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Our app...

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Types of tes*ng we can do on Flu4er

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Types of tes*ng we can do on Flu4er • Unit tests for pure Dart only classes

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Types of tes*ng we can do on Flu4er • Unit tests for pure Dart only classes • Widget tests for isolated widgets

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Types of tes*ng we can do on Flu4er • Unit tests for pure Dart only classes • Widget tests for isolated widgets • Integra.on tests for the applica6on as a whole

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There's no tests!!!

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Let's start wri+ng some unit tests...

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Let's recap for a second

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Let's recap for a second • Tests start with main

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Let's recap for a second • Tests start with main • test keyword for each individual unit test

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Let's recap for a second • Tests start with main • test keyword for each individual unit test • flutter_test as part of the SDK

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Let's recap for a second • Tests start with main • test keyword for each individual unit test • flutter_test as part of the SDK • Use expect to run an asser;on

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Let's recap for a second • Tests start with main • test keyword for each individual unit test • flutter_test as part of the SDK • Use expect to run an asser;on • flutter test on CLI to run tests

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How do we test throwing excep1ons? !

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Can we refactor our tests a li0le bit?

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The test framework offers...

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The test framework offers... • setUpAll runs ONLY ONCE BEFORE any test is executed

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The test framework offers... • setUpAll runs ONLY ONCE BEFORE any test is executed • setUp runs ONCE BEFORE every test

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The test framework offers... • setUpAll runs ONLY ONCE BEFORE any test is executed • setUp runs ONCE BEFORE every test • tearDown runs ONCE AFTER every test

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The test framework offers... • setUpAll runs ONLY ONCE BEFORE any test is executed • setUp runs ONCE BEFORE every test • tearDown runs ONCE AFTER every test • tearDownAll runs ONLY ONCE AFTER all test have been executed

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Let's con*nue tes*ng the public API of the GuessGame class

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Did you no)ce the amazing thing we just did?

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Let's look again!

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We just tested asynchronous code!

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async and await are your new test best friends!

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Can we refactor our tests a li0le bit?

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We can organize our test file a bit be2er by using group()

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We have completed the unit tests for the GuessGame class

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Let's recap...

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Let's recap... • Create a unit tests using the test method

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Let's recap... • Create a unit tests using the test method • Use expect to make asser3ons

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Let's recap... • Create a unit tests using the test method • Use expect to make asser3ons • Test lifecyle: setUpAll, setUp, tearDown and tearDownAl

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Let's recap... • Create a unit tests using the test method • Use expect to make asser3ons • Test lifecyle: setUpAll, setUp, tearDown and tearDownAl • Async tests just by using async and await

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Let's recap... • Create a unit tests using the test method • Use expect to make asser3ons • Test lifecyle: setUpAll, setUp, tearDown and tearDownAl • Async tests just by using async and await • Organize your test file using group

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Let's add widget tests for our Flu2er applica5on

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What are our widgets? What's their mission?

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AndroidSummitApp2020App • Takes a GuessGame as a dependency in the constructor, but it does nothing with it

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AndroidSummitApp2020App • Takes a GuessGame as a dependency in the constructor, but it does nothing with it • No need to mock it

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AndroidSummitApp2020App • Takes a GuessGame as a dependency in the constructor, but it does nothing with it • No need to mock it • Creates a MaterialApp

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AndroidSummitApp2020App • Takes a GuessGame as a dependency in the constructor, but it does nothing with it • No need to mock it • Creates a MaterialApp • We can find this widget

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AndroidSummitApp2020App • Takes a GuessGame as a dependency in the constructor, but it does nothing with it • No need to mock it • Creates a MaterialApp • We can find this widget • Renders the Questionnaire widget immediately

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AndroidSummitApp2020App • Takes a GuessGame as a dependency in the constructor, but it does nothing with it • No need to mock it • Creates a MaterialApp • We can find this widget • Renders the Questionnaire widget immediately • We can find this widget

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Ques%onnaire • Takes a GuessGame as a dependency in the constructor that controls the state

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Ques%onnaire • Takes a GuessGame as a dependency in the constructor that controls the state • We can mock it to control behavior

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Where do we start?

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In widget tests...

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In widget tests... • We use testWidgets instead of test

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In widget tests... • We use testWidgets instead of test • It provides a WidgetTester to interact with the user interface (UI)

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In widget tests... • We use testWidgets instead of test • It provides a WidgetTester to interact with the user interface (UI) • We use Finders to locate widgets on the test UI

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In widget tests... • We use testWidgets instead of test • It provides a WidgetTester to interact with the user interface (UI) • We use Finders to locate widgets on the test UI • There are special matchers: findsOneWidget, findsNWidgets, findsNothing...

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That's pre+y much all the tests we can write for AndroidSummit2020App

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Let's test the Questionnaire

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Mockito • Since GuessGame is a dependency, we are going to mock its behavior using mockito

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Mockito • Since GuessGame is a dependency, we are going to mock its behavior using mockito • The syntax is as follows:

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Mockito • Since GuessGame is a dependency, we are going to mock its behavior using mockito • The syntax is as follows: • We use when(...).thenReturn(...) to control synchronous behavior

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Mockito • Since GuessGame is a dependency, we are going to mock its behavior using mockito • The syntax is as follows: • We use when(...).thenReturn(...) to control synchronous behavior • We use when(...).thenAnswer(...) to control asynchronous behavior

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Why do we mock?

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Why do we mock? • We care about the public API contract, not about the implementa6on details

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Why do we mock? • We care about the public API contract, not about the implementa6on details • It'd be tedious if GuessGame had 100 ques6ons

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Why do we mock? • We care about the public API contract, not about the implementa6on details • It'd be tedious if GuessGame had 100 ques6ons • We can simulate successes and errors without knowing the internals of our dependencies

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Let's finish the test!

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Let's remember our UI

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Our tests failed

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Questionnaire renders the question and the final score when the game is completed: ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY WIDGETS LIBRARY ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ The following assertion was thrown building Text("Test question 1", debugLabel: (englishLike display1 2014).merge(blackMountainView headline4), inherit: false, color: Color(0x8a000000), family: Roboto, size: 34.0, weight: 400, baseline: alphabetic, decoration: TextDecoration.none): No Directionality widget found. RichText widgets require a Directionality widget ancestor. The specific widget that could not find a Directionality ancestor was: RichText The ownership chain for the affected widget is: "RichText ← Text ← Column ← _Question ← Questionnaire ← [root]" Typically, the Directionality widget is introduced by the MaterialApp or WidgetsApp widget at the top of your application widget tree. It determines the ambient reading direction and is used, for example, to determine how to lay out text, how to interpret "start" and "end" values, and to resolve EdgeInsetsDirectional, AlignmentDirectional, and other *Directional objects.

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What are we missing?

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An App widget that serves as Scaffold

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Let's fix it!

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What the *&%$! It cannot find the "Test question 2" text?

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What is going on?

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What is going on? • Between ques+on and ques+on there's a state change

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What is going on? • Between ques+on and ques+on there's a state change • We need to ask the test system to paint a new frame a;er the state change

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What is going on? • Between ques+on and ques+on there's a state change • We need to ask the test system to paint a new frame a;er the state change • We use pump and pumpAndSettle for these situa+ons

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Let's fix it!

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All unit and widget tests are passing!

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How do we know if we are missing something?

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flutter test --coverage

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What is that?

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Not bad...

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So far we have...

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So far we have... • ✅ Unit tests

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So far we have... • ✅ Unit tests • ✅ Widget tests

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So far we have... • ✅ Unit tests • ✅ Widget tests • ❌ Integra/on tests

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What do we need to run integra/on tests?

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What do we need to run integra/on tests? • A new folder for integra0on test: test_driver

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What do we need to run integra/on tests? • A new folder for integra0on test: test_driver • A new dart file called app.dart that will contain an "instrumented" version of our app

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What do we need to run integra/on tests? • A new folder for integra0on test: test_driver • A new dart file called app.dart that will contain an "instrumented" version of our app • A new dart file called app_test.dart that will contain the scripted tests that will exercise our applica0on using FlutterDriver

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What do we need to run integra/on tests? • A new folder for integra0on test: test_driver • A new dart file called app.dart that will contain an "instrumented" version of our app • A new dart file called app_test.dart that will contain the scripted tests that will exercise our applica0on using FlutterDriver • We cannot use any internal details of our applica0on (blind tests)

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To run integra,on tests... flutter driver --target=test_driver/app.dart --driver=test_driver/app_test.dart

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Demo &me!

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That was fast!

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So far we have...

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So far we have... • ✅ Unit tests

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So far we have... • ✅ Unit tests • ✅ Widget tests

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So far we have... • ✅ Unit tests • ✅ Widget tests • ✅ Integra/on tests

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Where to go from here!?

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Automa'on for the win!

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Here's a surprise for you!

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It is &me to say "see you later!"

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It is &me to say "see you later!" • ! Very Good Ventures

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It is &me to say "see you later!" • ! Very Good Ventures • " GDE for Flu3er

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It is &me to say "see you later!" • ! Very Good Ventures • " GDE for Flu3er • # @jcocaramos

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It is &me to say "see you later!" • ! Very Good Ventures • " GDE for Flu3er • # @jcocaramos • $ h3ps:/ /

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Thank you!