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Learn to Program The Cloud with Ruby & AWS Lambda

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Ken Collins @MetaSkills Principal Engineer @CustomInkTech

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Programming The Cloud ⛅

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Getting Started AWS, SAM, & Lambda

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Slide 6 text workshop-using-s3-libvips-ruby-4o96 Start Small. Ruby S3/Image Microservice.

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Slide 7 text And Grow. Rails & JavaScript Starter Application. Deploy in 5 min.

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Slide 8 text And Grow. Rails & JavaScript Starter Application.

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Slide 9 text And Grow. Rails & JavaScript Starter Application.

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Unconscious Bias? or Knowledge Gaps? (open discussion)

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Rails & Lambda (from the inside out)

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How Does Lamby Work?

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How Does Lamby Work? Hash Convert

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How Does Lamby Work? app.rb Everything else is just basically Rails

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How Does Lamby Work? 3 Seconds (cold start) Milliseconds

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• Think of app.rb as for API Gateway. • Rails is in good company! Express, Flask, etc all do the same thing. • Think of Lambda as a cheaper PAYGO on Heroku. Rails & Lambda (inside out)

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Scaling compute is not your problem anymore.

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The Serverless Application Model

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Core SAM CLI Commands. More on the ./bin directory later.

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Infrastructure as Code (IaC) . I hope you like YAML!

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SAM is Syntactic Sugar for CloudFormation. Meta & DRY!

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• AWS Resource Specification Language. • CLI Interface to Develop & Deploy Apps. • Lamby Uses Cutters Templates. • Super fast Squirrel on GitHub. Keep Up! • Bookmark These Resources… Serverless Application Model

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AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) Specification Intrinsic Function Reference AWS Resource and Property Types Reference AWS SAM CLI GitHub Release Notes

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Docker Conventions

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Docker & Docker Compose Bin Scripts.

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Docker Compose. Avoids Repeated ENV & Volume Configs

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Docker. Rails, SAM, JavaScript, Etc on Lambda Dev.

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Script Conventions. Underscore for Container bin/_server bin/server

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• Node & Webpacker • Compiled & Served Assets • Dotenv Integration • Encrypted Credentials with SSM Parameter Store Dig In & Explore • CloudWatch Logging & Lograge • API Gateway HTTP API v2 Default • Custom Domain Names, SSL, & CloudFront •

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• Native MySQL & PostgreSQL using AWS RDS Proxy. Migrations? • Best Practices for Background Tasks & Event-Driven architecture using EventBridge, Asynchronous Invocations, and SNS/SQS. ActiveJob? Coming Soon…

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