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Event-based Camera Simulation using Monte Carlo Path Tracing with Adaptive Denoising Yuta Tsuji (Waseda University) Tatsuya Yatagawa (Hitotsubashi University) Hiroyuki Kubo (Chiba University) Shigeo Morishima (Waseda University) Rendering Events

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Unlike ordinary RGB camera..., l It captures changes in brightness (see video below) l Shutter can be fired asynchronously on each pixel (high-speed and save battery) l High dynamic range, as high as 140dB (cf., RGB = 60dB) What’s the event-based camera? Sony, Inc. | Event-based Vision Sensor (EVS) to detect only changes in moving subjects: Ordinary RGB camera Event-based camera #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 2

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Applications of event-based cameras Ultimate SLAM (SLAM with UAV) [Vidal et al., IEEE RAL 2018] Tracing for fast moving objects [Mitrokhin et al., IROS 2018] High framerate Edge detection & Save power #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 3

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Though there are many important applications..., l No event-based camera simulator based on Monte Carlo path tracing (though there’re some image-based simulator) l We cannot obtain physically accurate event videos from 3D synthetic scenes #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 Challenges Event video 3D scene RGB video Image-based simulator MC path tracing Possible approach with conventional techniques 4

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Unfortunately, NOT, because, l Image-based simulator requires clean video frames l However, getting clean frames with path tracing (PT) is extremely time-consuming Does conventional technique work? Input video (obtained by path PT) Output from image-based simulator (ESIM) #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 5

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With noisy video frames of path tracing, get a clean event video #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 6 Goal & Contributions Our method Contributions: l Apply weighted linear regression (WLR) denoising for robust event detection l Derive a threshold for the residual of WLR to detect events Input video (obtained by path PT)

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Denoising with weighted local regression (WLR) Pixel attributes (G-buffer) Color (3D) Position (3D) Normal (3D) (In our method, it’s 9D) #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 7 Input Denoised Question: Does using denoising before image-based event simulation suffice? Originally proposed by [Moon et al., ACM TOG, 2014]

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Does denoising work for event detection? ESIM + WLR Input WLR denoised #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 8 As these videos indicate, the straightforward combination of denoising and image-based event simulation does not work

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Threshold the residual of WLR, rather than thresholding brightness changes #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 9 Our solution Time Residue Time Brightness The thunder mark “ ” represents the frame where event occurs Residue threshold: 𝛿 Brightness threshold: 𝜏 Prior approach Our approach

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Residual thresholding #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 10 WLR residual [Moon et al., ACM TOG 2014] Refer to our paper for the derivation for the relationship: 𝛿 = 𝜏" 𝑅 𝑥; 𝛼, 𝛃 = ) !∈#(%) 𝑤! 𝛼 − 𝛃' 𝐜% − 𝐜! ( 𝐜! : pixel attribute at 𝑥 𝛼, 𝛃 : WLR model parameters 𝑤" : weight for pixel 𝑝 𝑁(𝑥) : neighboring pixels of 𝑥 What we do is: l Solve WLR at time 𝑡 to obtain 𝛼) and 𝛃) l At another frame 𝑠, only evaluate 𝑅(𝑥; 𝛼), 𝛃)) for pixels 𝑥 of 𝑠 l Threshold 𝑅(𝑥; 𝛼), 𝛃)) with 𝛿 to detect events

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Why is residue thresholding good? l Our method solves WLR only at the frame where a new event occurs l At other frames, we only calculate the residual of the WLR model #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 11 Time Residual Time Brightness Residual threshold: 𝛿 Brightness threshold: 𝜏 Prior approach Our approach Where we need to solve WLR → So, our method solves WLR only at much fewer frames

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For several 3D scenes, we compare the event videos of methods l Input: Noisy input frames obtained by 32-spp MC path tracing l Reference: Clean frames obtained by 4096-spp MC path tracing (we assume events obtained by this is sufficiently accurate) Experiment Scene #1: San Miguel (4096spp) n 4096-spp reference → 18 hours Timing* n 32-spp input → 18 min Scene #2: Living room (4096spp) n 4096-spp reference → 15 hours Timing* n 32-spp input → 9 min * 200✕200 pixels, 240 frames on computed with 3.6 GHz Intel i9-9900K (8 cores) #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 12

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WLR+ESIM ESIM Ours Reference (Event, 4096 spp) ESIM WLR+ESIM Ours Time (sec) 3 275 194 F-score 0.789 0.914 0.916 Chamfer dist.(CD) 0.00060 0.00024 0.00021 Refer to our paper for definitions of F- score, and CD. Reference (RGB, 4096 spp) Scene #1: San Miguel ESIM Qualitatively and quantitatively, our method performs the best #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 13

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WLR+ESIM ESIM Ours Reference (Event, 4096 spp) ESIM WLR+ESIM Ours Time (sec) 3 231 135 F-score 0.450 0.712 0.739 Chamfer dist.(CD) 0.029 0.0072 0.00089 Refer to our paper for definitions of F- score, and CD. Reference (RGB, 4096 spp) Scene #2: Living room ESIM Again, our method performs the best qualitatively and quantitatively #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 14

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l Our event camera simulation is fully based on Monte Carlo path tracing, thus accurately reproducing physical behavior of light transport. l The key contribution of this study is thresholding for the residual of WLR, which avoids noise due to the lack of samples. l With the same sample budget, our method outperforms alternative baselines, such as ESIM and that combined with WLR. Conclusion Visit our GitHub: Code, Dataset, Results, etc. #1269, MA.PB: Denoising, 9th Oct., 11:00 - 12:30 15