Slide 4
Slide 4 text
#2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR
Food System tools and methodologies: Moderated by Dr. Savadago
1. Food System Diagnostic and Policy Implication: Dr. Paul Guthinga
• The importance and methodology of food system diagnostic
• Results from Malawi on diet quality, livelihoods equity, ag productivity
• Policy gaps along food system pillars
2. A Forensic Framework and Decision Support for Harmonized and
holistic Food system Resilience and analysis: Mr. Prince
• The challenges of measuring Resilience and Sustainability
• Proposed a forensic framework and projection of food system outcomes
with different scenarios
3. The Call for Nutrition-Smart Food Systems: Ms. Lea
• Generate evidence on nutrient adequacy at production, market and
household level
• Nutrient adequacy gap in Senegal and Rwanda
• Strategies to bridge the gaps
Moderated Panel Discussion
• Experience on data, policy and others
• A presentation by Ms. Nadine on 3FS: Tracking Financial Flows for Food
Recap of Day 2: Tuesday November 28, 2023