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Style Guides, Pattern Libraries and Code Standards @anna_debenham Front-End Developer

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@anna_debenham Front-End Developer Style Guides, Pattern Libraries and Code Standards

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Susan Robertson on Editorially’s Style Guide “…all that historical mileage is documented so that everyone can see why they're doing it the way they're doing it and all the things they've thought about to get there.”

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Types of Style Guide

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Branding/Identity Guidelines Penguin Group

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Print Guidelines NHS

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No content

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Content/editorial guidelines Mailchimp

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Coding Standards GitHub

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Front-end style guides Yelp

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One deliverable to rule them all

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Exploration Build Design Interface Inventory Brad Frost’s “…a comprehensive collection of the bits and pieces that make up your interface.”

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Brad Frost

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Brad Frost • Global elements • Navigation • Image types • Icons • Forms • Buttons • Headings • Media Objects • Lists • Interactive Components • Media • 3rd Party Widgets • Advertising • Messaging • Colors • Animation

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Exploration Build Design Style Tiles Samantha Warren’s “…a way to facilitate a conversation around options without necessarily designing a picture of what their website would look like.”

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The Examiner

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The Examiner

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The Examiner

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The Examiner

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The Examiner

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The Examiner

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The Examiner

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The Examiner, Samantha Warren

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Exploration Build Design Element Collages Dan Mall’s “…a collage of elements that some of those pieces I think captured their brand really well… we were able to have a good conversation about things like that.”

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Reading Is Fundamental

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Dan Mall on Radio Free Europe “…they were really interested in how their site looked across different devices and different screen sizes and just different ways 
 to access it…”

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Code for America (Clearleft)

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Code for America (Clearleft)

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Code for America (Clearleft)

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Exploration Build Design Style Prototype Jeremy Loyd’s “…They can speed up site production, and they give a client an exciting early look at design elements.”

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Jeremy Loyd on Style Prototypes “…we would typically try to create a Style Prototype when site planning is still in the works.”

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Exploration Build Design CSS Guidelines Harry Roberts’s “…all developers should strive for a degree of standardisation in their code.”

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Exploration Build Design Pattern Primer Jeremy Keith’s “…This idea of a pattern library has definitely been, I'd say, the most important development when it comes to front end deliverables.”

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Exploration Build Design Pattern Primer Jeremy Keith’s “…This idea of a pattern library has definitely been, I'd say, the most important development when it comes to front end deliverables.”

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Front-end Style Guide Pattern Library/Primer Content/Editorial Guidelines Code Standards

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Natalie Downe’s Pattern Portfolio

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Natalie Downe’s Pattern Portfolio

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Jeremy Keith’s Pattern Primer

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Jeremy Keith on Clearleft’s Pattern Libraries “…We’ll also give you some pages, but these pages, they're not the deliverable; these pages are just examples of the pattern library in action.”

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What they achieve

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“…they publish 150 different sites over sixty countries… so a strong style guide… was going to be really crucial to them.” Tackling complexity Dan Mall on Radio Free Europe

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“QA uses it a lot… the front-end developers and the engineering teams all refer to it on a regular basis so it's actually really kind of crucial to our entire workflow…” Quality Assurance Federico Holgado Mailchimp’s Style Guide

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“I think when you're iterating quickly on an application… you abandon a module for something totally different… so I was able to clean a lot of that up…” Reduced Redundancy Susan Robertson Built Editorially’s Style Guide

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Chris Coyier’s CodePen

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Chris Coyier’s CodePen “You think you just have a handful of button styles. Then you take an inventory.”

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“There's not that extra step of getting approvals for a design comp and then having to come back and go, "Yeah, so I know we showed X in the design comp but it really came out kind of Y.” Realistic Representations Dave Olsen worked on Pattern Lab

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“Marriott… is a huge organisation with tons of digital teams and they actually have a team of four or five people who are paid to maintain their standards…” Maintainability Susan Robertson Built Editorially’s Style Guide

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“…some of these people have been jailed or have been hanged just for accessing their website. So we can't have a page loading in thirty seconds; that just can't fly.” Performance Budget Dan Mall on Radio Free Europe

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Lonely Planet

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“…in twenty minutes, we had built a system that was responsive; it looked great on mobile and it was nice to look at.” Tool for Rapid Prototyping Federico Holgado on Mailchimp’s Style Guide

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Dan Mall on Element Collages “Don't rely heavily on a deliverable to solve this for you: rely on your listening skills to solve it for you.”

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Jina worked on Salesforce’s style guide “Putting it off to the end or treating it as a separate thing is just asking for it to just sort of die on the vine or just become outdated and obsolete.”

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A List Apart

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How to make one

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Code for America

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Code for America

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Code for America

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Code for America

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Code for America

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Code for America

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Code for America

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/styles accordion.scss header.scss buttons.scss … header.html buttons.html accordion.html /patterns … HTML SCSS SCSS SCSS SCSS HTML HTML HTML

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main.css /styles … /patterns … CSS HTML SCSS SCSS SCSS SCSS HTML HTML HTML header.html buttons.html accordion.html accordion.scss header.scss buttons.scss

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main.css /styles … /patterns … CSS HTML SCSS SCSS SCSS SCSS HTML HTML HTML header.html buttons.html accordion.html CSS styleguide.css + accordion.scss header.scss buttons.scss

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/patterns … HTML HTML HTML HTML click me click me item 1 item 2 item 3 Header header.html buttons.html accordion.html click me click me click me click me

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click me click me item 1 item 2 item 3 Header click me click me click me click me AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQ

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click me click me Header click me click me click me click me AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQ Header Header Header Header

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item 1 item 2 item 3 Header click me click me click me click me click me click me

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 Your standard form button.
 :hover - Highlights when hovering.
 :disabled - Dims the button when disabled.
 .primary - Indicates button is the primary action.
 .smaller - A smaller button
 Styleguide 1.1 
 */ button { … }
 button.primary:hover { … }
 button.smaller { … }
 button:hover { … }
 button:disabled { … } KSS

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What to include

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Basic Elements Mapbox

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Basic Elements Paul Lloyd’s Barebones

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“…I fall into this trap all the time… I want to deliver everything.” Patterns Dan Mall worked on Radio Free Europe’s style guide

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Markup Salesforce

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Markup Salesforce

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Markup South Tees Hospital

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Markup South Tees Hospital

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Styles Salesforce

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Styles Salesforce

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Extremes Code for America

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Extremes Code for America

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Extremes Code for America

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Notes Wellcome Trust Intranet

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Notes Wellcome Trust Intranet

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Notes Wellcome Trust Intranet

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Notes Wellcome Trust Intranet

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Notes Wellcome Trust Intranet

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Colour Swatches Code for America

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Colour Swatches Code for America

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Grids Mailchimp

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Grids Starbucks

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Grids Starbucks

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Grids Starbucks

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Interaction Salesforce

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Interaction Google’s Material Design

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Localisation University of Surrey

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Localisation University of Surrey

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Localisation University of Surrey

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Navigation Code for America

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Navigation Code for America

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Living style guides

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Jina “Zombie style guides — style guides that aren't maintained and part of your process. 
 they die and rot. 
 they eat your brains.”

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Rizzo, by Lonely Planet

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Lonely Planet

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Lonely Planet

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Ian Feather on Lonely Planet’s Style Guide “I've made two style guides before this one at Lonely Planet, both of which went out of date very rapidly and were never used ever again. This one doesn't go out of date and it means we don't need to actually maintain it.”

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Next steps

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“…you guys are going to live with it for a month or two and then we're going to come back and we're going to assess what worked and what didn't and help you fix it.” Revisit Dan Mall worked on Radio Free Europe’s style guide

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“…sharing was one part and the other part was we really just needed to keep ourselves honest…” Make it public Federico Holgado on Mailchimp’s Style Guide

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“…when I saw it I thought it was beautiful and it's why I wanted to join this team.” Make it public Jina on Salesforce’s Style Guide

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“…we have had people apply who've known about Rizzo, who've known about the style guide, and that's been a really nice thing…” Make it public Ian Feather on Lonely Planet’s Style Guide

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“I think our standards for what a style guide needs to look like are based on all the ones that are public and all the ones that are public have designers behind them who wouldn't let them be public unless they were beautiful!” It doesn’t have to be pretty Susan Robertson built Editorially’s style guide

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Slide 133 text Thanks for listening! £2 podcast and transcripts e-book 300+ resources

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Slide 134 text Thanks for listening! £2 podcast and transcripts e-book 300+ resources