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@timriley @dry_rb @icelab @rom_rb

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“Programmers at work maintaining a Ruby on Rails application” Eero Järnefelt, Oil on canvas, 1893

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Next-generation web apps with dry-rb, rom-rb, and Roda

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dry-rb rom-rb roda

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Functional Ruby ➡

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Functions as values Immutability Avoid side-effects

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Functional objects

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class CreateArticle def call(input) end end

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class CreateArticle def call(input) output = some_action output end end

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Separate data
 from behaviour

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class CreateArticle attr_reader :repo def initialize(repo) @repo = repo end def call(input) repo.create(input) end end

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# Initialize once create_article = # Reuse many times create_article.(title: "Hello World") create_article.(title: "Hello Singapore")

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14 gems,
 20 minutes,
 1 app ⏱

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GET /articles

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Routing & HTTP Object dependency management Views Database queries Data modelling 1 2 3 4 5

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Routing & HTTP dry-web & roda GET /articles 1

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> gem install dry-web-roda > dry-web-roda new blog

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class Blog < Dry::Web::Application route do |r| r.get "articles" do r.view "articles.index" end end end

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Object dependency management dry-component &
 dry-container GET /articles 2

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r.view "articles.index" Blog::Container["views.articles.index"] # # lib/views/articles/index.rb

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require $LOAD_PATH

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Views dry-view GET /articles 3

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class Index < Blog::View configure do |config| config.template = "articles/index" end def locals(options = {}) {} end end

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Object dependency management dry-auto_inject GET /articles 2

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class Index < Blog::View configure do |config| config.template = "articles/index" end def locals(options = {}) {} end end

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class Index < Blog::View configure do |config| config.template = "articles/index" end include Blog::Import["blog.repositories.articles"] def locals(options = {}) super.merge(articles: articles.listing) end end

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Database queries rom &
 rom-repository GET /articles 4

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Define a boundary

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module Articles class Repository < ROM::Repository[:articles] def listing articles.published.to_a end end end

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Database queries rom-sql GET /articles 4

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module Relations class Articles < ROM::Relation[:sql] def published where(published: true) end end end

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module Articles class Repository < ROM::Repository[:articles] def listing articles.published.to_a end end end

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module Articles class Repository < ROM::Repository[:articles] def listing end end end

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Data modelling dry-types GET /articles 5

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class Article < Dry::Types::Struct attribute :title, Types::Strict::String attribute :body, Types::Strict::String attribute :published_at, Types::Strict::Time end

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class Index < Blog::View configure do |config| config.template = "articles/index" end include Blog::Import["blog.repositories.articles"] def locals(options = {}) super.merge(articles: articles.listing) end end

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ol - articles.each do |article| li = article.title Blog::Container["views.articles.index"].()
  1. Hello Singapore
  2. Hello World

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class Blog < Dry::Web::Application route do |r| r.get "articles" do r.view "articles.index" end end end

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GET /articles

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Routing & HTTP dry-web & roda Object dependency management dry-component, -container & -auto_inject Views dry-view Database queries rom, rom-sql & rom-repository Data modelling dry-types 1 2 3 4 5

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POST /articles

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Validation Database commands Success & error handling 1 2 3

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class MyApp < Dry::Web::Application route do |r| "articles" do r.resolve "operations.create_article" do |create| create.(r[:article]) end end end end

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r.resolve "operations.create_article" Blog::Container["operations.create_article"] # # lib/operations/create_article.rb

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class CreateArticle def call(input) result = Validation::ArticleSchema.(input) end end

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Validation dry-validation POST /articles 1

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module Validation ArticleSchema = Dry::Validation.Form do required(:title).filled(min_size?: 3) required(:body).filled required(:published).filled(:bool?) required(:published_at).filled(:time?) end end

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input = { "published" => "1", "published_at" => "2016-05-24 16:30" } ArticleSchema.(input).to_h { published: true, published_at: 2016-05-24 16:30:00 +1000 }

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ArticleSchema.("published" => "1").messages { :title => [ "is missing", "size cannot be less than 5"], :body => ["is missing"], :published_at => ["is missing"] }

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class CreateArticle include Blog::Import["repositories.articles"] def call(input) result = Validation::ArticleSchema.(input) if result.success? articles.create(result) end end end

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class CreateArticle include Blog::Import["repositories.articles"] def call(input) result = Validation::ArticleSchema.(input) if result.success? articles.create(result) end end end

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Database commands rom, rom-repository POST /articles 2

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module Relations class Articles < ROM::Relation[:sql] schema(:articles) do attribute :id, Types::Serial attribute :title, Types::String attribute :body, Types::String attribute :published, Types::Bool attribute :published_at, Types::Time end end end

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module Articles class Repository < ROM::Repository[:articles] commands :create end end

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def call(input) result = Validation::ArticleSchema.(input) if result.success? attrs = articles.create(validation) end end

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Success & failure handling dry-monads &
 dry-result_matcher POST /articles 3

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include Dry::Monads::Either::Mixin include Dry::ResultMatcher.for(:call) def call(input) validation = Validation::ArticleSchema.(input) if validation.success? result = articles.create(validation) Right( else Left(validation) end end

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Slide 58 text do r.resolve "operations.create_article" do |create| create.(r[:article]) do |m| m.success do r.redirect "/articles" end m.failure do |validation| r.view "", validation: validation end end end end

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Slide 59 text do r.resolve "operations.create_article" do |create| create.(r[:article]) do |m| m.success do r.redirect "/articles" end m.failure do |validation| r.view "", validation: validation end end end end

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POST /articles

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Validation dry-validation Database commands rom, rom-sql, rom-repository Success & error handling dry-monads & dry-result_matcher 1 2 3

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New article form
 for admins

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Isolated testing

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Fast testing!

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Email articles to subscribers

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c llbacks

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Blog::Transactions.define do |t| t.define "transactions.create_article" do step :create, with: "operations.create_article" step :notify, with: "operations.notify_subscribers" end end

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Blog::Transactions.define do |t| t.define "transactions.create_article" do step :create, with: "operations.create_article" step :notify, with: "operations.notify_subscribers" end end

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Blog::Transactions.define do |t| t.define "transactions.create_article" do step :create, with: "operations.create_article" step :notify, with: "operations.notify_subscribers" end end

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create_article.(r[:article]) do |m| m.success do r.redirect "/articles" end m.failure :create do |errors| r.view "", validation: errors end m.failure :notify do |error| # ... end end

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Founded on simplicity

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Small components, single focus Easy to understand, reuse, test

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Designed for
 the domain

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A change-positive architecture

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A change-positive app is maintainable

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A change-positive app is sustainable

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A change-positive app is joyful

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An investment
 in Ruby

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Jeremy Evans and many more! ❤ Andy Holland Piotr Solnica

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hanami trailblazer

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Slide 83 text / dry-rdrc