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10 things wot I learnt about lean startup It’s f*****g hard, that’s for sure! Laurence McCahill, Spook Studio
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First, a bit of background
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we startups
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Why go Lean?
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“Life’s too short to build something nobody wants” Ash Maurya, Spark59
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Waterfall = fail? Chart by @lfittl
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Agile/lean=wiggle it! Chart by @lfittl
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“At least 2/3 of our ideas are never going to work. The other 1/3 will take 3/4 iterations to get right” Marty Cagan
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Lean startup cycle
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Lean UX cycle
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Key principles of lean
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Test your assumptions
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Focus on customer needs
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Reduce cycle times
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More facts, less intuition
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Less documenting more doing
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Right action right time
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So, onto my lean learnings…
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RFPs suck! (requirements = hypotheses) 1
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“I don’t care how smart you are. Every design solution you put out there is a hypothesis.” Jeff Gothelf, Neo
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Egos and lean don’t mix well 2
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© rhonda_liberman
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It’s not about you anymore © rhonda_liberman
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Context changes tactics 3
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Startup prioritizer What’s most important for your startup? There’s a finite amount of resource available
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Balanced teams make better products 4
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business design technology
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Cust dev is hard (& founders should do it) 6
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“Customers don’t care about your solution. They care about their problems.” Dave McClure, 500 Startups
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Bad news gets worse the longer you leave it 7
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“How can I bounce my ideas off the market cheaper and faster?” Rob Fitzpatrick,
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Opinions = guesses (& the founder always wins) 8
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"Success is not delivering a feature; success is learning how to solve the customer's problem.” Mark Cook, Kodak
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MVP ≠ minimum viable pants 9
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1 metric that matters beats 100 that don’t 9
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“Vanity metrics make you feel good but don’t offer clear guidance on what to do.” Eric Ries, The Lean Startup
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It’s ain’t no silver bullet (nor cheap/fast!) 10
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In summary: How to get it right…
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Rip up the spec and host a workshop 1
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Biz, design & tech around the same table 2
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Decide on key priorities from day 1 3 1
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Work with people you like (that trust you) 4
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Kill your ideas before you build them 5
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Talk with customers throughout 6
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Don’t guess, learn (there are no answers in the boardroom!) 7
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Make your MVP minimum awesome 8
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Find your one metric that matters 9
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Own the process don’t let it own you 10
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Lean © alykat anyone?
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There are tons of tools out there…
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But if you only use one…
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The lean canvas
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Some further reading
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Laurence McCahill @welovelean Thanks!