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How we developed a data exchange format Lessons learned from Camtrap DP TDWG 2023 13 October 2023 Peter Desmet & Jakub Bubnicki 0000-0002-8442-8025 & 0000-0002-2064-3113

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- “Camera Trap Data Package” - Model and format to exchange camera trapping data - Designed to capture all essential data and metadata of a single camera trap study What is Camtrap DP? Desmet et al. (2021)

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📈 Massive amounts of camera trap data ✅ Data management ✅ Data processing ❌ Data exchange, harmonization, publication ❌ Suitable standards Why Camtrap DP? Bubnicki et al. (2023) Agouti Wildlife Insights TRAP PER eMam mal

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1. Camtrap DP should allow easy and interoperable data exchange 2. Camtrap DP should be developed openly and collaboratively Two guiding principles

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Use a simple data model - This is hard! 🤯 - Three tables: - Deployments - Media - Observations - Supports wide range of: - Deployment designs - Classification techniques - Analytical use cases

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Build on Frictionless Standards - Open, generic specifications (JSON Schemas) to describe: - Datasets (Data Package) - Data files (Data Resource) - Table fields (Table Schema) - Simple, machine-usable & extensible - Camtrap DP = Frictionless DP - Existing software can be used to read and validate data

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{ "name": "mediaID", "description": "Unique identifier of the media file.", "skos:broadMatch": "", "type": "string", "constraints": { "required": true, "unique": true } }, { "name": "deploymentID", "description": "Identifier of the deployment …", "skos:broadMatch": "", "type": "string", "constraints": { "required": true } }, { "name": "captureMethod", "description": "Method used to capture the media file.", "skos:broadMatch": "", "type": "string", "constraints": { "enum": ["motionDetection", "timeLapse"] } }, { "name": "timestamp", "description": "Date and time at which the media file …", "skos:exactMatch": "", "type": "datetime", "format": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", "constraints": { "required": true }, } Reuse existing standards - Frictionless Standards: - Metadata terms, csv dialect, field names, data types, required values, controlled values, etc. - TDWG and other standards: - Darwin Core - Audiovisual Core - Humboldt Extension - Dublin Core - DataCite Metadata Schema - Camtrap DP = Domain-specific and highly interoperable

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Develop openly - Code on GitHub: - Open source (MIT license) - Versioned (incl. semantic) - Collaboration on GitHub: - Suggestions as issues - Review, discuss, implement - Automated tests - Documentation on GitHub: - Website (updates automatically) - Example dataset

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Build into software - Entire ecosystem: - Management: Agouti, Trapper, other systems - Analysis: Camtraptor - Publication: GBIF IPT - Challenging to coordinate 😅 - Feedback from adopters

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Reyserhove et al. (2023) - Short, sticky name - Outreach: - Conferences & GBIF webinar - GBIF publication guide - Co-authors on paper - Use cases - Give it time, build trust Embrace participation

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- Versioning: - Datasets point to a version of Camtrap DP - Camtraptor provides conversion - People: - Committed maintainers - TDWG community - Funding: - LifeWatch, OSCF, NLBIF - Biodiversa+ Think about maintenance

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Summary - Use a simple data model - Build on Frictionless Standards - Reuse existing standards - Develop openly - Built into software - Embrace participation - Think about maintenance

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Thank you Desmet P & Bubnicki J (2023) How we developed a data exchange format: Lessons learned from Camtrap DP. Presentation at TDWG 2023. Open Science Conservation Fund