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Breaking down long tasks

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Poor responsiveness/jankiness

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INP • Why replace FID?

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gives you the worst interaction value, doesn’t tell you whats that worst interaction!

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Find the slow interactions - field data - lab data

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Field data • Pagespeed using CruX • Your RUM Provider • Web vitals JS library

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What to record? • INP value • Responsible element selector • Loading state at the point • Interaction start time • Event type (tap, click, keyboard event)

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Not great INP value! RUM provider showed the bad INP value, but not the interaction causing it.

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Record using web vitals JS library (the attribution build)

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import { onINP } from 'web-vitals/attribution';

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Report the metrics collected to your analytics tool

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Have the field data, yayy! 🎉 But, how to reproduce and fix?

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…comes testing in the lab

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Web vitals chrome extension

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Cannot use extensions? Mobile device? let worstInp = 0; const observer = new PerformanceObserver((list, obs, options) => { for (let entry of list.getEntries()) { if (!entry.interactionId) continue; entry.renderTime = entry.startTime + entry.duration; worstInp = Math.max(entry.duration, worstInp); console.log('[Interaction]', entry.duration, `type: ${} interactionCount: ${performance.interactionCount}, worstInp: ${worstInp}`, entry, options); } }); observer.observe({ type: 'event', durationThreshold: 0, // 16 minimum by spec buffered: true });

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Still no luck? Performance profile, here I come!

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- Input delays? - Expensive event callbacks?

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startTransition() API

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rendering the updates can be the most challenging! (a.k.a presentation delay)

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Large DOM sizes Leads to Style recalculation

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Forced reflows – CSS selector complexity .box:nth-last-child(-n+1) .title { /* styles */ }

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Long tasks API • Tells you a long task happened and took this long, but doesn't tell what might have caused it. – Basic attribution model • Doesn't count the rendering updates time, happens in a different task.

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Long Animation frames observer.observe({ type: 'long-animation-frame', buffered: true });

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• Name • Event type • Timing data • Window attribution etc. Better attribution

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Origin trials for LoAF

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Strategies to yield to the main thread

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Deferred events pushed to the end of the queue?

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scheduler .yield()

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Scheduler .postTask()

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scheduler .postTask(method, {priority: ‘user-blocking’ }) scheduler .postTask(method, {priority: ‘user-visible’ }) scheduler .postTask(method, {priority: ‘background’ })

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Quick recap: • INP – pending CWV for March 2024 • Gives good attribution data to diagnose • Leads you to measure field data using web vitals JS library for example • We should then use lab tools to reproduce the slowness • Understanding delays in the browser • Strategies to fix the main thread blocking.

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thank you!