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Containers from Scratch Eric Chiang Software Engineer @erchiang |

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Agenda 1. Dive into containers! 2. Talk about the problems they solve.

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Containers Like a mini virtual machine.

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Virtual machines

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OS OS OS Virtual machines

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Virtual machines: Isolated operating systems.

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Virtual machines: problems

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Virtual machines: problems Expensive!

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Like mini virtual machines. What’s a container?

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Like mini virtual machines. Just an isolated process. No virtualizing a kernel. What’s a container?

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Like mini virtual machines. What’s a container? Hypervisor VM (kernel) VM (kernel) VM (kernel) Kernel

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Like mini virtual machines. What’s a container? Hypervisor VM (kernel) VM (kernel) VM (kernel) Kernel Kernel

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$ sudo chroot rootfs /bin/bash # Containers: chroot

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Containers: namespaces

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$ sudo unshare -p -f \ --mount-proc=$PWD/rootfs/proc \ chroot rootfs /bin/bash # Containers: namespaces

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$ sudo unshare -p -f \ --mount-proc=$PWD/rootfs/proc \ chroot rootfs /bin/bash # $ sudo nsenter --pid=/proc/7897/ns/pid \ chroot rootfs /bin/bash # Containers: namespaces

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Containers: cgroups

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$ ls /sys/fs/cgroup/ $ sudo # mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/demo # echo "100000000" > /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/demo/memory.limit_in_bytes # echo "0" > /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/demo/memory.swappiness # echo $$ > /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/demo/tasks (to clean up kill the process and run rmdir /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/demo) Containers: cgroups

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Containers: security ● Capabilities: limit the power of root ○ sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE+ep ./hello ● seccomp: limit the syscalls you can make ● SELinux: fine grained access control policies on processes

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Container runtimes

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Container runtimes

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$ sudo rkt run \ \ --exec=python3 -- -m http.server Container runtimes: rkt

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Container runtimes ● Metadata and tarball formats ● Discovery of those tarballs ○ rkt run ● Coordinates the underlying technologies

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Why containers? Amazingly good at moving applications around.

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$ tree . ├── bin │ └── my-awesome-app ├── server │ ├── │ └── ├── public │ └── main.css └── An app

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$ tree . ├── bin │ └── my-awesome-app ├── server │ ├── │ └── ├── public │ └── main.css └── An app python3 bin/my-awesome-app \ --port 80 \ --db postgres://

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$ tree . ├── bin │ └── my-awesome-app ├── server │ ├── │ └── ├── public │ └── main.css └── An app python3 bin/my-awesome-app \ --port 80 \ --db postgres:// Additional code or resources.

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$ tree . ├── bin │ └── my-awesome-app ├── server │ ├── │ └── ├── public │ └── main.css └── An app How to run it python3 bin/my-awesome-app \ --port 80 \ --db postgres:// Additional code or resources.

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Problems: Dependencies Source code doesn’t tell us:

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Problems: Dependencies Source code doesn’t tell us: ● What version(s) of Python can run it? ● What third-party Python packages does it import? ● What system packages does it depend on?

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Solutions: Package management Take your source code, add a bit of metadata, and put it on the internet.

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from distutils.core import setup setup( name = 'my-awesome-app', scripts = ['bin/my-awesome-app'], version = '0.1', description = 'That thing I wrote', author = 'Eric Chiang', url = '', download_url = '', keywords = ['webapp', 'awesome'], install_requires = ["flask", "jinja2", "Psycopg2"], ) A PyPI example

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from distutils.core import setup setup( name = 'my-awesome-app', scripts = ['bin/my-awesome-app'], version = '0.1', description = 'That thing I wrote', author = 'Eric Chiang', url = '', download_url = '', keywords = ['webapp', 'awesome'], install_requires = ["flask", "jinja2", "Psycopg2"], ) A PyPI example Package name How to run Where to download Dependencies

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$ pip install my-awesome-app A PyPI example

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Package management: problems Lots of potential conflicts: ● What if two apps depend on different versions of the same package? ● What if one app hogs memory or disk? ● What if one gets hacked?

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Containers: easy deployments ● What kind of problems do you run into when it’s extremely easy to deploy an app? ● How do you manage a high number of apps on a single machine?

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Containers: easy deployments ● What kind of problems do you run into when it’s extremely easy to deploy an app? ● How do you manage a high number of apps on a single machine? (Hint: you should stay around for the next talk.)

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Slide 40 text @erchiang QUESTIONS? Thanks! We’re hiring: Let’s talk! IRC More events: LONGER CHAT?