A presentation by @stuherbert
for @GanbaroDigital
API Versioning For Software Libraries
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Industry veteran: architect, engineer,
leader, manager, mentor
F/OSS contributor since 1994
Talking and writing about PHP
since 2004
Chief Software Archaeologist
Building Quality @GanbaroDigital
About Stuart
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Follow me
I do tweet a lot about
non-tech stuff though :)
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Do you create and publish
Composer packages?
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What versioning scheme
do you use?
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Have you ever put out
a new version of your package
with substantial b/c breaks?
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I'm here to talk about
the consequences
of b/c breaks in packages.
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And to share
a different approach
from my own packages.
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This is just my own approach.
Other approaches exist.
I'm here to learn from you too!
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In This Talk ...
1. Semantic Versioning
2. Modularity
3. Consequences
4. Library Packages
5. Dev Tools
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Current Practice
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X.Y.Z versioning scheme
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Fix a bug?
Increment Z.
1.1.0 -> 1.1.1
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Add a new feature?
Increment Y, reset Z.
1.1.1 -> 1.2.0
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Add a major feature?
Or break backwards-compability?
Increment X, reset Y & Z.
1.2.0 -> 2.0.0
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is a modern take
on old-skool versioning.
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Why semver?
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The semver rules
are a contract between
package maintainers
and library users.
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“Library users should be able
to upgrade to the latest
X.*.* release
without changing their code.
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1.0.0 -> 1.59.46
should be
a hands-off upgrade.
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That is a very high bar
for package maintainers to meet.
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Because of
backwards-compatibility breaks.
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What is a
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Changing any existing API.
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Changing the behaviour
of any existing API.
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Fixing a bug.
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Adding deprecated warnings
to any existing API.
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the package's dependencies.
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Changing the supported
PHP version(s).
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Breaking b/c
has major consequences
for library-users.
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That's why the semver rules
require package maintainers
to bump the 'X' version number.
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What's the knock-on effect
if you change your package's
major version number?
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Hold that thought.
We'll answer that
a little later on.
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Most mainstream
programming languages
are not modular.
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Libraries are loaded
into a shared symbol table.
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Schemes like namespacing
still use
the shared symbol table.
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Schemes like 'friends'
simply add access controls.
They don't partition
the shared symbol table.
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Which mainstream
programming language
is modular?
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The reason your node_modules
folders are gigabytes
in size?
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npm* supports installing
different versions
of the same package
into the same app.
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Composer cannot.
Because the language
isn't modular.
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This is not a PHP problem.
Nearly all mainstream
programming languages
share this limitation.
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I'm not here to debate
modular vs non-modular.
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PHP is a non-modular language.
It's going to stay that way
for the foreseeable future.
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I want to look at how we work
with the cards we've been dealt.
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What's the knock-on effect
if you change your package's
major version number?
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If you've used popular
Composer packages
such as Guzzle, or PHPUnit ...
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... you'll have seen
errors like this:
"Can only install one of:
guzzlehttp/guzzle[6.1.0, 5.3.0]"
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“Two different major versions
of the same package
cannot co-exist
inside the same app.
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The more popular your package,
the more likely it is
to be pulled into the same app
multiple times.
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As a library-user,
how do you solve this?
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You can't.
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As a package maintainer,
how can you avoid this?
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Library Packages
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In any non-modular language,
only one version of your package
can exist inside any one app.
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That's our design constraint.
We cannot change it.
We have to work with it.
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Do you build
web APIs?
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If you're building a web API,
you support
multiple versions of your API
at the same time.
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So why not do the same
with library APIs?
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There's nothing stopping you
from having
multiple versions of your API
inside one package.