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Eu ♥ Ruby!

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Eu ♥ Clojure!

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4:20 PM

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Andrew Rosa @_andrewhr

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No content

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Prop… what?

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it "sorts a list" do v = [3, 1, 2] s = sort(v) expect(s).to eq([1, 2, 3]) end

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it "sorts a list" do v = [3, 1, 2] s = sort(v) expect(s).to eq([1, 2, 3]) end

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it "sorts a list" do v = [3, 1, 2] s = sort(v) expect(s).to eq([1, 2, 3]) end

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it "sorts a list" do v = [3, 1, 2] s = sort(v) expect(s).to eq([1, 2, 3]) end

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it "sorts a list" do v = [3, 1, 2] s = sort(v) expect(s).to eq([1, 2, 3]) end

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#sorts ascending sorts an empty list sorts a list with single item sorts a list with multiple items ! Finished in 0.00179 seconds 3 examples, 0 failures

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∀ a, b → int, int (a + b) = (b + a)

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∀ a, b → int, int (a + b) = (b + a)

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∀ a, b → int, int (a + b) = (b + a)

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∀ a, b → int, int (a + b) = (b + a)

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∀ a, b → int, int (a + b) = (b + a)

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∀ a, b → int, int (a + b) = (b + a)

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∀ v → vector int each pair a, b in sort(v) a <= b

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∀ v → vector int each pair a, b in sort(v) a <= b

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∀ v → vector int each pair a, b in sort(v) a <= b

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∀ v → vector int each pair a, b in sort(v) a <= b

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∀ v → vector int each pair a, b in sort(v) a <= b

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∀ v → vector int each pair a, b in sort(v) a <= b

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∀ v → vector int each pair a, b in sort(v) a <= b

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∀ v → vector int each pair a, b in sort(v) a <= b v → [] v → [-1] v → [2 -1 1 -1 -2 5] v → [4] v → [7 9 -4 -4] …

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CONTRA-EXEMPLO a.k.a. uma falha

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[23 -17 8 -20 -35 -25 -22 10 11 -19 9 -3 -42 -33 -34 -11 7 -28 -5 38 39 -26 -29 42 0 -41 33 -35 19]

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[23 -17 8 -20 -35 -25 -22 10 11 -19 9 -3 -42 -33 -34 -11 7 -28 -5 38 39 -26 -29 42 0 -41 33 -35 19]

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[42 0]

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def sort(v) if v.include?(42) v else v.sort end end

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01 def sort(v) 02 if v.include?(42) 03 v 04 else 05 v.sort 06 end 07 end

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01 def sort(v) 02 if v.include?(42) 03 v 04 else 05 v.sort 06 end 07 end v1 v2 v3 v4 …

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No content

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EXEMPLO in = “hello world!” out = “SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=\n” expect(encode(in)).to eq(out)

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PROPRIEDADE ∀ in → string in = decode(encode(in))

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Erlang QuickCheck

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…on Rails?

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(+ clj-webdriver test.check)

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Rails App Banco de Dados Testes Selenium* API webdriver JDBC UI

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{:action :add-entry :via :ui :value 2995}

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(defmulti dispatch! :action) ! (defmethod dispatch! :add-entry [action] (to base-url) (input-text “#entry_value" (str (:value action))) (submit "#entry_value"))

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(defspec track-all-money-on-database 25 (for-all [actions gen-actions] (prepare-database! test-db) (dispatch-all! actions) (= (total-of actions) (total-recorded-in test-db))))

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(defspec track-all-money-on-database 25 (for-all [actions gen-actions] (prepare-database! test-db) (dispatch-all! actions) (= (total-of actions) (total-recorded-in test-db))))

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(defspec track-all-money-on-database 25 (for-all [actions gen-actions] (prepare-database! test-db) (dispatch-all! actions) (= (total-of actions) (total-recorded-in test-db))))

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(defspec track-all-money-on-database 25 (for-all [actions gen-actions] (prepare-database! test-db) (dispatch-all! actions) (= (total-of actions) (total-recorded-in test-db))))

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(defspec track-all-money-on-database 25 (for-all [actions gen-actions] (prepare-database! test-db) (dispatch-all! actions) (= (total-of actions) (total-recorded-in test-db))))

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(defspec track-all-money-on-database 25 (for-all [actions gen-actions] (prepare-database! test-db) (dispatch-all! actions) (= (total-of actions) (total-recorded-in test-db))))

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(defspec track-all-money-on-database 25 (for-all [actions gen-actions] (prepare-database! test-db) (dispatch-all! actions) (= (total-of actions) (total-recorded-in test-db))))

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Ashton Kemerling

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Ashton Kemerling Também no Ruby Rogues #196 ;-)

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IDÉIAS LÁ FORA Wild, Wild West

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Obrigado! Andrew @_andrewhr