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@onishiweb Adam Onishi MK Geek Night - March Taking the pain out of Refactoring

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@onishiweb @onishiweb Hello!

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@onishiweb Hello!

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@onishiweb Old code sucks! Hello!

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@onishiweb - me “…we’re constantly evolving our practices so regularly with the environment changing around us every day, you look back on code you wrote a few months ago and wonder what on Earth you were thinking.” Hello!

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@onishiweb What is Refactoring?

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@onishiweb - Martin Fowler “The process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behaviour of the code yet improves its internal structure.” What is Refactoring

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@onishiweb Why is Refactoring important?

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Importance @onishiweb

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@onishiweb Clarity Maintainability Efficiency DRY Importance

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@onishiweb Clarity “Code should be clear, well-commented, and follow consistent rules. A developer new to the project should be able to understand it.” Importance

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@onishiweb Maintainability “Code should be easy to update & maintain, not requiring hacks or over- specific styles. It should be clear where files and styles belong.” Importance

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@onishiweb Efficiency “It should be easy for a developer to find where styles live, write new styles, fix bugs, or find documentation and instructions.” Importance

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@onishiweb DRY “Don't repeat yourself! Code should be reusable, have efficient selectors, and not be overly repetitive or nested.” Importance

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@onishiweb Spotting bad code

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@onishiweb Front End Bad code @onishiweb

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@onishiweb Code Smells Bad code

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@onishiweb Undoing styles Magic Numbers Qualified/ Dangerous selectors Hard-coded values Brute forcing Reactive ! important IDs Loose Class names Bad code

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@onishiweb Preparation

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@onishiweb When is right to refactor? Preparation

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@onishiweb Preparation ALL the time, is a good time!

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@onishiweb Mental preparation! Preparation

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@onishiweb Be pragmatic Improve the product Help other developers Learn something new! Preparation

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@onishiweb Set Goals Preparation

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@onishiweb - Amaury Moulron “We have currently 9,000+ selectors — that’s pre-refactoring. Once done, we’re aiming at 5,000 selectors.” Preparation

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@onishiweb S.M.A.R.T Goals Preparation

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@onishiweb Tools

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@onishiweb Sassy CSS Tools

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@onishiweb Version Control Tools

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@onishiweb Build tools Tools

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@onishiweb Scss-lint Tools

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@onishiweb Tools

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@onishiweb Tools

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@onishiweb Scss-lint Stylestats Tools

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@onishiweb Scss-lint Stylestats PerfBudget Tools

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@onishiweb refactoring in practice

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@onishiweb Our goals In practice

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@onishiweb Partials to have <300 lines of code Maximum nesting of 4 levels deep Code should adhere to The Rules Ability to use autoprefixer In practice

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@onishiweb Naming conventions In practice

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@onishiweb $clr-lightblue:#4BCEFA; $clr-pink:#F96EC4; $clr-orange:#FFB400; $clr-green:#8DD400; $clr-purple:#009edc; In practice

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@onishiweb In practice

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@onishiweb In practice

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@onishiweb $clr-lightblue:#F02233; // RED! $clr-pink:#F96EC4; $clr-orange:#FFB400; $clr-green:#8DD400; $clr-purple:#009edc; In practice

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@onishiweb $clr-brand:#4BCEFA; $clr-activities:#F96EC4; $clr-parenting:#FFB400; $clr-sustainability:#8DD400; $clr-mmr:#009edc; In practice

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@onishiweb Breakpoints In practice

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@onishiweb In practice

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@onishiweb Using Scss-lint In practice

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@onishiweb .related-products { […] } […] .related-products { […] } In practice

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@onishiweb In practice

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@onishiweb In practice

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@onishiweb Breaking up existing files In practice

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@onishiweb /pages/_sys-archive.scss /pages/_sys-single.scss /components/_sys-select.scss /components/_sys-filter.scss In practice

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// Sass file "_sys-filter.scss" .sys-filter { [...] } In practice

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@onishiweb Experiment In practice

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@onishiweb In practice “Why You Should Avoid Sass @extend”

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@onishiweb In practice @include vs @extend

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@onishiweb - Hugo Giraudel “the more a string is repeated, the better it is for compression. [… therefore] the difference is likely to be inexistent.” In practice

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@onishiweb With @extends Size: 247.9KB Gzipped: 28.9KB With @includes Size: 248.8KB Gzipped: 29.0KB In practice

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@onishiweb refactoring in a team

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@onishiweb Git Teams

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@onishiweb Teams Fix conflicts on feature branches

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@onishiweb Teams Code reviews

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@onishiweb Wrapping up

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@onishiweb Clarity, Maintainability, Efficiency, DRY Prepare yourself Set S.M.A.R.T goals Use tools to help Summary

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@onishiweb - James Higgs “A good developer can code. A really good developer can write clean code. A great developer knows when clean code is a waste of time.” Summary

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@onishiweb Thank you Adam Onishi MK Geek Night - March