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Symfony controllers, redesigned

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Kévin Dunglas •Founder of •Symfony Core Team member •API Platform creator •Teacher at the University of Lille 1 @dunglas

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What is a Controller?

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By Martin Fowler

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The Symfony Book « A controller is a PHP function […] that reads information from the Symfony's Request object and creates and returns a Response object. »

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This is Not a Controller

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Rethinking Controllers… But Why?!

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Controllers are Too Fat •Tend to put Domain / business logic in the controller (bad practice) Creating services requires some Symfony skills •Methods with too much lines of code (#previousLine) •Bloated controller classes with a lot of methods •Duplicated code (e.g. to generate a Response with HTTP headers, to call the view…)

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Controllers break OOP Best Practices •Magic and implicit •Container aware: no explicit dependencies •Hard to write SOLID controller classes •Hard to unit test controller classes •God objects (too much dependencies) Some people say « it’s OK for controllers »

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Controllers are Coupled to SF It matters only for library developers: •Hard to reuse controller classes across projects •Cannot work with several frameworks •Cannot be distributed as standalone libs •Don’t support « standards » (PSR-7, PSR-15, PSR-17)

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The ADR Pattern

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The ADR pattern •Stand for Action-Domain-Responder •Web-specific refinement of MVC •A partial solution to previous problems

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The ADR pattern •Action: Connects Domain and Responder. Uses the request input to interact with the Domain, passes the Domain output to the responder. •Domain: The app’s business logic. Modifies states, persistence. Manipulates session and env data. •Responder: Build an HTTP response. Body content, templates, views, cookies, status code and so on.

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Implementing ADR in a Symfony app

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App’s Structure: Separating the Business Logic

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Domain: Manager

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Domain: Manager

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Domain: Exception

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Domain: Notifier

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Services Registration

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Routing Configuration (Invokable Controller as a Service)

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Doctrine Configuration

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Pros •Better design and structure (= easier maintenance and better adaptability) •Easier to unit test (including actions and responders, thanks to explicit dependencies) •All chunks of code are independently reusables •No more duplicated code (e.g. headers) •Agnostic of the (full stack) framework: classes depend only of components (standalone libs)

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Cons •Worst DX: lot of configuration files (YAML or XML) •Harder to refactor (RAD, prototyping…): require to update the config all the time •Mandatory Symfony skills: DIC configuration, controllers as a services, YAML/XML routing…

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Autowired (Controllers as) Services

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The DIC Autowiring Subsystem •Guesses, builds and injects automatically dependencies of a service using PHP’s reflection API •If a service of the given type exists: it is injected •If it doesn’t exist: it is created then injected •Allows to map an interface to a default implementation •SF 2.8+, will support method injection in 3.2 •No performance impact at runtime

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Services Registration

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Services Registration: Using Autowiring

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A Better Developper eXperience •As easy as the the full stack framework’s base controller •No need for magic proxy methods (getDoctrine(), json()…) •Easier refactoring: create new classes, add new dependencies, they are automatically built and injected with 0 config (Laravel-like)

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Going Further with ActionBundle

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The Action Bundle •« Replacement » for the whole Symfony controller layer: actions, commands, event subscribers •Action classes, commands and subscribers are automatically registered as services •Autowiring is on for all those services •Configurable (scanned directories, interfaces, tags…) •250 lines of code for 180 GitHub stars (best ratio ever)

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Install composer require dunglas/action-bundle

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Configuring Only necessary because action classes are not in a bundle.

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Update the Routing Config…

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… or use Annotations

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No Service Registration Required!

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The Action Bundle Included by default in API Platform 2 And maybe in a future Symfony version?

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Bonus: PSR-7 and PSR-17 compatibility

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PSR-7 and PSR-17 • PSR-7: HTTP Message Interface • PSR-17: HTTP Factories composer require symfony/psr-http-message-bridge zendframework/zend-diactoros http-interop/http-factory:dev-master http-interop/http-factory-diactoros:dev-master

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Register HTTP Factories

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Update the Action

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Update the Responder

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Bonus: PSR-15 compatibility

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PSR-15: HTTP Middlewares Schema by Slim framework

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PSR-15 composer require http-interop/http-middleware:dev-master

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Update the Action

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Update the Action

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Update the Responder

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Update the Responder

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Summary • Controller Autowiring and the Action Bundle improve the DX and ease the refactoring • ADR gives more structure to your app and is better from a design point of view • If you are a library developper, you can create standalone, framework agnostic actions working with Symfony and using PSR-7-15-17

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Thanks! Any questions? @dunglas