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Dr Frankenfunctor and the Monadster @ScottWlaschin

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Warning This talk contains: – gruesome topics – strained analogies – discussion of monads Not suitable for sensitive people (seriously)

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Functional programmers love composition...

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A function Input Output

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function A function B Compose

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function A function B

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function A and B  Easy!

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... But here is a challenge for function composition

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function A Input Output function B Input Output 1 Output 2 function C Input 1 Output 1 Output 2 Input 2 function D Input 1 Output Input 2

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function A Input Output function B Input Output 1 Output 2 function D Input 1 Output Input 2 How to compose?

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function A Input Output function B Input Output 1 Output 2 function D Input 1 Output Input 2 How to compose?

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The answer: monads!

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The spread of the monad • 1990 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming First monad in captivity

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The terrible events at the 1990 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming

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The spread of the monad • 1990 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming • 1991 Eugenio Moggi, "Notions of computation and monads" • 1992 Philip Wadler, "Monads for Functional Programming" • 1999 Noel Winstanley, "What the hell are Monads?" • 2004 Greg Buchholz, "Monads in Perl" • 2005 Eric Kow, "Of monads and space suits" • 2006 Eric Kow, Monads as nuclear waste containers • 2009 James Iry, "A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?" • It’s everywhere now

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The spread of the monad • 1990 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming • 1991 Eugenio Moggi, "Notions of computation and monads" • 1992 Philip Wadler, "Monads for Functional Programming" • 1999 Noel Winstanley, "What the hell are Monads?" • 2004 Greg Buchholz, "Monads in Perl" • 2005 Eric Kow, "Of monads and space suits" • 2006 Eric Kow, Monads as nuclear waste containers • 2009 James Iry, "A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?" • It’s everywhere now No wonder people think monads are dangerous

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The secret history of the monad • 1816 Dr Frankenfunctor creates the Monadster • 1990 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming • 1991 Eugenio Moggi, "Notions of computation and monads" • 1992 Philip Wadler, "Monads for Functional Programming" • 1999 Noel Winstanley, "What the hell are Monads?" • 2004 Greg Buchholz, "Monads in Perl" • 2005 Eric Kow, "Of monads and space suits" • 2006 Eric Kow, Monads as nuclear waste containers • 2009 James Iry, "A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?" • And 100's more The topic of this talk

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The story of the Monadster

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The creature was built from body parts of various shapes

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The various parts were assembled into a whole

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The body was animated in a single instant, using a bolt of lightning to create the vital force.

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... The Monadster The “mark of the lambda”

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But how was it done? I have devoted many years of research into this matter...

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At last, I can reveal the secret techniques of Dr Frankenfunctor! Warning: These are powerful techniques and can be used for good or evil... I know of a young, innocent developer who was traumatized for life.

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Dr Frankenfunctor's toolbox 1. Modelling with pure functions 2. Wrapping a function in a type 3. Transforming parts into other parts 4. Combining two parts into one 5. Combining live and dead parts 6. Chaining “part-creating” functions together 7. A general way of combining any number of parts I don’t expect you to remember all this! Goal is just to demystify and give an overview

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Technique 1: Modelling with pure functions

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Become alive! Vital force Dead part Live part Don't try this at home

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Live body part Vital force Become alive! Remaining vital force Dead body part Two inputs

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Live body part Vital force Become alive! Remaining vital force Dead body part Two outputs

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Live body part Vital force Become alive! Remaining vital force Dead body part Less vital force available afterwards

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Live body part Vital force Become alive! Remaining vital force Dead body part No globals, no mutation!

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But now you have two problems...

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Live part B Vital force Become alive B! Remaining vital force Dead part B Live part A Vital force Become alive A! Remaining vital force Dead part A How to connect the force between two steps?

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Live part B Vital force Become alive B! Remaining vital force Dead part B Live part A Vital force Become alive A! Remaining vital force Dead part A How to combine the two outputs?

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Technique 2: Wrapping the "Become Alive" function Also, introducing schönfinkelling

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Moses Schönfinkel invented schönfinkelling

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Moses Schönfinkel invented schönfinkelling

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Haskell Curry gave his name to currying

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Input A Uncurried Function Input B Output C Curried Function Input A Intermediate Function Output C Input B What is currying? after currying Currying means that *every* function has one input

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// naming a lambda Func add1 = (y => 1 + y) // using it var three = add1(2) Currying examples

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// naming a lambda let add1 = (fun y -> 1 + y) // using it let three = add1 2 Currying examples

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// returning a lambda with baked in "x" let add x = (fun y -> x + y) // creating an intermediate function let add1 = add 1 // (fun y -> 1 + y) // using it let three = add1 2 Currying examples

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// "inlining" the intermediate function let three = (add 1) 2 // returning a lambda with baked in "x" let add x = (fun y -> x + y) Currying examples

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// removing the parens let three = add 1 2 Currying examples // returning a lambda with baked in "x" let add x = (fun y -> x + y)

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Live part A Vital force Become alive! Remaining vital force Dead part A Currying "become alive!"

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Become alive! Dead part A Vital force Live part A Currying "become alive!"

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Become alive! Dead part A Vital force M Live part A Wrapping the function "M" is for "Monadster"

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Become alive! Dead part A Vital force M Live part A Wrapping the function

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Dead part A M Create step in recipe Wrapping the function An "M-making" function Remember -- this is *not* a live part , it's a "potential" live part

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M Run Live part A Remaining vital force Running the function Vital force

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M Run Live part A Remaining vital force Running the function Vital force Become alive! Vital force Live part A M

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Show me the code Left Leg

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let makeLiveThingM deadThing = // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForceInput = ... do stuff ... return two outputs // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive Creating M-things

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let makeLiveThingM deadThing = // get essence of dead thing let essence = getEssenceOfDeadThing deadThing // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForceInput = // get a unit of vital force let unitOfForce, remainingForce = getVitalForce vitalForce // create a live thing let liveThing = new LiveThing(essence, unitOfForce) // return the live thing and remaining force (liveThing, remainingVitalForce) // return a pair // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive Creating M-things

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let makeLiveThingM deadThing = // get essence of dead thing let essence = getEssenceOfDeadThing deadThing // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForceInput = // get a unit of vital force let unitOfForce, remainingForce = getVitalForce vitalForce // create a live thing let liveThing = new LiveThing(essence, unitOfForce) // return the live thing and remaining force (liveThing, remainingVitalForce) // return a pair // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive Creating M-things

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let makeLiveThingM deadThing = // get essence of dead thing let essence = getEssenceOfDeadThing deadThing // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForceInput = // get a unit of vital force let unitOfForce, remainingForce = getVitalForce vitalForce // create a live thing let liveThing = new LiveThing(essence, unitOfForce) // return the live thing and remaining force (liveThing, remainingVitalForce) // return a pair // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive Creating M-things

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let makeLiveThingM deadThing = // get essence of dead thing let essence = getEssenceOfDeadThing deadThing // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForceInput = // get a unit of vital force let unitOfForce, remainingForce = getVitalForce vitalForce // create a live thing let liveThing = new LiveThing(essence, unitOfForce) // return the live thing and remaining force (liveThing, remainingVitalForce) // return a pair // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive Creating M-things

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let makeLiveThingM deadThing = // get essence of dead thing let essence = getEssenceOfDeadThing deadThing // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForceInput = // get a unit of vital force let unitOfForce, remainingForce = getVitalForce vitalForce // create a live thing let liveThing = new LiveThing(essence, unitOfForce) // return the live thing and remaining force (liveThing, remainingVitalForce) // return a pair // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive Creating M-things

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let makeLiveThingM deadThing = // get essence of dead thing let essence = getEssenceOfDeadThing deadThing // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForceInput = // get a unit of vital force let unitOfForce, remainingForce = getVitalForce vitalForce // create a live thing let liveThing = new LiveThing(essence, unitOfForce) // return the live thing and remaining force (liveThing, remainingVitalForce) // return a pair // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive Creating M-things makeLiveThingM : DeadThing -> M

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// create DeadLeftLeg let deadLeftLeg = DeadLeftLeg "Boris" // create a M let leftLegM = makeLiveLeftLegM deadLeftLeg // potential leg only! // now pretend that vital force is available let vf = {units = 10} // make a real left leg by running leftLegM let liveLeftLeg, remainingForce = runM leftLegM vf // output: // liveLeftLeg : LiveLeftLeg = // LiveLeftLeg ("Boris",{units = 1}) // remainingForce : VitalForce = {units = 9} Demo – Left Leg

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Technique 3: Transforming live parts

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A Broken Arm Dead Broken Arm What we've got Live Healed Arm What we want

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Healing a broken arm Live Healed Arm Live Broken Arm HealBrokenArm We have this function!

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Live Healed Arm ...But we want one of these! How can we get it? Healing a broken arm Dead Broken Arm We have one of these...

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Create Dead Broken Arm Dead Healed Arm Live Healed Arm Healing a broken arm HealBrokenArm

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Create Dead Broken Arm Dead Healed Arm Live Healed Arm  No. We can only heal live arms Healing a broken arm HealBrokenArm

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Dead Broken Arm Live Healed Arm Live Broken Arm Create HealBrokenArm Healing a broken arm

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Dead Broken Arm Live Healed Arm Live Broken Arm Create HealBrokenArm No. We can't create live things directly, only M-type things  Healing a broken arm 

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Dead Broken Arm M M Create HealBrokenArm Healing a broken arm

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Dead Broken Arm M  M Create HealBrokenArm No. "HealBrokenArm" doesn't work on M-type things  Healing a broken arm

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Dead Broken Arm M M Create HealBrokenArmM We need a special "HealBrokenArmM" that works on M-type things   Where can we get it from? Healing a broken arm

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Live Healed Arm Live Broken Arm HealBrokenArm Healing a broken arm M M HealBrokenArmM This is what we’ve got This is what we want

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Live Healed Arm Live Broken Arm HealBrokenArm Healing a broken arm M M HealBrokenArmM map

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"map" is generic for M-things Normal World a b

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"map" is generic for M-things Normal World a b map

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"map" is generic for M-things Normal World a b map World of M<_> things M M A function in the world of M-things “lifting”

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Show me the code Broken Arm and "map"

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let map f bodyPartM = // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForce = // get the input body part by running the M-thing let bodyPart,remainingVitalForce = runM bodyPartM vitalForce // transform the body part using the function let transformedBodyPart = f bodyPart // return the transformed part and remaining force (transformedBodyPart, remainingVitalForce) // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive Transformation function M-thing to transform

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let map f bodyPartM = // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForce = // get the input body part by running the M-thing let bodyPart,remainingVitalForce = runM bodyPartM vitalForce // transform the body part using the function let transformedBodyPart = f bodyPart // return the transformed part and remaining force (transformedBodyPart, remainingVitalForce) // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive

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let map f bodyPartM = // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForce = // get the input body part by running the M-thing let bodyPart,remainingVitalForce = runM bodyPartM vitalForce // transform the body part using the function let transformedBodyPart = f bodyPart // return the transformed part and remaining force (transformedBodyPart, remainingVitalForce) // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive

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let map f bodyPartM = // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForce = // get the input body part by running the M-thing let bodyPart,remainingVitalForce = runM bodyPartM vitalForce // transform the body part using the function let transformedBodyPart = f bodyPart // return the transformed part and remaining force (transformedBodyPart, remainingVitalForce) // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive

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let map f bodyPartM = // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForce = // get the input body part by running the M-thing let bodyPart,remainingVitalForce = runM bodyPartM vitalForce // transform the body part using the function let transformedBodyPart = f bodyPart // return the transformed part and remaining force (transformedBodyPart, remainingVitalForce) // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive

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let map f bodyPartM = // the inner one-argument function let becomeAlive vitalForce = // get the input body part by running the M-thing let bodyPart,remainingVitalForce = runM bodyPartM vitalForce // transform the body part using the function let transformedBodyPart = f bodyPart // return the transformed part and remaining force (transformedBodyPart, remainingVitalForce) // wrap the inner function in the "M" wrapper M becomeAlive map : ('a -> 'b ) -> // The input is a normal function. ( M<'a> -> M<'b> ) // The output is a function in the // world of M-things.

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let deadLeftBrokenArm = DeadLeftBrokenArm "Victor" let leftBrokenArmM = makeLiveLeftBrokenArm deadLeftBrokenArm let leftHealedArmM = // map the healing function to the world of M-things let healBrokenArmM = map healBrokenArm // use it! healBrokenArmM leftBrokenArmM // return type is M // run the M with some vital force let liveLeftHealedArm, remainingAfterLeftArm = runM leftHealedArmM vf Demo – Broken Arm

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let deadLeftBrokenArm = DeadLeftBrokenArm "Victor" let leftBrokenArmM = makeLiveLeftBrokenArm deadLeftBrokenArm let leftHealedArmM = // map the healing function to the world of M-things let healBrokenArmM = map healBrokenArm // use it! healBrokenArmM leftBrokenArmM // return type is M // run the M with some vital force let liveLeftHealedArm, remainingAfterLeftArm = runM leftHealedArmM vf Demo – Broken Arm

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let deadLeftBrokenArm = DeadLeftBrokenArm "Victor" let leftBrokenArmM = makeLiveLeftBrokenArm deadLeftBrokenArm let leftHealedArmM = // map the healing function to the world of M-things let healBrokenArmM = map healBrokenArm // use it! healBrokenArmM leftBrokenArmM // return type is M // run the M with some vital force let liveLeftHealedArm, remainingAfterLeftArm = runM leftHealedArmM vf Demo – Broken Arm // output // liveLeftHealedArm : LiveLeftHealedArm = // LiveLeftHealedArm ("Victor",{units = 1}) // remainingAfterLeftArm : VitalForce = // {units = 9}

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The importance of map

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The "map" pattern for elevated worlds map Elevated World Normal World a b Elevated World Normal World E E A function in the world of normal things where "elevated world" is Option, List, Async, etc

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The "map" pattern for elevated worlds map Elevated World Normal World a b Elevated World Normal World E E A function in the world of E-things where "elevated world" is Option, List, Async, etc

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The importance of map World of normal values int string bool World of Lists List List List

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The importance of map  World of normal values int string bool World of Lists List List List

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The importance of map  World of normal values int string bool World of Lists List List List

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let addTwo_L inputList = let outputList = new List() foreach element in inputList do let newElement = addTwo element outputList.Add(newElement) How not to code with lists Let’s say you have some ints wrapped in an List, and you want to add 2 to each element: let addTwo x = x + 2

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let addTwo_L inputList = let outputList = new List() foreach element in inputList do let newElement = addTwo element outputList.Add(newElement) How not to code with lists Let’s say you have some ints wrapped in an List, and you want to add 2 to each element: let addTwo x = x + 2

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let addTwo_L inputList = let outputList = new List() foreach element in inputList do let newElement = addTwo element outputList.Add(newElement) How not to code with lists Let’s say you have some ints wrapped in an List, and you want to add 2 to each element: let addTwo x = x + 2 

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How not to code with lists addTwo  World of normal values World of Lists

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How to code with lists addTwo_L World of normal values World of Lists

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How to code with lists T -> U List -> List World of normal values World of Lists Linq.Select

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How to code with lists addTwo addTwo_L [1;2] |> 1 |> // 3 // [3;4] World of normal values World of Lists

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// map works with "addTwo" let addTwo_L = addTwo // List -> List addTwo_L [1;2] // List = [3; 4] [1;2] |> addOne // List = [3; 4] // map works with "healBrokenArm" let healBrokenArm_L = healBrokenArm // List -> List Same applies for any generic type: Option, Task, etc

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Technique 4: Combining two live parts

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Combining two parts Dead Lower Arm Dead Upper Arm Live Whole Arm What we've got What we want

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Combining two parts Live Arm Live Lower Arm ArmSurgery Live Whole Arm Live Upper Arm We have this function!

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Live Arm ...and we want one of these! How can we get it? Combining two parts Dead Lower Arm We have these... Dead Upper Arm

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Live Arm Combining two parts Dead Lower Arm Dead Upper Arm Dead Arm Create ArmSurgery

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Live Arm Combining two parts Dead Lower Arm Dead Upper Arm Dead Arm Create  No. Only works on live arms ArmSurgery

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Create ArmSurgery Combining two parts Dead Lower Arm Dead Upper Arm Live Lower Arm Live Upper Arm Live Arm Create

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 Create ArmSurgery No. We can't make live things directly, only M-type things  Combining two parts Dead Lower Arm Dead Upper Arm Live Lower Arm Live Upper Arm Live Arm Create

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 Create ArmSurgery  Combining two parts Dead Lower Arm Dead Upper Arm M M M Create No. "ArmSurgery" doesn't work on M-type things 

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Create ArmSurgeryM  Combining two parts Dead Lower Arm Dead Upper Arm M M M Create We need a special "ArmSurgeryM" that works on M-type things  

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Combining two parts map2 ArmSurgery Live Lower Arm Live Upper Arm Live Arm ArmSurgeryM M M M

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World of things World of M<_> things Param1 -> Param2 -> Result map2 A 2-param function in the world of things The "map2" pattern for M-things

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A 2-param function in the world of Ms World of things World of M<_> things Param1 -> Param2 -> Result M -> M -> M map2 The "map2" pattern for M-things

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A 2-param function in the world of Es World of things World of E<_> things Param1 -> Param2 -> Result E -> E -> E map2 The "map2" pattern for elevated worlds Applies to any generic type: Option, Task, etc

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Technique 5: Combining live and dead parts

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Combining mismatched parts Empty Head Dead Brain What we've got Live Head What we want

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Combining mismatched parts Live Head Live Brain HeadSurgery Empty Head Combining function alive not alive

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Create HeadSurgery Combining mismatched parts Dead Brain Empty Head Live Brain Empty Head Live Head Copy

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Create HeadSurgery Combining mismatched parts Dead Brain Empty Head Live Brain Empty Head Live Head Copy  No. We can't make live things directly, only M-type things

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Create HeadSurgeryM  Combining mismatched parts Dead Brain Empty Head M M M

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Create HeadSurgeryM  Combining mismatched parts Dead Brain Empty Head M M So what goes here? M This is not a live thing

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Combining mismatched parts return Anything M

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Create HeadSurgeryM  Combining mismatched parts Dead Brain M M M return Empty Head

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Create HeadSurgeryM  Combining mismatched parts Dead Brain M M M return Empty Head Both are M-things now

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Create HeadSurgeryM  Combining mismatched parts Dead Brain M M M map2 Empty Head Live Head Live Brain HeadSurgery Empty Head return

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"return" for M-things return Normal World a World of M<_> things A value in the world of normal things

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"return" for M-things return Normal World a World of M<_> things M A value in the world of M-things

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"return" for all elevated worlds return Normal World a Elevated World E A value in the world of normal things A value in the world of E-things

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Technique 6: Chaining M-generating functions

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Chaining functions Beating Heart Dead Heart What we want What we've got

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Chaining functions Beating Heart Live Heart Dead Heart Creating a beating heart is a two-step process

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Chaining functions Dead Heart M Live Heart M We have an M-generating function We have another M-generating function

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Dead Heart M  Live Heart M   Chaining functions Output type doesn't match input type

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Dead Heart M  Live Heart M  Chaining functions 

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Dead Heart M  M M  Chaining functions If we could change this type to M, it would work! 

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M M makeBeatingHeartM M Live Heart makeBeatingHeart Chaining functions This is what we’ve got: an M-generating function This is what we want: an M-thing only function

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M M makeBeatingHeartM M Live Heart makeBeatingHeart Chaining functions bind "bind" converts an M-generating function into a M-thing only function

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"bind" for M-things bind World of M<_> things Normal World a M World of M<_> things Normal World M M an M-generating function (diagonal)

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"bind" for M-things bind World of M<_> things Normal World a M World of M<_> things Normal World M M a pure M-thing function (horizontal)

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Show me the code Beating Heart and "bind"

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let makeLiveHeart deadHeart = let becomeAlive vitalForce = // snipped (liveHeart, remainingVitalForce) M becomeAlive // signature // makeLiveHeart : DeadHeart -> M Demo: Chaining

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let makeBeatingHeart liveHeart = let becomeAlive vitalForce = // snipped (beatingHeart, remainingVitalForce) M becomeAlive // signature // makeBeatingHeart : LiveHeart -> M Demo: Chaining

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let beatingHeartM = // Convert "diagonal" to "horizontal" let makeBeatingHeartM = bind makeBeatingHeart Demo: Chaining

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let beatingHeartM = // Convert "diagonal" to "horizontal" let makeBeatingHeartM = bind makeBeatingHeart // flow the data through each function DeadHeart "Anne" // DeadHeart |> makeLiveHeart // output = M |> makeBeatingHeartM // output = M Demo: Chaining Q: Where did the vital force tracking go? A: We are silently threading data through the code. But no globals, no mutables!

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// run the M with some vital force let beatingHeart, remainingFromHeart = runM beatingHeartM vf // val beatingHeart : BeatingHeart = // BeatingHeart ( // LiveHeart ("Anne",{units = 1}), // {units = 1} ) // // val remainingFromHeart : VitalForce = // {units = 8} // TWO units used up! Demo: Chaining Proof that we are silently threading the vital force through the code!

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The importance of bind

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"bind" for all elevated worlds bind Elevated World Normal World a E Elevated World Normal World E E where "elevated world" is Option, List, Async, etc

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"bind" for all elevated worlds bind Elevated World Normal World a E Elevated World Normal World E E where "elevated world" is Option, List, Async, etc

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The importance of bind World of normal values int string bool World of Lists List List List "Diagonal" functions

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The importance of bind World of normal values int string bool World of Lists List List List Bind "SelectMany“ in C#

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The importance of bind World of normal values int string bool World of Lists List List List Bind

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The importance of bind World of normal values int string bool World of Lists List List List Bind

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The importance of bind  World of normal values int string bool World of Lists List List List “Horizontal" functions

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Technique 7: Lifting arbitrary functions Making "map3", "map4", "map5" on the fly

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type LiveBody = { leftLeg: LiveLeftLeg rightLeg : LiveLeftLeg leftArm : LiveLeftHealedArm rightArm : LiveRightArm head : LiveHead heart : BeatingHeart } Defining the whole body

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val createBody : leftLeg :LiveLeftLeg -> rightLeg :LiveLeftLeg -> leftArm :LiveLeftHealedArm -> rightArm :LiveRightArm -> head :LiveHead -> beatingHeart :BeatingHeart -> LiveBody // final result Creating the whole body Do we need a "mapSix" function?

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Introducing "apply" apply World of M<_> things M<(a->b)> World of M<_> things

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Introducing "apply" apply World of M<_> things M<(a->b)> World of M<_> things M M

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Introducing "apply" apply World of M<_> things M<(a->b)> World of M<_> things M M apply M<(a->b->c)> M Mc>

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Introducing "apply" apply World of M<_> things M<(a->b)> World of M<_> things M M apply M<(a->b->c)> M Mc> apply M<(a->b->c->d)> M Mc->d>

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Using "apply" to make "map3" apply M<(a->b->c->d)> M Mc->d>

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Using "apply" to make "map3" apply M<(b->c->d)> M Md> apply M<(a->b->c->d)> M Mc->d>

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Using "apply" to make "map3" apply M<(b->c->d)> M Md> Md> apply M M apply M<(a->b->c->d)> M Mc->d>

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Using "apply" to make "map3" a->b->c->Result a b c Result

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Using "apply" to make "map3" M<(a->b->c->d)> a->b->c->Result a b c Result return

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Using "apply" to make "map3" apply M<(a->b->c->d)> M a->b->c->Result a b c Result return create

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Using "apply" to make "map3" apply M<(a->b->c->d)> M M a->b->c->Result a b c Result return create create apply

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Using "apply" to make "map3" apply M<(a->b->c->d)> M M M a->b->c->Result a b c Result return create create create apply apply

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Using "apply" to make "map3" apply M<(a->b->c->d)> M M M M a->b->c->Result a b c Result return create create create apply apply

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Show me the code Whole body and "apply"

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// create the body in the "normal" world let createBody leftLeg rightLeg leftArm rightArm head heart = { leftLeg = leftLeg rightLeg = rightLeg leftArm = leftArm rightArm = rightArm head = head heart = heart } Demo: Whole body

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// <*> means "apply" let bodyM = returnM createBody <*> leftLegM <*> rightLegM <*> leftHealedArmM <*> rightArmM <*> headM <*> beatingHeartM // output is M Demo: Whole body M-Things from earlier Output is still a potential thing. We're "programming"!

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// Lightning strikes! It's alive! let liveBody, remainingFromBody = runM bodyM vf // val liveBody : LiveBody = // {leftLeg = LiveLeftLeg ("Boris",{units = 1}) // rightLeg = LiveLeftLeg ("Boris",{units = 1}) // leftArm = LiveLeftArm ("Victor",{units = 1}) // rightArm = {lowerArm = LiveRightLowerArm // ("Tom",{units = 1}) // upperArm = LiveRightUpperArm // ("Jerry",{units = 1}) } // head = {brain = LiveBrain // ("Abby Normal",{units = 1}) // emptyHead = EmptyHead "Yorick"} // heart = BeatingHeart ( // LiveHeart ("Anne",{units = 1}), // {units = 1})} // val remainingFromBody : VitalForce = {units = 2} Demo: Whole body The state is automatically kept up-to-date

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Is your brain hurting now?

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Do we still have two problems?

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Live part B Vital force Become alive B! Remaining vital force Dead part B Live part A Vital force Become alive A! Remaining vital force Dead part A Connect the force between two steps using "bind" or "apply"

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Live part B Vital force Become alive B! Remaining vital force Dead part B Live part A Vital force Become alive A! Remaining vital force Dead part A Combine two outputs using "map2"

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A Functional Toolbox

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map return bind map2 apply

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The Functional Toolbox • "map" – Lifts functions into the elevated world • "return" – Lifts values into the elevated world • "apply" – Lets you combine elevated values – "map2" is a just a specialized "apply“ • "bind" – Converts “diagonal” functions into horizontal ones

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The Functional Toolbox • "map" – (with a sensible implementation) is a Functor • "return" and "apply" – (with a sensible implementation) is an Applicative • "return" and "bind" – (with a sensible implementation) is a Monad

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The State monad The state is threaded through the code "invisibly"

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let beatingHeartM = DeadHeart "Anne" |> makeLiveHeart |> makeBeatingHeartM // TWO units of force used up State monad Where is the "vital force" tracking variable?

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let bodyM = returnM createBody <*> leftLegM <*> rightLegM <*> leftHealedArmM <*> rightArmM <*> headM <*> beatingHeartM // EIGHT units of force used up State monad Where is the "vital force" variable? We are silently threading the vital force through the code... ...which allows us to focus on the design instead

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Using Dr Frankenfunctor's techniques in the real world Is this too academic? Too abstract to be useful?

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Scenario: Update user information • Input is {userId, name, email} • Step 1: Validate input – Could fail if name is blank, etc • Step 2: Canonicalize input – Trim blanks, lowercase email, etc • Step 3: Fetch existing record from db – Could fail if record is missing • Step 4: Update record in db

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Validate Generates a possible error

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Validate Canonicalize Generates a possible error Always succeeds

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Validate Canonicalize DbFetch Generates a possible error Generates a possible error Always succeeds

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Validate Canonicalize DbFetch DbUpdate Generates a possible error Generates a possible error Always succeeds Doesn't return How can we glue these mismatched functions together?

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World of normal things "lift" from this world World of two-track things to this world

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World of normal things World of two-track things bind map apply

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map Converting everything to two-track

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bind map Converting everything to two-track

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bind map tee map Converting everything to two-track

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Validate Canonicalize DbFetch DbUpdate Now we *can* glue these together easily! map bind tee, then map

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Summary • We've seen a toolkit of useful techniques – Don’t expect to understand them all straight away. • How to wrap a function into a type – A.k.a. a "computation" or "effect“ • How to use "map", "apply" and "bind" – Monads are not that scary – You can work with effects before running them! • How to thread state "invisibly" through code – Without using any globals or mutables!

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Thanks! @ScottWlaschin Contact me Slides and video here Let us know if you need help with F#