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LISP AS RENAISSANCE WORKSHOP A Lispy Tour through Mathematical Physics , Mentat Collective Sam Ritchie 2

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[(+ (sin 'x) 'x) (+ (sin 12) 2)] [(+ (sin x) x) 1.4634270819995652] (tex$$ (up (square (cos (* 't 'phi))) (floor (* 4 'zeta)))) ⎛ ⎝ cos 2 (ϕ t) ⌊4 ζ⌋ ⎞ ⎠ 5

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(let [f (literal-function 'f (-> (UP Real Real) Real))] (tex$$ ((D f) (up 'alpha_1 'alpha_2)))) ⎡ ⎣ ∂0 f ∂1 f ⎛ ⎝ ⎛ ⎝ α 1 α 2 ⎞ ⎠ ⎞ ⎠ ⎛ ⎝ ⎛ ⎝ α 1 α 2 ⎞ ⎠ ⎞ ⎠ ⎤ ⎦ 6

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AGENDA Why build another CAS? Code as Communication? Literate Systems (and their problems) Why it matters What to do? + SICMUtils 9

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"programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute." ~ Hal Abelson, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 12

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NUMERICAL CODE AS COMMUNICATION? "We personally like Brent's algorithm for univariate minimization, as found on pages 79-80 of his book 'Algorithms for Minimization Without Derivatives'. It is pretty reliable and pretty fast, but we cannot explain how it works." ~ scmutils, refman.txt 24

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BRENT'S BOOK, 1973 25

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C++: BOOST, 2006 template 1 std::pair brent_find_minima(F f, T min, T max, int bits 2 noexcept(BOOST_MATH_IS_FLOAT(T) && noexcept(std::declval > 6 T tolerance = static_cast(ldexp(1.0, 1-bits)); 7 T x; // minima so far 8 T w; // second best point 9 T v; // previous value of w 10 T u; // most recent evaluation point 11 T delta; // The distance moved in the last step 12 T delta2; // The distance moved in the step before last 13 T fu, fv, fw, fx; // function evaluations at u, v, w, x 14 T mid; // midpoint of min and max 15 T fract1 fract2; // minimal relative movement in x 16 27

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C++: BOOST, 2006 template 1 std::pair brent_find_minima(F f, T min, T max, int bits 2 noexcept(BOOST_MATH_IS_FLOAT(T) && noexcept(std::declval > 6 T tolerance = static_cast(ldexp(1.0, 1-bits)); 7 T x; // minima so far 8 T w; // second best point 9 T v; // previous value of w 10 T u; // most recent evaluation point 11 T delta; // The distance moved in the last step 12 T delta2; // The distance moved in the step before last 13 T fu, fv, fw, fx; // function evaluations at u, v, w, x 14 T mid; // midpoint of min and max 15 T fract1 fract2; // minimal relative movement in x 16 } 62 else 63 { 64 // golden section: 65 delta2 = (x >= mid) ? min - x : max - x; 66 delta = golden * delta2; 67 } 68 // update current position: 69 u = (fabs(delta) >= fract1) ? T(x + delta) : (delta > 0 70 fu = f(u); 71 if(fu <= fx) 72 { 73 // good new point is an improvement! 74 // update brackets: 75 if(u >= x) 76 i 77 27

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C++: BOOST, 2006 template 1 std::pair brent_find_minima(F f, T min, T max, int bits 2 noexcept(BOOST_MATH_IS_FLOAT(T) && noexcept(std::declval > 6 T tolerance = static_cast(ldexp(1.0, 1-bits)); 7 T x; // minima so far 8 T w; // second best point 9 T v; // previous value of w 10 T u; // most recent evaluation point 11 T delta; // The distance moved in the last step 12 T delta2; // The distance moved in the step before last 13 T fu, fv, fw, fx; // function evaluations at u, v, w, x 14 T mid; // midpoint of min and max 15 T fract1 fract2; // minimal relative movement in x 16 template 1 std::pair brent_find_minima(F f, T min, T max, int bits 2 noexcept(BOOST_MATH_IS_FLOAT(T) && noexcept(std::declval > 6 T tolerance = static_cast(ldexp(1.0, 1-bits)); 7 T x; // minima so far 8 T w; // second best point 9 T v; // previous value of w 10 T u; // most recent evaluation point 11 T delta; // The distance moved in the last step 12 T delta2; // The distance moved in the step before last 13 T fu, fv, fw, fx; // function evaluations at u, v, w, x 14 T mid; // midpoint of min and max 15 T fract1 fract2; // minimal relative movement in x 16 ; x = u; 83 fv = fw; 84 fw = fx; 85 fx = fu; 86 } 87 else 88 { 89 // Oh dear, point u is worse than what we have alrea 90 // even so it *must* be better than one of our endpo 91 if(u < x) 92 min = u; 93 else 94 max = u; 95 if((fu <= fw) || (w == x)) 96 { 97 // however it is at least second best: 98 27

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C++: BOOST, 2006 template 1 std::pair brent_find_minima(F f, T min, T max, int bits 2 noexcept(BOOST_MATH_IS_FLOAT(T) && noexcept(std::declval > 6 T tolerance = static_cast(ldexp(1.0, 1-bits)); 7 T x; // minima so far 8 T w; // second best point 9 T v; // previous value of w 10 T u; // most recent evaluation point 11 T delta; // The distance moved in the last step 12 T delta2; // The distance moved in the step before last 13 T fu, fv, fw, fx; // function evaluations at u, v, w, x 14 T mid; // midpoint of min and max 15 T fract1 fract2; // minimal relative movement in x 16 template 1 std::pair brent_find_minima(F f, T min, T max, int bits 2 noexcept(BOOST_MATH_IS_FLOAT(T) && noexcept(std::declval > 6 T tolerance = static_cast(ldexp(1.0, 1-bits)); 7 T x; // minima so far 8 T w; // second best point 9 T v; // previous value of w 10 T u; // most recent evaluation point 11 T delta; // The distance moved in the last step 12 T delta2; // The distance moved in the step before last 13 T fu, fv, fw, fx; // function evaluations at u, v, w, x 14 T mid; // midpoint of min and max 15 T fract1 fract2; // minimal relative movement in x 16 template 1 std::pair brent_find_minima(F f, T min, T max, int bits 2 noexcept(BOOST_MATH_IS_FLOAT(T) && noexcept(std::declval > 6 T tolerance = static_cast(ldexp(1.0, 1-bits)); 7 T x; // minima so far 8 T w; // second best point 9 T v; // previous value of w 10 T u; // most recent evaluation point 11 T delta; // The distance moved in the last step 12 T delta2; // The distance moved in the step before last 13 T fu, fv, fw, fx; // function evaluations at u, v, w, x 14 T mid; // midpoint of min and max 15 T fract1 fract2; // minimal relative movement in x 16 w = u; 100 fv = fw; 101 fw = fu; 102 } 103 else if((fu <= fv) || (v == x) || (v == w)) 104 { 105 // third best: 106 v = u; 107 fv = fu; 108 } 109 } 110 111 }while(--count); 112 113 max iter -= count; 114 27

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C++: BOOST, 2006 template 1 std::pair brent_find_minima(F f, T min, T max, int bits 2 noexcept(BOOST_MATH_IS_FLOAT(T) && noexcept(std::declval > 6 T tolerance = static_cast(ldexp(1.0, 1-bits)); 7 T x; // minima so far 8 T w; // second best point 9 T v; // previous value of w 10 T u; // most recent evaluation point 11 T delta; // The distance moved in the last step 12 T delta2; // The distance moved in the step before last 13 T fu, fv, fw, fx; // function evaluations at u, v, w, x 14 T mid; // midpoint of min and max 15 T fract1 fract2; // minimal relative movement in x 16 template 1 std::pair brent_find_minima(F f, T min, T max, int bits 2 noexcept(BOOST_MATH_IS_FLOAT(T) && noexcept(std::declval > 6 T tolerance = static_cast(ldexp(1.0, 1-bits)); 7 T x; // minima so far 8 T w; // second best point 9 T v; // previous value of w 10 T u; // most recent evaluation point 11 T delta; // The distance moved in the last step 12 T delta2; // The distance moved in the step before last 13 T fu, fv, fw, fx; // function evaluations at u, v, w, x 14 T mid; // midpoint of min and max 15 T fract1 fract2; // minimal relative movement in x 16 template 1 std::pair brent_find_minima(F f, T min, T max, int bits 2 noexcept(BOOST_MATH_IS_FLOAT(T) && noexcept(std::declval > 6 T tolerance = static_cast(ldexp(1.0, 1-bits)); 7 T x; // minima so far 8 T w; // second best point 9 T v; // previous value of w 10 T u; // most recent evaluation point 11 T delta; // The distance moved in the last step 12 T delta2; // The distance moved in the step before last 13 T fu, fv, fw, fx; // function evaluations at u, v, w, x 14 T mid; // midpoint of min and max 15 T fract1 fract2; // minimal relative movement in x 16 template 1 std::pair brent_find_minima(F f, T min, T max, int bits 2 noexcept(BOOST_MATH_IS_FLOAT(T) && noexcept(std::declval > 6 T tolerance = static_cast(ldexp(1.0, 1-bits)); 7 T x; // minima so far 8 T w; // second best point 9 T v; // previous value of w 10 T u; // most recent evaluation point 11 T delta; // The distance moved in the last step 12 T delta2; // The distance moved in the step before last 13 T fu, fv, fw, fx; // function evaluations at u, v, w, x 14 T mid; // midpoint of min and max 15 T fract1 fract2; // minimal relative movement in x 16 fw = fu; 102 } 103 else if((fu <= fv) || (v == x) || (v == w)) 104 { 105 // third best: 106 v = u; 107 fv = fu; 108 } 109 } 110 111 }while(--count); 112 113 max_iter -= count; 114 115 return std::make_pair(x, fx); 116 } 117 27

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PYTHON: SCIPY, 2001 def optimize(self): 1 # set up for optimization 2 func = self.func 3 xa, xb, xc, fa, fb, fc, funcalls = self.get_bracket_info() 4 _mintol = self._mintol 5 _cg = self._cg 6 ################################# 7 #BEGIN CORE ALGORITHM 8 ################################# 9 x = w = v = xb 10 fw = fv = fx = func(*((x,) + self.args)) 11 if (xa < xc): 12 a = xa 13 b = xc 14 else: 15 a = xc 16 28

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SCHEME: 1987 ;;; Brent's algorithm for univariate minimization -- transcrib 1 ;;; pages 79-80 of his book "Algorithms for Minimization Witho 2 3 (define (brent-min f a b eps) 4 (let ((a (min a b)) (b (max a b)) 5 (maxcount 100) 6 (small-bugger-factor *sqrt-machine-epsilon*) 7 (g (/ (- 3 (sqrt 5)) 2)) 8 (d 0) (e 0) (old-e 0) (p 0) (q 0) (u 0) (fu 0)) 9 (let* ((x (+ a (* g (- b a)))) 10 (fx (f x)) 11 (w x) (fw fx) (v x) (fv fx)) 12 (let loop ((count 0)) 13 (if (> count maxcount) 14 (list 'maxcount x fx count) ;failed to converge 15 (let* ((tol (+ (* eps (abs x)) small-bugger-factor)) 16 29

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SO WHAT? What's wrong with this? How can we do better? 31

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EXISTING IDEAS Literate Programming LOGO's Microworlds Notebooks, Mathematica 33

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WHY AREN'T THESE WORKING? Literate Programming == one-way Science is Multiplayer Dynamic is Too Seductive Real Work doesn't happen here 39

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WHY AREN'T THESE WORKING? Literate Programming == one-way Science is Multiplayer Dynamic is Too Seductive Real Work doesn't happen here 39

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WHY AREN'T THESE WORKING? Literate Programming == one-way Science is Multiplayer Dynamic is Too Seductive Real Work doesn't happen here 39

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WHY AREN'T THESE WORKING? Literate Programming == one-way Science is Multiplayer Dynamic is Too Seductive Real Work doesn't happen here 39

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WHY AREN'T THESE WORKING? Literate Programming == one-way Science is Multiplayer Dynamic is Too Seductive Real Work doesn't happen here 39

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"FUTURE OF EDUCATION" Mythic Understanding Romantic Understanding Philosophic Understanding Ironic Understanding 42

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EULER-LAGRANGE EQUATIONS S[q](t a , t b ) = D ∫ t b t a L(t, q(t), Dq(t))dt D ∫ t b t a L(t, q(t), Dq(t))dt = 0 49

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EULER-LAGRANGE EQUATIONS d dt ∂L ∂ ˙ q − ∂L ∂q = 0 50

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EULER-LAGRANGE EQUATIONS "What could this expression possibly mean?" d dt ∂L ∂ ˙ q − ∂L ∂q = 0 50

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EXPAND: d dt ∂L ∂ ˙ q − ∂L ∂q = 0 51

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EXPAND: d dt ∂L ∂ ˙ q − ∂L ∂q = 0 d dt ∂L(t, q, ˙ q) ∂ ˙ q − ∂L(t, q, ˙ q) ∂q = 0 ⎛ ⎝ q=w(t) ˙ q= dw(t) dt ⎞ ⎠ q=w(t) ˙ q= dw(t) dt 51

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OKAY, FINE d dt ∂L ∂ ˙ q − ∂L ∂q = 0 d dt ((∂ 2 L) (t, w(t), d dt w(t))) −(∂ 1 L) (t, w(t), d dt w(t)) = 0 52

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SUBSTITUTIONS (Df)(t) = d dx f(x) x=t Γ[w](t) = (t, w(t), d dt w(t)) 53

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d dt ((∂ 2 L) (Γ[w](t))) − (∂ 1 L) (Γ[w](t)) = 0 54

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d dt ((∂ 2 L) (Γ[w](t))) − (∂ 1 L) (Γ[w](t)) = 0 D ((∂ 2 L) ∘ (Γ[w])) − (∂ 1 L) ∘ (Γ[w]) = 0 54

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d dt ((∂ 2 L) (Γ[w](t))) − (∂ 1 L) (Γ[w](t)) = 0 D ((∂ 2 L) ∘ (Γ[w])) − (∂ 1 L) ∘ (Γ[w]) = 0 (defn Lagrange-equations [L] 1 (fn [w] 2 (- (D (comp ((partial 2) L) (Gamma w))) 3 (comp ((partial 1) L) (Gamma w))))) 4 54

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d dt ((∂ 2 L) (Γ[w](t))) − (∂ 1 L) (Γ[w](t)) = 0 D ((∂ 2 L) ∘ (Γ[w])) − (∂ 1 L) ∘ (Γ[w]) = 0 (defn Lagrange-equations [L] 1 (fn [w] 2 (- (D (comp ((partial 2) L) (Gamma w))) 3 (comp ((partial 1) L) (Gamma w))))) 4 (fn [w] (- (D (comp ((partial 2) L) (Gamma w))) (comp ((partial 1) L) (Gamma w))))) (defn Lagrange-equations [L] 1 2 3 4 54

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(let [L (- (comp (literal-function 'T) velocity) (comp (literal-function 'V) coordinate)) w (literal-function 'w)] (tex$$ (((Lagrange-equations L) w) 't))) D 2 w (t) D 2 T (Dw (t)) + DV (w (t)) 55

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SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION (- (* 1/2 m (square v)) (defn L-harmonic 1 "Returns a Lagrangian of a simple harmonic oscillator (mass-s 2 3 m is the mass and k is the spring constant used in Hooke's la 4 [m k] 5 (fn [[_ q v]] 6 7 (* 1/2 k (square q))))) 8 (defn proposed-solution [t] (* 'a (cos (+ (* 'omega t) 'phi)))) (let [L (L-harmonic 'm 'k) w proposed-solution] (tex$$ (((Lagrange-equations L) w) 't))) −a m ω 2 cos (ω t + ϕ) + a k cos (ω t + ϕ) 56

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SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION (- (* 1/2 m (square v)) (defn L-harmonic 1 "Returns a Lagrangian of a simple harmonic oscillator (mass-s 2 3 m is the mass and k is the spring constant used in Hooke's la 4 [m k] 5 (fn [[_ q v]] 6 7 (* 1/2 k (square q))))) 8 (* 1/2 k (square q))))) (defn L-harmonic 1 "Returns a Lagrangian of a simple harmonic oscillator (mass-s 2 3 m is the mass and k is the spring constant used in Hooke's la 4 [m k] 5 (fn [[_ q v]] 6 (- (* 1/2 m (square v)) 7 8 (defn proposed-solution [t] (* 'a (cos (+ (* 'omega t) 'phi)))) (let [L (L-harmonic 'm 'k) w proposed-solution] (tex$$ (((Lagrange-equations L) w) 't))) −a m ω 2 cos (ω t + ϕ) + a k cos (ω t + ϕ) 56

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HOOKE'S LAW (let [L (L-harmonic 'm 'k) w (literal-function 'w)] (tex$$ (((Lagrange-equations L) w) 't))) k w (t) + m D 2 w (t) 57

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CLERK DEMO Let's convince ourselves that that is true, by doing the spring demo in the browser. 59

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COMMUNITY Sussman et. al. Colin Smith Clerk: Martin Kavalar, Jack Rusher, Nextjournal team SCI: Michiel Borkent (@borkdude) Mathbox: Chris Chudzicki, Steven Wittens 61

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HOW TO GET INVOLVED? WHAT'S NEXT? SICM and FDG: Executable Textbooks Full library as essays Collaborative editing, simulation Please Steal! 63

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THANKS! Sam Ritchie, Mentat Collective Slides, Demos live at @sritchie 65

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