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A Nerves history from a non- embedded developers team, building a world-class IoT for AI product Alfonso Gonzalez a.k.a @phonnz [email protected]

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A Nerves history from a non-embedded developers team, building a world-class IoT for AI product A history of embedded systems made easy by Elixir & Nerves! Actually neither Embedded nor Erlang/Elixir.

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Embedded systems made easy with Elixir & Nerves! Go for it! Nerves-Project made super approachable Embedded systems!!!

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Embedded systems made easy with Elixir & Nerves! Go for it! Nerves-Project made super approachable Embedded systems!!! No so technical talk

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> Our Product > Team Scene > Iterations > Why Nerves ? > Nerves Process Agenda

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the_magic_keys = Our Product |> Team Scene |> Iterations |> Why Nerves? |> Nerves Process Agenda

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Phonnz - +10 yrs software development - ASM - Desktop Applications - Web Development - Building Teams & Embedded Applications

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Elixir taught me about concurrency and fault tolerance 💟

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Team Scene The team didn’t know anything about embedded systems. - Hardware background - Web Development experience “Oh! We can communicate via SSH” … “Why not to write a webserver?”

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Step 1 - Sensors & controllers via GPIO - Gstreamer video recorder - SSH management - SCP file uploading

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Step 1 - Sensors & controllers via GPIO - Gstreamer video recorder - SSH management - SCP file uploading

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Step 2 - Remote control over the network - Remote upgrades - POST data to main server

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Reliable (?) Almost every exception results in reboot

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Step 3 - Robust application manager - Robust remote upgrades *not easy for the team

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> Elixir > OTP > Good Learning Resources > Community

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Approachable! Was so easy to jump into Embedded applications. (Embedded systems as well)

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> Elixir > OTP > Good Learning Resources > Community

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def amazing_development_experience() do Elixir |> OTP |> Good Learning Resources |> Community end

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Circuits GPIO fwup VintageNet Slipstream nerves console ring_logger

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We really need to record video so we need GStreame r but not only that, we need our encoder

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- Required omx encoder - Old Gstreamer version FAIL!

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Stable Solution (?) - Raspbian - Docker - Omx encoder - Runtime tricks

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This is not WORKING! we need to compile a Custom System

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Stable Solution (again?) - Nerves 32 bits - Gstreamer - Omx encoder

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Nerves 64 bits! - Last Linux kernel - Gstreamer - No more GPU encoder - Concurrent Encoding

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Circuits GPIO fwup VintageNet Slipstream nerves console Ring_logger gstreamer muontrap docker Exqlite

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Now we want to be SECURE! but now we need … Java ? CGroups ?

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Circuits UART Circuits GPIO fwup VintageNet Slipstream nerves console Ring_logger gstreamer muontrap :observer cubDB poncho apps

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Community 💟

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Thanks Jose Vicente Rodriguez And all the community supporters Frank Hunleth

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The magic keys! … and the most important Find your learning resources Docs, elixir school, video, blogs Embrace the community! Slack, elixir forum, meetups This is not magic

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Lose the Hardware Fear! Start Now! Elixir ecosystem community is amazing!

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Embedded systems made easy with Elixir & Nerves! Go for it! Nerves-Project made super approachable Embedded systems!!!

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Embedded systems made easy with Elixir & Nerves! Go for it! Nerves-Project made super approachable Embedded Systems!!!

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Go for it! Nerves-Project made super approachable Embedded Systems!!! Q&A @phonnz [email protected]