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Solid ground @sasajuric

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pattern matching OTP metaprogramming mix Distillery the pipe operator Cowboy Plug Phoenix Ecto functional programming community GenStage Credo ExUnit Combine Poolboy Nerves

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No content

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LFE Erlang OTP BEAM Elixir Phoenix GenStage Ecto Plug magic source magic beneficiaries Cowboy Poolboy

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long-running system many tasks soft real-time finite time program all-or-nothing hard real-time

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scheduler scheduler scheduler scheduler BEAM CPU CPU CPU CPU

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frequent context switches

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t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 10 s 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms

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t1 BEAM scheduler t2 t3 t4 t5 t1

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t1 cooperative scheduler t2 t3 t4 t5

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thread 1 thread n long running task long running task blocked cooperative scheduler …

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thread 1 thread n long running task long running task BEAM scheduler … not blocked :-)

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activities as runtime citizens

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send(pid, :please_stop)

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mref = Process.monitor(pid) send(pid, :please_stop) receive do {:DOWN, ^mref, :process, ^pid, _reason} -> :ok end

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mref = Process.monitor(pid) send(pid, :please_stop) receive do {:DOWN, ^mref, :process, ^pid, _reason} -> :ok after :timer.seconds(5) -> Process.exit(pid, :kill) receive do {:DOWN, ^mref, :process, ^pid, _reason} -> :ok end end

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task = Task.async(fn -> ... end) case Task.yield(task, :timer.seconds(5)) do {:ok, result} -> do_something(result) nil -> Task.shutdown(task, :brutal_kill) end

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shared-nothing concurrency

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Process heap resources

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process-owned “stuff” is released

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supervision tree

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system backend frontend chat history repo cache endpoint

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system backend chat history repo

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supervisor foundations frequent context switching activities as runtime citizens observable process termination stoppable processes shared-nothing concurrency

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syntax developer friendliness ecosystem

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 guarantees syntax developer friendliness ecosystem

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Scales of Justice image taken from How Erlang does scheduling Erlang scheduler details 2016/02/09/erlang-scheduler-details.html The BEAM book BEAM wisdoms Web based observer Recon Erlang performance lab