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Cluster State Management Michael Hausenblas, Red Hat @mhausenblas London, 2017-09-08

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$ whoami ● Working on distributed systems in the past 20 years, containers some 4+ years ● Web data & big data (research, MapR) ● Containers and container orchestrators (Mesosphere, Red Hat) ● Developer turned ops: C++, Java, Python, Node.js and since around 2014 a Gopher @mhausenblas

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Kubernetes ops/dev use cases ● Saving money ● Troubleshooting ● Auditing ● Billing ● Capacity planning ● Upgrading ● Restore ● Disaster Recovery Read more about use cases here.

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Cluster state — state in the cluster

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Some terms we’ll be using … ● State (static vs. dynamic) ● Artefacts (files, records, etc.) ● Levels (system vs. app)

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Example write path

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State of the art of backup & restore in Kubernetes land

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The community view ● kubernetes/kubernetes#24229: Backup/migrate cluster? ● kubernetes/kubernetes#21582: Kubectl needs export and import commands ● Two schools of thought: ○ ‘Replay all from repo’ ○ ‘Backups are necessary/useful’

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Available solutions ● Initially, only prod-ready solution was backup & restore with etcdctl ● kubernetes-incubator/bootkube (control plane) ● pieterlange/kube-backup (resource state sync to Git inspired by RANCID) ● heptio/ark: disaster recovery utility (cluster resources & persistent volumes) ● kaptaind/kaptaind: intra-cluster sync for specific resources ● ReShifter (more in a moment)

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Cluster state snapshots: levels of abstraction ● raw etcd data (WAL, log snapshots) → etcdctl backup ● etcd API → ReShifter ● Kubernetes API server → Heptio Ark, kaptaind

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Challenges ● Need to take care of app-level backups/restores separately ● Which system-level cluster state should be recovered? ● Multitenancy (for example: OpenShift online) ● Disaster Recovery: RTO/RPO ● Low-level: encryption, access rights, etc.

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Case study: ReShifter

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What is ReShifter? ● A library: ● A CLI tool (rcli) ● A Web app (K8S deployment + svc + UI)

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ReShifter architecture

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ReShifter walkthrough

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Next steps?

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Where do we go from here? ● Review use cases, evaluate solutions, provide feedback ● Let me know if you’re interested in contributing ● Maybe form a Kubernetes Incubator?

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Resources ● Kubernetes Deep Dive: API Server – Part 2 ● ReShifter: Architecture, design considerations and prior art

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