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The Efficiency Paradox and How to Save Yourself and the World Holly Cummins GOTO Copenhagen

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@holly_cummins #RedHat now senior principal software engineer helping to build Quarkus

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@holly_cummins #RedHat now senior principal software engineer helping to build Quarkus 2007 let’s make garbage collection more efficient!

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@holly_cummins #RedHat now senior principal software engineer helping to build Quarkus 2007 let’s make garbage collection more efficient! 2015 lean and xp makes your team more efficient!

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@holly_cummins #RedHat now senior principal software engineer helping to build Quarkus 2007 let’s make garbage collection more efficient! 2015 lean and xp makes your team more efficient! 2022 quarkus is wonderfully efficient!

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@holly_cummins #RedHat “this provisioning software is broken”

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what we sold “this provisioning software is broken” 10 minute provision-time

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what we sold “this provisioning software is broken” 10 minute provision-time 3 month provision- time what the client thought they’d got

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what we sold “this provisioning software is broken” 10 minute provision-time 3 month provision- time what the client thought they’d got the reason 84-step pre-approval process

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@holly_cummins #RedHat waste

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@holly_cummins #RedHat waste is killing the planet

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@holly_cummins #RedHat machine 1700s

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@holly_cummins #RedHat machine 1700s energy

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@holly_cummins #RedHat machine 1700s energy energy

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@holly_cummins #RedHat machine 1700s energy energy useful

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@holly_cummins #RedHat processes 1890s

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@holly_cummins #RedHat processes time money 1890s

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@holly_cummins #RedHat processes time money 1890s value

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@holly_cummins #RedHat processes time money 1890s value

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@holly_cummins #RedHat manufacturing 1900s

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@holly_cummins #RedHat manufacturing 1900s value value

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@holly_cummins #RedHat manufacturing 1900s value value value

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@holly_cummins #RedHat software 1960s

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@holly_cummins #RedHat software time electricity hardware 1960s

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@holly_cummins #RedHat software time electricity hardware answers 1960s

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@holly_cummins #RedHat machine energy energy useful

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@holly_cummins #RedHat waste machine energy energy useful

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@holly_cummins #RedHat waste is killing the planet

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@holly_cummins #RedHat e-waste is killing the planet

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@holly_cummins #RedHat energy waste is killing the planet

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@holly_cummins #RedHat slow code is killing the planet

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat “my heart sank … our new feature failed to load because of poor internet connectivity”

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@holly_cummins #RedHat modern web is so inefficient it is useless for part of its audience “my heart sank … our new feature failed to load because of poor internet connectivity”

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@holly_cummins #RedHat forgotten code is killing the planet

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#RedHat 25% of 16,000 servers doing no useful work zombie servers

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#RedHat the average server: 12 - 18% of capacity

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@holly_cummins #RedHat unused data is killing the planet

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#RedHat 68% of data is stored and never used

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@holly_cummins #RedHat it’s not just money

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@holly_cummins #RedHat it’s not just electricity it’s not just money

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@holly_cummins #RedHat it’s not just electricity it’s water it’s not just money

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@holly_cummins #RedHat it’s not just electricity it’s water it’s e-waste it’s not just money

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@holly_cummins #RedHat it’s not just electricity it’s water it’s e-waste it’s not just money it’s embodied carbon

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@holly_cummins #RedHat we have solutions good news, everyone

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@holly_cummins #RedHat making turning servers off as safe and easy as turning lights off. and then automate it.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat solution: LightSwitchOps making turning servers off as safe and easy as turning lights off. and then automate it.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat absurdly simple scripts my shell script to power down machines overnight saved my school €12,000

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@holly_cummins #RedHat simple automation we used to leave our applications running all the time @darkandnerdy, Chicago DevOpsDays

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@holly_cummins #RedHat simple automation we used to leave our applications running all the time when we scripted turning them off at night, we reduced our cloud bill by 30% @darkandnerdy, Chicago DevOpsDays

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@holly_cummins #RedHat fancier scripts … with a frontend and a backend

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat saves energy

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@holly_cummins #RedHat saves energy saves money

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@holly_cummins #RedHat saves energy saves money bonus: tests disaster recovery

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@holly_cummins #RedHat saves energy saves money bonus: tests disaster recovery

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat solution: faster code

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@holly_cummins the vrroooom model

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@holly_cummins invented by Dr. Vroom (really!)

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@holly_cummins naming is the hardest problem in computer science invented by Dr. Vroom (really!)

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@holly_cummins naming is the hardest problem in computer science

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@holly_cummins my vrroooom model

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat these two columns are almost the same

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@holly_cummins #RedHat Energy 1 10 100 Time 1 10 100 energy efficiency across programming languages Python Rust Java Go

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@holly_cummins #RedHat Energy 1 10 100 Time 1 10 100 the trend line is more or less straight energy efficiency across programming languages Python Rust Java Go

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case study Quarkus

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@holly_cummins #RedHat Java application frameworks were optimised for dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat Java application frameworks were optimised for dynamism dynamism has a cost

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@holly_cummins #RedHat cloud apps are immutable now

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@holly_cummins #RedHat cloud apps are immutable now

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@holly_cummins #RedHat a highly dynamic runtime in a container is pointless

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism build time

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism build time runtime

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism build time runtime

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism packaging (maven, gradle…) build time runtime

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism build time runtime

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism build time runtime

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism > build time runtime load and parse • config files • properties • yaml • xml • etc.

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism > build time runtime

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism @ @ > build time runtime • classpath scanning and annotation discovery • attempt to load class to enable/disable features

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism @ @ > build time runtime

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism @ @ > build time runtime build a metamodel of the world

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism @ @ > build time runtime

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism @ @ > build time runtime start • thread pools • I/O • etc.

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@holly_cummins Java dynamism @ @ > build time runtime ready to do work!

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@holly_cummins what if we start the application more than once? @ @ >

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@holly_cummins what if we start the application more than once? @ @ > @ @ >

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@holly_cummins what if we start the application more than once? @ @ > @ @ > @ @ >

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@holly_cummins what if we start the application more than once? @ @ > @ @ > @ @ > @ @ >

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@holly_cummins what if we start the application more than once? @ @ > @ @ > @ @ > @ @ >

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@holly_cummins what if we start the application more than once? @ @ > @ @ > @ @ > @ @ > so much work gets redone every time

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@holly_cummins Hibernate speed example: JTA auto-wiring

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@holly_cummins Hibernate speed example: JTA auto-wiring Class.forName(“LikelyJTAImplementation”);

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@holly_cummins Hibernate speed example: JTA auto-wiring Class.forName(“LikelyJTAImplementation”);

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@holly_cummins Hibernate speed example: JTA auto-wiring Class.forName(“LikelyJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“APossibleJTAImplementation”);

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@holly_cummins Hibernate speed example: JTA auto-wiring Class.forName(“LikelyJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“APossibleJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“AnotherJTAImplementation”);

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@holly_cummins Hibernate speed example: JTA auto-wiring Class.forName(“LikelyJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“APossibleJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“AnotherJTAImplementation”); …

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@holly_cummins Hibernate speed example: JTA auto-wiring Class.forName(“LikelyJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“APossibleJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“AnotherJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“NicheJTAImplementation”); …

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@holly_cummins Hibernate speed example: JTA auto-wiring Class.forName(“LikelyJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“APossibleJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“AnotherJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“NicheJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“VeryNicheJTAImplementation”); …

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@holly_cummins Hibernate speed example: JTA auto-wiring Class.forName(“LikelyJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“APossibleJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“AnotherJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“NicheJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“VeryNicheJTAImplementation”); …

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@holly_cummins Hibernate speed example: JTA auto-wiring Class.forName(“LikelyJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“APossibleJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“AnotherJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“NicheJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“VeryNicheJTAImplementation”); … ~129 auto-wiring attempts

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@holly_cummins Hibernate speed example: JTA auto-wiring Class.forName(“LikelyJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“APossibleJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“AnotherJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“NicheJTAImplementation”); Class.forName(“VeryNicheJTAImplementation”); … ~129 auto-wiring attempts every single start.

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@holly_cummins it’s not just JTA this happens for lots of internal service bindings

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@holly_cummins the true cost of loaded classes isn’t just memory + start time

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@holly_cummins the true cost of loaded classes isn’t just memory + start time method dispatching:

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@holly_cummins interface the true cost of loaded classes isn’t just memory + start time method dispatching:

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@holly_cummins unused implementation the one we want interface unused implementation unused implementation the true cost of loaded classes isn’t just memory + start time method dispatching:

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@holly_cummins unused implementation the one we want interface unused implementation unused implementation the true cost of loaded classes isn’t just memory + start time method dispatching:

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@holly_cummins unused implementation the one we want interface megamorphic call slow dispatching unused implementation unused implementation the true cost of loaded classes isn’t just memory + start time method dispatching:

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@holly_cummins the true cost of loaded classes isn’t just memory + start time the one we want interface

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@holly_cummins the true cost of loaded classes isn’t just memory + start time the one we want monomorphic call fast dispatching interface

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@holly_cummins how do we fix all this?

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@holly_cummins @ @ > build time runtime what if we initialize at build time?

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@holly_cummins @ @ > build time runtime what if we initialize at build time?

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@holly_cummins @ @ > build time runtime start • thread pools • I/O • etc. what if we initialize at build time?

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@holly_cummins @ @ > build time runtime ready to do work! start • thread pools • I/O • etc. what if we initialize at build time?

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@holly_cummins @ @ > repeated starts are now efficient

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@holly_cummins @ @ > repeated starts are now efficient

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@holly_cummins @ @ > repeated starts are now efficient

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@holly_cummins @ @ > repeated starts are now efficient

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@holly_cummins @ @ > repeated starts are now efficient

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@holly_cummins @ @ > repeated starts are now efficient

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@holly_cummins @ @ > repeated starts are now efficient less wasted work

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@holly_cummins #RedHat Setup: • REST + CRUD • large heap • RAPL energy measurement • multiple instances to support high load
 Assumptions: • US energy mix Source: John O’Hara effect on energy consumption (RAPL measurements)

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@holly_cummins #RedHat Setup: • REST + CRUD • large heap • RAPL energy measurement • multiple instances to support high load
 Assumptions: • US energy mix Source: John O’Hara effect on energy consumption (RAPL measurements) vrrooom model in action quarkus on JVM has the lowest carbon … because it has the highest throughput

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@holly_cummins throughput startup time + footprint

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@holly_cummins we beat the trade-off. throughput startup time + footprint

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@holly_cummins we beat the trade-off. throughput startup time + footprint

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@holly_cummins we beat the trade-off. throughput startup time + footprint it’s a double-win.

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@holly_cummins we beat another trade-off. human efficiency machine efficiency

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@holly_cummins we beat another trade-off. human efficiency machine efficiency

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@holly_cummins we beat another trade-off. human efficiency machine efficiency another double-win.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat boilerplate code

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@holly_cummins #RedHat boilerplate code

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@holly_cummins #RedHat package com.example; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; public class Thing { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Thing.class); public void doSomething() {"It works!"); } } example: logging

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@holly_cummins #RedHat package com.example; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; public class Thing { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Thing.class); public void doSomething() {"It works!"); } } example: logging import io.quarkus.logging.Log; Log

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@holly_cummins #RedHat @ApplicationScoped public class GreetingRepository { public Entity findByName(int name) { return find("name", name).firstResult(); } void persist(Entity entity) {} void delete(Entity entity) {} Entity findById(Id id) {} List list(String query, Sort sort, Object... params) { return null; } Stream stream(String query, Object... params) { return null; } long count() { return 0; } long count(String query, Object... params) { return 0; } } example: hibernate with panache

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@holly_cummins #RedHat @ApplicationScoped public class GreetingRepository { public Entity findByName(int name) { return find("name", name).firstResult(); } void persist(Entity entity) {} void delete(Entity entity) {} Entity findById(Id id) {} List list(String query, Sort sort, Object... params) { return null; } Stream stream(String query, Object... params) { return null; } long count() { return 0; } long count(String query, Object... params) { return 0; } } example: hibernate with panache

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@holly_cummins #RedHat DAO example: hibernate with panache @ApplicationScoped public class GreetingRepository implements PanacheRepository { public Entity findByName(int name) { return find("name", name).firstResult(); } }

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@holly_cummins #RedHat developer joy

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@holly_cummins #RedHat no regrets solution: we got rid of dynamism we didn’t even want, and made everything better

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@holly_cummins #RedHat the ai-lephant in the room

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat “What is the world record for crossing the English channel entirely on foot?”

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@holly_cummins #RedHat “What is the world record for crossing the English channel entirely on foot?” “The world record for crossing the English Channel entirely on foot is held by Christof Wandratsch of Germany, who completed the crossing in 14 hours and 51 minutes on August 14, 2020.”

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat 70% unnecessary code

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@holly_cummins #RedHat “illusion of efficiency”

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@holly_cummins #RedHat we have a solution

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@holly_cummins #RedHat -small fine-tuned models -small model + RAG -hybrid: symbolic reasoning + model solution:

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@holly_cummins #RedHat a common pitfall the illusion of efficiency

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat how efficient can we get?

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@holly_cummins #RedHat Jevon’s paradox limit 1

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what we imagine when we widen roads

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what we get

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@holly_cummins #RedHat limit 2

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@holly_cummins #RedHat even for machines, there is a limit to efficiency limit 2

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@holly_cummins #RedHat even for machines, there is a limit to efficiency …and it’s lower than you think limit 2

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@holly_cummins #RedHat source: physics limit 2

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@holly_cummins #RedHat limit 2

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@holly_cummins #RedHat limit 2

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@holly_cummins #RedHat theoretical max efficiency of a combustion engine: limit 2

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@holly_cummins #RedHat theoretical max efficiency of a combustion engine: 37% limit 2

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@holly_cummins #RedHat theoretical max efficiency of a combustion engine: 37% … so the engine doesn’t wear out: limit 2

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@holly_cummins #RedHat theoretical max efficiency of a combustion engine: 37% … so the engine doesn’t wear out: ~20% limit 2

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@holly_cummins #RedHat the value of slack

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@holly_cummins #RedHat the value of slack

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@holly_cummins #RedHat the value of slack

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@holly_cummins #RedHat the value of slack naming is still the hardest problem in computer science

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@holly_cummins #RedHat the value of slack

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat speed

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@holly_cummins #RedHat speed vs resiliency

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@holly_cummins #RedHat #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat less efficient (more legs than needed) #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat highly efficient (optimum number of legs) less efficient (more legs than needed) #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat highly efficient (optimum number of legs) less efficient (more legs than needed) resilient #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat highly efficient (optimum number of legs) less efficient (more legs than needed) resilient #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat highly efficient (optimum number of legs) no resiliency less efficient (more legs than needed) resilient #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat highly efficient (optimum number of legs) no resiliency less efficient (more legs than needed) resilient #RedHat resiliency lowers efficiency

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@holly_cummins #RedHat it’s the same for people

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@holly_cummins #RedHat it’s the same for people all work and no play is … not efficient

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat hi colleague, could you ple-

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@holly_cummins #RedHat hi colleague, could you ple- argh! &!*$*%@!{*%^!^! busy! NO! I CANNOT!

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@holly_cummins #RedHat research shows: not-work is good for business.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat research shows: not-work is good for business.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat studies show…

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@holly_cummins #RedHat studies show… employee slack

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@holly_cummins #RedHat studies show… employee slack

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@holly_cummins #RedHat studies show… employee slack harder working

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@holly_cummins #RedHat studies show… employee slack harder working more productivity

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@holly_cummins #RedHat studies show… employee slack harder working more productivity less sick leave

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@holly_cummins #RedHat https:/ /

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@holly_cummins #RedHat “Your brain at positive is 31% more productive than your brain at negative, neutral or stressed. " https:/ /

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#RedHat @holly_cummins

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@holly_cummins #RedHat https:/ /

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@holly_cummins #RedHat "Individuals [who just watched a comedy video] have approximately 12% greater productivity." https:/ /

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@holly_cummins #RedHat play

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@holly_cummins #RedHat play efficiency

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@holly_cummins #RedHat doing nothing

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@holly_cummins #RedHat doing nothing efficiency

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@holly_cummins #RedHat the default mode network idle minds can solve hard problems

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#RedHat @holly_cummins

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#RedHat @holly_cummins

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#RedHat @holly_cummins

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#RedHat @holly_cummins 14% took showers specifically for the purpose of coming up with ideas

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@holly_cummins #RedHat psychology says we need idle time; maths agrees

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@holly_cummins #RedHat queueing theory says systems need to run under-capacity to function psychology says we need idle time; maths agrees

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@holly_cummins #RedHat queuing theory basics

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@holly_cummins #RedHat queuing theory basics arrival process

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@holly_cummins #RedHat queuing theory basics arrival process Poisson distribution

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@holly_cummins #RedHat queuing theory basics queue arrival process Poisson distribution

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@holly_cummins #RedHat queuing theory basics queue arrival process Poisson distribution

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@holly_cummins #RedHat queuing theory basics queue arrival process servers Poisson distribution

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@holly_cummins #RedHat queuing theory basics queue arrival process servers Poisson distribution

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@holly_cummins #RedHat queuing theory basics queue arrival process servers completed work Poisson distribution

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@holly_cummins #RedHat if arrival rates are low, servers will be idle queue arrival process servers completed work

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@holly_cummins #RedHat queue arrival process servers completed work if server capacity is too low, wait times are high

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@holly_cummins #RedHat utilisation lead time assuming Poisson distribution of arrivals

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@holly_cummins #RedHat utilisation lead time assuming Poisson distribution of arrivals 80% utilisation → 90% utilisation: wait times double

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@holly_cummins #RedHat utilisation cost delay cost assuming Poisson distribution of arrivals 80% utilisation → 90% utilisation: wait times double

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@holly_cummins #RedHat utilisation cost delay cost cost of idle capacity assuming Poisson distribution of arrivals 80% utilisation → 90% utilisation: wait times double

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat cool and bouncy

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@holly_cummins #RedHat cool and bouncy most efficient land animal

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@holly_cummins #RedHat cool and bouncy most efficient land animal uncool and floppy

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@holly_cummins #RedHat cool and bouncy most efficient land animal uncool and floppy whole body is basically slack

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@holly_cummins #RedHat cool and bouncy most efficient land animal uncool and floppy whole body is basically slack most efficient animal

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@holly_cummins the trade-off isn’t what we think it is being effective working less

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@holly_cummins the trade-off isn’t what we think it is being effective working less

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@holly_cummins the trade-off isn’t what we think it is being effective working less another double-win.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat inverse Jevon’s paradox doing less achieves more

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@holly_cummins #RedHat hygge

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@holly_cummins #RedHat hygge “lazy cosy developers”

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@holly_cummins #RedHat tl;dpa (too long; didn’t pay attention)

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@holly_cummins #RedHat tl;dpa ⁃ don’t accept waste; our world deserves better (too long; didn’t pay attention)

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@holly_cummins #RedHat tl;dpa ⁃ don’t accept waste; our world deserves better ⁃ work less; achieve more (too long; didn’t pay attention)

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@holly_cummins #RedHat tl;dpa ⁃ don’t accept waste; our world deserves better ⁃ work less; achieve more ⁃ happiness is not waste (too long; didn’t pay attention)

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@holly_cummins #RedHat tl;dpa ⁃ don’t accept waste; our world deserves better ⁃ work less; achieve more ⁃ happiness is not waste ⁃ idleness is not waste (too long; didn’t pay attention)

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@holly_cummins #RedHat tl;dpa ⁃ don’t accept waste; our world deserves better ⁃ work less; achieve more ⁃ happiness is not waste ⁃ idleness is not waste ⁃ look for double-wins everywhere (too long; didn’t pay attention)

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