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Reusing Web-enabled Actuators from a Semantic Space-based Perspective Aitor Gómez Goiri, Iñigo Goiri, Diego López-de-Ipiña July 2, 2014

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Outline 1 - Introduction 2 - Baseline actuation techniques 3 - Comparison 4 - Hybrid actuation 5 - Conclusions

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Background Introduction

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Background Introduction

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Background Introduction

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Background Introduction

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Background Introduction

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Heterogeneity challenge Introduction

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Interoperability Introduction > Heterogeneity The IEEE defines interoperability as The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged.

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Interoperability Introduction > Heterogeneity The IEEE defines interoperability as The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged.

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Interoperability: use info Introduction > Heterogeneity

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Interoperability: use info (solution) Introduction > Heterogeneity

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Interoperability: exchange info Introduction > Heterogeneity The IEEE defines interoperability as The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged.

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Exchange info 1: the Web Introduction > Heterogeneity

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Exchange info 1: the Web Introduction > Heterogeneity

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Exchange info 1: the Web Introduction > Heterogeneity

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Exchange info 2: Tuple Spaces Introduction > Heterogeneity

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Exchange info 2: Tuple Spaces Introduction > Heterogeneity

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Baseline actuation techniques How to make a change in the environment? (2/5)

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces in UbiComp Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces in UbiComp Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces in UbiComp Baseline actuation techniques

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Patterns for Tuple Spaces in UbiComp Baseline actuation techniques

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HTTP API Baseline actuation techniques P O S T / b l a d e s H T T P / 1 . 1 H o s t : s m a r t f a n . e u t r u e

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REST/Hypermedia-driven HTTP API Baseline actuation techniques

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REST/Hypermedia-driven HTTP API Baseline actuation techniques

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REST/Hypermedia-driven HTTP API Baseline actuation techniques

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RESTdesc Baseline actuation techniques

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RESTdesc Baseline actuation techniques

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RESTdesc Baseline actuation techniques

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RESTdesc Baseline actuation techniques

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RESTdesc Baseline actuation techniques O P T I O N S / d e u s t o t e c h / l i g h t s H T T P / 1 . 1 H o s t : d e u s t o . e u H T T P / 1 . 0 2 0 0 O K D a t e : S a t , 1 4 J u n 2 0 1 4 2 1 : 2 2 : 0 1 G M T C o n t e n t - t y p e : t e x t / n 3 ; c h a r s e t = U T F - 8 C o n t e n t - L e n g t h : 5 1 2 { a c t u a t o r s : l i g h t s s n : m a d e O b s e r v a t i o n ? l i g h t _ o b s . } = > { _ : r e q u e s t h t t p : m e t h o d N a m e " G E T " ; h t t p : r e q u e s t U R I ? l i g h t _ o b s ; h t t p : r e s p [ h t t p : b o d y ? l i g h t _ o b s ] . ? l i g h t _ o b s a s s n : O b s e r v a t i o n ; s s n : o b s e r v e d P r o p e r t y s w e e t : L i g h t ; . . .

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RESTdesc Baseline actuation techniques

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RESTdesc Baseline actuation techniques

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RESTdesc Baseline actuation techniques

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RESTdesc Baseline actuation techniques

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RESTdesc Baseline actuation techniques

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Motivation Baseline actuation techniques

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Comparison (3/5)

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General properties and requirements Comparison Actuation Communication style Benefits Required features Space-based Indirect Decoupling Subscriptions REST-based Direct Reuse Rule-based reasoning

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General properties and requirements Comparison Actuation Communication style Benefits Required features Space-based Indirect Decoupling Subscriptions REST-based Direct Reuse Rule-based reasoning

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General properties and requirements Comparison Actuation Communication style Benefits Required features Space-based Indirect Decoupling Subscriptions REST-based Direct Reuse Rule-based reasoning

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Driving scenario Comparison

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Networking activity Comparison

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Experimental environment Comparison Platform Raspberry Pi (model B) RAM Memory 512 MB CPU 700 MHz Low Power ARM1176JZ-F Applications Processor

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Computing activity Comparison seconds

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Summary Comparison Actuation Perspective Activity Networking Computation Space-based Provider Proactive, limited Limited Consumer Proactive, limited Limited Space Reactive, high Varies REST-based Provider Reactive, limited Limited Consumer Proactive, high Demanding

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Summary Comparison Actuation Perspective Activity Networking Computation Space-based Provider Proactive, limited Limited Consumer Proactive, limited Limited Space Reactive, high Varies REST-based Provider Reactive,limited Limited Consumer Proactive, high Demanding

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Summary Comparison Actuation Perspective Activity Networking Computation Space-based Provider Proactive, limited Limited Consumer Proactive, limited Limited Space Reactive, high Varies REST-based Provider Reactive, limited Limited Consumer Proactive, high Demanding

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Hybrid actuation Could we seamlessly reuse web actuators from space- based perspective? (4/5)

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Interoperation Hybrid actuation

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Interoperation Hybrid actuation

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Interoperation Hybrid actuation

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Proposed solution Hybrid actuation

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Proposed solution Hybrid actuation

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Proposed solution Hybrid actuation

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Discussion Hybrid actuation 1. Obtaining background knowledge 2. Triggering REST actuation 3. From a subscription to result to goal More general from task to result.

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Conclusions and Future Work Seamless reuse in simple scenario /reusingWebActuatorsFromSemanticSpace Further investigation with more complex scenarios is needed Is the translation between the subscriptions and the goal always possible? If the plan has 2 or more paths to achieve a goal, which one should we chose? What if two different actuators from space-based and rest-based actuation can be activated?

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Questions? Aitor Gómez Goiri aitor.gomez (at) deusto (dot) es

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All rights of images are reserved by the original owners*, the rest of the content is licensed under a Creative Commons by-sa 3.0 license. * leogg, rduris, williamtheaker and cibo00.

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Backup slides

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Space uncoupling Tuple Spaces

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Space uncoupling Tuple Spaces

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Time uncoupling Tuple Spaces

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Time uncoupling Tuple Spaces

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Time uncoupling Tuple Spaces

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Time uncoupling Tuple Spaces