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Take team along to testing = creates empathy. Record video. Document as soon as possible.

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Extensive user testing. Quick guerrilla testing. Remote usability testing.

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UserTesing. Optimal Workshop.

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The ABC’s of Research A (Attitude)
 B (Behavior)
 C (Comprehension) Source:

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Less is more

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“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
 - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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“Simpler than a bike, until you try to ride it” - Simple and Usable by Giles Colborne Not that kind of simple

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New features add complexity. Challenge: each new feature - remove another. If-syndrome.

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“Experts often want features that would horrify mainstreamers” - Simple and Usable by Giles Colborne

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Without sketching and testing,
 it’s like playing pictionary with your users. Can your users guess what to do?

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Inexpensive way to gain feedback. Enables richer vivid conversations. Test assumptions more clearly.

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Whiteboard. Wireframes. Prototypes.

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Source:,_5,_6,_7.jpg Tony Stark knows how
 to prototype and iterate

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@adriaanfenwick Now go rid the world of all the evil donuts!