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Cognitive Psychology Psychology Subject

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Week 1 What do you think about the scenario?

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1 A: (Perception) Maybe Amy likes to walk pass the campus which has the grass area for a bit of exercise and get some fresh air just like other people. It could be the day that students are taking their transcript results. (Attention) Amy saw someone familiar, it could be her friend. (Memory) She recognizes her friend, his name, the movie and her appointment. (Reasoning) She couldn’t talk for long, because she has to go for her appointment. B: They seem like a close friends and Amy decided to catch up with that guy on a movie which they could possibly watched it together last night before leaving for her appointment. C: I see two people walking around their campus. They seems to be talking with each other happily, and they look like close friends to me. D: They are friend and they are talking about the movie they watched last night and for meanwhile Amy suddenly remember she need to go for the Advisor’s office and then she ends up the conversation to leave for arrived there on time.

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2 A Memory - Amy talks about the movie she watched last night with her friend A Decision Making - Amy decided to say goodbye to her friend and heads off toward her advisor’s office because she has an appointment B Perception - Amy recognizes her friend when she was walking across campus and they conversed with each other about the movie they saw last night. C Attention - Amy is focus to her own plan, & she realizes the topic she going to chat with her friend is not that important than the appointment, so she make the decision to heads off the advisor’s office, but the attention turning causing she overlook her friend, which sometimes could be disrespectful in other’s mind. D Amy want to go for appointment and she meet her friend but the attention of appointment is more than attention of her friend so she go for appointment after she meet her friend. Thought is that appointment more important. Decision making: go for appointment. Memory: She remember that she has an appointment. E Thought - Amy was able to think about the contents of the movie she saw last night and discuss it with her for friend for a short moment of time while simultaneously thinking about the appointment she has to head to.

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3 A: She try to remember her friend name while across the campus . They recall something very funny about the movie were they watched last night. (Memory). B: Amy walked across the campus after lunch and she saw her best friend (Attention), Jason (Perception). She stopped (Perception) and recalled the horror movie they had watched yesterday (Memory). They started to discuss with each other (Language) about the movie yet she gotta go because (Reasoning) she remembered her meeting with her advisor (Memory) which about her next term schedule (Attention). C: She talks about the movie they watched last night this is memory and suggest it to him to watch that movie(perception ) but she decided to say bye because she focused on her plan which is meet her supervisor to talk about her project paper (attention)

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4 A - she is trying to get to her appointment as fast as she can (decision making) B - she recall that she have an appointment( memory) C - She recalls about the scenes of the movie (memory), before remembering that she probably recalled the name of her friend as soon as she recognized her (perception). D - Her friend captures her attention and they discuss the movie that they watched yesterday when she walk across the campus (attention) E - Amy is able to see the campus and walk out. She sees her friend and can hear her ( perception) Amy remembers that she has an appointment at the advisors office and also remembers the movie they watched last night ( memory). She focuses on going to the office while having small talk about the movie ( attention). Amy is able to understand her friend in the language that is being spoken and can reply to her ( language). While walking she has decided to end the conversation by saying goodbye so she will be able to go for her appointment (reasoning).

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5 A - Which campus are they across? (Perception) Look like they are study in UK B - Her friend captured Amy’s attention and reminds her of the movie that they watched together yesterday, while she’s walking across the campus. Attention & Memory. C - What language they spoke each other? (Language) D - Reasoning and Decision making. Amy had to leave for a appointment

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Week 1 History of Cognitive Psychology

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1 Cognitive laboratories were beginning to be built In the 1980s and 1990s serious efforts were made to find corresponding neural components that were linked to cognitive constructs. 1950s Cognitive psychology began to take form as a new way of understanding the science of the mind. Research discoveries in memory, learning, and attention as well as ideas outside of the mainstay of experimental psychology were mainly focused on. HISTORY OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY The emergence of professional jour nals devoted to cognitive psychology such as ● Cognitive Psychology ● Cognition ● Memory & Cognition Cognitive psychology became predominant in the 1960s By the 1960s, cognitive psychology had experienced a renaissance In 1960, Miller founded the Center for Cognitive Studies at Harvard 1960s 1970s 1980s

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2 ● History of Cognitive Psychology History ● In 1800s, Paul Broca discovered the area of the brain where language is produced. ● Carl Wernicke discovered the area of the brain where language is comprehended. ● From 1920s to 1950s, behaviorism was the predominant theory of psychology. ● When Noam Chomsky critique behaviorism, he suggested cognitive psychology as a better way to approach the study of the mind. ● The father of cognitive psychology - Aaron Beck, he wrote extensively on this branch of study.

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3 1885, Ebbinghaus forgetting curve. Humans start losing the memory of learned knowledge over time. 1821-1894 Helmholtz theory Trichromatic color vision - The manner in which the visual system gives rise to the phenomenological experience of color. 1890 Functionalism theory Focus on the function of the mind. Behaviourism All languages contain similar structures and rules (a universal grammar), that children everywhere acquire language the same way, and without much effort, seems to indicate that we're born wired with the basics already present in our brains. General Problem Solver 1972, Newell and Simon contributed the theory of the individuals solve problems through a problem space via heuristic search. This theory remains at the core of our understanding of how individuals approach unfamiliar problems. 1948: Norbert Wiener published Cybernetics and Tolman showing that animals had internal representation of behavior 1956: Birth of Cognitive Psychology 1960: Miller founds the Center for Cognitive Studies 1968: Process models of memory Atkinson & Shiffrin’s Multi-Store Model

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4 History of cognitive psychology ● Cognitive psychology began with utilizing cognitive approaches towards psychological problems. It was used by psychologist such as Wilhelm Wundt, Raymond Cattell and William James during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s ● Behaviorism was the dominant school of thought in psychology until the 1950s ● Between 1950 and 1970, the tide began to turn against behavioral psychology in favor of topics such as attention, memory, and problem solving. It's often called the cognitive revolution ● In the 1980’s and 1990’s serious efforts were made to find corresponding neural components that were linked to cognitive constructs

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5 History of Cognitive Psychology ● In 1960, Center for Cognitive Studies at Harvard was founded by Miller with Jerome Bruner, a famous cognitivist developmentalist. ● In 1967, Ulric Neisser (founder of Cognitive Psychology) publishes “Cognitive Psychology”, which marks the official beginning of the cognitive approach. ● Cognitive psychology began to take form as a new way of understanding the science of the mind during the late 1950s. ● Research in verbal learning and semantic organization led to the development of testable models of memory and cognition, providing another empirical base for the study of mental processes. Cognitive Revolution ● In 1950s, Cognitive Psychology as a brand new of understanding the science of the mind. ● These are research by memory, learning, attention and etc. ● In 1956s, a seminar paper present by Noam Chomsky, Jerome Bruner, Al len Newell and Herbert Simon, and George Miller. ● At the same time, Cognitive psychologists rejected the traditional, simple theory of mind, but in many cases still insist on the scientific methodology developed in the early twentieth century.

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4 History of Cognitive Psychology

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Week 2 Based on sensation, how do you know (suspect) when you have Covid-19?

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1 Smell Here are some symptoms of Covid-19 through the sense of smell: - Blocked nose - Suffocation of breathing - Loss of smell - Shortness of breath - Runny or stuffy nose

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2 TASTE ● Common symptoms of COVID-19 include a loss of taste. ● It’s believed that people with COVID-19 will likely experience loss of taste as a consequence of having loss of smell. Sensation ● Loss of taste is caused by the interruption in the transfer of taste sensations to the brain, or by a problem with the way the brain interprets these sensations. Perception ● When someone loses his or her taste, the brain organizes and interprets the sensory information as COVID-19 symptoms ● Thus, the individual will take the COVID-19 test.

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3 Sight Based on data, doctors believe that 1%-3% of people with COVID-19 will get conjunctivitis, also called pinkeye. Eyes can be dry and tired, and it's not uncommon to gain an eye infection. Symptoms Red Swollen Itchy

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How the conjunctivitis happened? - When the virus infects a tissue of eye called conjunctiva, which covers the white part of your eye or the inside of your eyelids, and cause an eye infection.

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4 Touch ● Muscles pain, Aches, Itchy. Example : Lim will know that he have covid-19 when he touches some part of his body and mostly felt his muscles pain or itchy. ● Stomach ache (diarrhoea). Example : After a normal meal, Layla start to have diarrhoea more than twice a day. ● High Fever (38°c above) . Example, Lily go to the grocery mall to buy the basic need and before Lily enter the shop and she need to scan the infrared thermometer to check her temperature and her temperature is 38°c. Perception ● People avoid touching objects and having contact with others as it is known that it contributes in spreading the virus. ● People will always sanitize or wash their hands after accidentally touches some people’s hand out there or something at public.

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5 Sense: Hearing Example: We will receive the phone call from the hospital that someone who might be in the surrounding that others got the positive case at the workplace, because we are staying together with that person. After we have gone to the hospital to have the test done, we will have to wait for another call again to see if our test results are positive or negative. Once the we have picked up the phone, we will hear the test result from the hospital. Perception: If we learn that it is positive, then we will start to feel worry, sad and afraid. Symptoms: Tinnitus, hearing loss

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Week 3 Bottom-Up or Top-Down Processing?

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1 1. I realized that my mother’s amniotic fluid broke and the baby was about to be born. 2. A person's face is pale and I think he/ she is sick.

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2 On a cooking game show, the contestants need to participate in a “Blind Taste” test as part of the challenge. They have to guess what they were eating without seeing what the chefs are going to put in their mouth. Minnie sent an important document to her boss and proceed to hit 'Send'. Only after the message has been sent for 3o seconds, she felt uneasy and proofread it once again and spotted three typos in the first few sentence which then made her expressed a sigh.

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3 When Beca went on a picnic with her friends, she saw her another friend is at the other side with a guy and she holding the hand with the guy. While I was eating at the roadside stall. I heard a loud “BANG” and assumed that an accident just occurred.

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4 ● All of the sudden i am feeling a strange stomach pain ●

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5 In a Mooncake Festival, the public is given a chance to make a guess about the weight of the mooncake. With such a big size of mooncake, do you know what is the actual weight of this big size of mooncake? Before a patient went to have a shoulder X-ray done, she was positioned in certain posts. She found the positions are interesting and felt that she were having a photo shooting instead!

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Week 6 Attention Theories

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1 Broadbent’s Filter Model ➢ Broadbent suggested that our capacity to process information is limited in terms of capacity, and our selection of information to process takes place early on in the perceptual process. ➢ All stimuli are first processed based upon physical properties that include color, loudness, direction, and pitch. Our selective filters then allow for certain stimuli to pass through for further processing while other stimuli are rejected. ➢ According to Broadbent the meaning of any of the messages is not taken into account at all by the filter. ➢ All semantic processing is carried out after the filter has selected the message to pay attention to. So whichever messages restricted by the bottleneck is not understood.

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2 Selective attention ( Treisman's Attenuation Model) ★ Treisman agrees with Broadbent's theory of an early bottleneck filter. However, the difference is that Treisman's filter attenuates rather than eliminates the unattended material.Attenuation is like turning down the volume so that if you have 4 sources of sound in one room (TV, radio, people talking, baby crying) you can turn down or attenuate 3 in order to attend to the fourth. This means that people can still process the meaning of the attended messages. ★ When were in a noisy environment ,we still pay attention to the sound we wanna listen to. ★ For example if you are in a situation where your mum is yelling at you for breaking a vase but you have your earphones on. And you have the choice to choose which would sound better .

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3 Treisman attenuation theory: Dictionary Unit What is Dictionary Unit? - stores words, has a different threshold for activation - more common/ important words have a lower threshold and can be detected easily (no need come through the full force and pay attention easily) High Low Signal strength have to be activate Gojou Satoru Your name Dog

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4 Late-Selection Model ● Deutsch and Deutsch suggests that all information in the unattended ear is processed based on the meaning, not just the selected or highly pertinent information. ● Only the information that is relevant for the task response gets into conscious awareness. ● This model is consistent with ideas of subliminal perception ● One don’t have to be aware of or attending messages for it to be fully processed for meaning.

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5 Dichotic Listening Task ● Investigated by Psychologist Colin Cherry ● Investigated how people track certain conversations while mediating other conversations. ● Participants were asked to listen to both messages at the same time and then repeat what they heard. This is known as dichotic listening task. ● It’s easy to pay attention to one message and repeat it but, would not know the content of the other messages. ● If the content of unattended message suddenly switched (such as switching from English language to Bahasa Melayu language), only a few participants would notice it.

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Week 7 Moral Dilemma Question

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A Difficult Choice Question: You and your family love the beach and decide travel to Bali islands. So you decide to take five days off to go to the Bali. You and your family was so excited especially your sister and brother. As soon as you arrived the Bali island, a storm was looming on the horizon and the water looked choppy. Your mother tells your brother and sister that they can prepare for swimming.They run down to the beach. Suddenly, you hear your brother and sister scream. You realize they are both caught in a strong current and might be swept out to sea. You are a good swimmer and you know you just can save one person either your sister or brother. Answer: I will find the lifeguard or the man that is good in swimming help me save my brother and I will save my sister. The reason is this is a very difficult choice for me and I don’t want lost both of them so I will think a great idea which is find help from other people.

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Hit and Run Question: Late one night you are driving home in a bad rainstorm. A drunk reels out in front of your car and you try to stop, but hit him. Nobody sees you. The guy looks and smells as if he is homeless. You check to see how badly he is hurt and realize he is dead. You have never even had a speeding ticket and are an upright, professional, with a family and are well-known and respected in your community. Do you make a report anonymously, confess your crime, or drive on home and forget about it, knowing no one is going to pursue the death of a homeless drunk? Answer: I'll report it and tell the police what happened. I choose to report it because I did run over the homeless man, even if I didn't mean to. No one knew, but it was wrong to run away, and my conscience would be troubled

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Sarcastic friend Question : Your friend has a great sense of humour. However, sometimes his jokes involve making fun of others in inappropriate ways. He will point out a physical flaw or look for something odd or different about a person and make an unkind comment. You feel uncomfortable when your friend does this. Do you say something or just laugh along with him? Answer: I would be feeling uncomfortable and might irritated with his action, because I think that making fun of others is not a funny things to be talk about even thought that he as my best friend, I also will told to him that is inappropriate to make fun with others because everyone worthy of being respected.

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Pass or fail? Question: You are failing a class you were required to take but totally hate. You have an online exam. If you fail the exam, you will fail the class. You can cheat without anyone knowing. Do you do so and pass the class? Answer: I would rather fail because if I pass by cheating, the grade would not mean anything and I would feel guilty for it for a really long time. As a student, it is my responsibility to at least try therefore I’d rather try my best and fail than passing without any effort.

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Telling a Secret Question: Your friend tells you that they committed a crime. They explain that they are having trouble sleeping at night and feel you are the only one they can trust with their confession. A few days later, you read in the paper that someone has been arrested for your friend’s crime. Do you: ● Go to the police and tell them what you know? ● Encourage your friend to confess and warn him if he does not do so, you will tell? ● Say nothing because you will not betray a friend’s confidence? Answer: I would encourage my friend to confess what he had done to the authorities and I will warn him that if he does not confess i would have to turn him in myself. However, my conscience would deeply trouble me to keep such a “secret" only because the friend confiding in me, trusts only me but i have to do what is right

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An Office Theft You are in charge of the petty cash at the office. However, a co-worker is responsible for making a weekly trip to the bank to make the business deposit and obtain petty cash for the following week. In a conversation with your mutual supervisor, you are asked if the increase in the petty cash amount was enough. You, however, have not seen any additional money. You realize your co-worker has been pocketing the additional money. What would you do? Answer: I would firstly confront them and make them realize that they are doing something that is considered as illegal and horrible. Then, if they admit to their mistakes, I would then give them a second chance to make up to it by giving them a maximum of two days to transfer the money back to the company but if they refrained, i would have to immediately reach out to the supervisor and have them go through the situation by the law where he or she would face criminal charges.

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The Unfaithful Friend You go out with your husband for dinner at a new restaurant you have not frequented before. It is in a part of town you rarely visit. You are shocked to see your friend’s spouse having dinner with a very young, attractive person. From the way they are behaving, it is obvious they are more than friends. The couple finish their meal and leave without seeing you. They behave very affectionately on the way out the door Question ❏ Tell your friend, knowing you probably will not be believed and that it may ruin your friendship? ❏ Say nothing about seeing the couple as it is none of your business; they may even have an open relationship? Answer : I would tell them regardless of whether or not they believe me and even if it means ruining our friendship. I wouldn’t want to keep something like this all to myself without telling them. It‘s better for me to tell it to them rather than having a random person they don’t even know say it and it would be terrible to call myself a “friend” but not tell them things as crucial as this. If they tell me that they were in an open relationship i would tell them that i didn’t mean to bombard into their private life as i was only concerned.

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Midnight Death Question: You have worked years to be successful in your father’s business. You felt you were obligated to take over as he worked his whole life to build the business left to him by his father. However, the large businesses in town have seriously cut into profits and for several years you and your family have just managed to scrape by. Your father’s health has declined and he has been hospitalized. He has a substantial life insurance policy that expires at midnight. If he dies before midnight, you will inherit enough money to pursue a career you have always dreamed of and provide adequately for your family. Answer: Actually, I am not able to make any of the decision for other people, even though my parents. I cannot allow myself to be that selfishness, especially killing the father who grow me up, but I am sure that, if I can handle my father’s business, I shall be an independent individual. Therefore, I know no matter how many times I hesitating, I will make the decision to tell my father the truth, with no choices to choose, whether dead in this midnight or future, as this is not a question that the human-being can do, but the fate. Family is everything in my life, love and tolerance them in any situation.

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Third Strike Question: Your teenager has had a rough few years. First came an arrest for shoplifting. The item was of little value, so it was only a misdemeanour. Then your teen was with some friends who were smoking pot and driving too fast. Your teen has promised they are turning over a new leaf and seem to be on the right track, doing better in school, coming home by curfew, and generally having a much better attitude. Now you get a call from the local police station saying your son was with a group of kids who broke into a liquor store and stole beer. Do you go to the station and see how you can get your teen out of this jam or let him accept whatever consequences befall him? Answer: I will go police station to see him, and ask him why he want to do those things. After having the answers, I will tell him about my experiences and the reasons I want to change so badly at that time. I will not choose to let my son to accept everything without someone telling him right or wrong and also with the reasons. I do not want my son to feel himself alone and no one can help him along with his problem (considering this might indirectly caused my son to be more rebellious in future time). Children might be wrong in their life because of immature. Hence, they need a life guidance to tell them why but not only scolding. Everyone have their own mindset and feelings, you cannot force anyone to have an exactly same mindset with you, it is ok for you to express your thoughts and feelings. Someone who understand you, they will do, this is same in educating your children also.

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Get Rich Question: Your friend offers you an opportunity to make a great deal of money very quickly. He has arranged to set up an off-shore account for your profits. He will not tell you exactly how he is making this money, but you get the impression it is not exactly legal. He only wants an investment of $500 and promises you will have enough from your minimal investment that you will never need to work again.? Answer: I will reject his offer, because in my perspective, what I know if the way of make money is off-shore they is illegal. Because the money didn’t have any government or financial supervisory authority support.

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Ethical Dilemma Question Question : When making a purchase at a local store, you are given too much change. Do you say something or keep quiet? Answer : I would tell the person that they’ve given me extra balance, because it’s not that I’m lacking of money to accept their extra balance XD.

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Ethical Dilemma Questions Your lunch keeps missing at work. You are pretty sure you know who is taking it each day. Do you confront them, report it to your supervisor or HR, get them back by making a cat food sandwich, or just keep quiet? Get them back by making a cat food sandwich is too good to him/her. First, I will try to collect information about him or her eating habits and what foods are they allergic to. After that, I will prepare ‘special lunch’ for him or her. But this is the final action. I will give him or her chance by giving them hints. If I realize that him or her still doing the same, then I will proceed with this final action. I am not that kind that can ignore this stealing behaviour. They do wrong, so they deserve the punishment.

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Ethical Dilemma Questions Question : Your neighbour leaves their dog out in all kinds of weather. The poor animal frequently looks like it is miserable. Sometimes it is out of water and seems to be fed rarely. Do you report what you think is happening or stay quiet? Answer: Yes,I would do report because if I didn’t report the dog might died. If we have any pet or animal we should take care of it. We should keep in proper restraint methods, sufficient shelter conditions and foods. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Selangor.

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Question: Over the summer, you became friends with a person who moved to your town. You have the same interest, like the same music and movies, and have had a great deal of fun. However, your new friend is not attractive and very loud. When school starts, you are embarrassed by the way your friend acts. Do you remain friends or drop the relationship? Answer: No, I will not drop the relationship as I have made a bond with him. And if others view him differently I’ll always view him as my friend

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Question You buy a pile of clothing items on sale at your favourite department store. When you get home, you realize one of the items is not on the receipt. Do you go back to the store and pay for it or just let it go? Answer I would go back to the store and pay for it because honesty is something that I value in life. Moreover, the act of letting it go is simply stealing. Even though it’s only one item, I won’t let it slide because I don’t want to live with guilt. Paying for something that you buy is a basic manner in fact, it’s not something should be praised about. I will choose to do the right thing and avoid negative behaviour like lying and stealing as it would do more harm than good.

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Ethical Dilemma Question Question: You receive a package at your home that was delivered to the wrong address. The shipping label indicates it is a favourite item that you cannot afford to purchase yourself. Do you keep it or notify the person it was intended for? Answer: The answer to this is simple, as prestigious as that item may be, it could be an expensive gaming console, new laptop, etc, I however would not take things which does not belong to me and notify the person it was intended for because I believe that honesty is the greatest virtue and even if I am labelled as an idiot for doing so, I will still stick to that decision without any regrets because I know that I made the right choice.

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Reward a Job Well Done Question: You understand the importance of teamwork in your job. You share ideas and responsibilities with your team members on a daily basis. In your weekly team meeting with your supervisor, one of your co-workers takes credit for a time and money saving change in operating procedures you devised. Your supervisor erroneously thinks your co-worker came up with the change and your co-worker does not correct the misinterpretation, but allows the boss to not only commend him, but offer a bonus. Do you go to your co-worker and demand he correct the situation, go to your supervisor and explain you should receive the commendation and reward, or keep quiet as you do not believe in ownership of ideas? Answer: I won’t go to my co-worker and demand he correct the situation because I think his ideas is great so I will choose to explain to my supervisor about the ideas. If I go to my co-worker and demand he correct the situation, but I won’t go to my supervisor and explain I should receive the commendation and reward because I know not every company or supervisor will offer a bonus and commend.

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Late one night you are driving home in a bad rainstorm. A drunk reels out in front of your car and you try to stop, but hit him. Nobody sees you. The guy looks and smells as if he is homeless. You check to see how badly he is hurt and realize he is dead. You have never even had a speeding ticket and are an upright, professional, with a family and are well-known and respected in your community. Do you make a report anonymously, confess your crime, or drive on home and forget about it, knowing no one is going to pursue the death of a homeless drunk? I will go to police station and confess because i didnt it on purpuse and it was an accident and i should be courage and mature enough to accept the consequences of my mistake

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Ethical Dilemma Questions As a regular customer, I always go to the same food shop to buy food to eat every day. Since then, I know who the boss is selling which food at different store. I seldom being too tired and totally forget unintentionally that I have not brought any money with me. What I will normally do is that I will inform the boss to pay later when I come back to order another around. But if I was in a hurry and have totally forgotten about the payment, I will come back and apologise to the boss and pay for the food.

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The Unfaithful Friend You go out with your husband for dinner at a new restaurant you have not frequented before. It is in a part of town you rarely visit. You are shocked to see your friend’s spouse having dinner with a very young, attractive person. From the way they are behaving, it is obvious they are more than friends. The couple finish their meal and leave without seeing you. They behave very affectionately on the way out the door. Do you: Tell your friend, knowing you probably will not be believed and that it may ruin your friendship? Say nothing about seeing the couple as it is none of your business; they may even have an open relationship?

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Question : You was very hungry and went to restaurant to get something to eat, You have ordered food and you have been waiting for a long time. The waiter came with food to your table but it was not ur food. Will u keep that order or you will create an argument with the restaurant manager? Answer : I would cancel my order and make a proper complaint towards the restaurant and also the employees over there.

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The Lifeboat Question: You are on a cruise and the ship encounters an unexpected storm. The storm continues to rage and eventually you and the other passengers are told you must head to the lifeboats and abandon ship. As people begin to line up, you realize some lines have fewer people, some have families, and some seem to have younger, single people. You know you are strong and capable. Do you choose to help a group composed of three families with a few young children, a group of seniors who obviously could use your help, or go with the young, strong people, with whom you might have a better chance of survival? Answer: I think i would help the seniors

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Week 8 Three Theories of Imagery

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Paivio’s Dual-Coding Hypothesis What is Dual-Coding Theory? ● According to Paivio (1986), there are two ways a person could expand on learned material: ○ Verbal associations ○ Visual imagery ● Dual-coding theory suggests that both visual and verbal information is used to represent information ● The theory assumes that there are two cognitive subsystems, one specialized for the representation and processing of nonverbal objects/events (i.e., imagery), and the other specialized for dealing with language Applications Dual coding theory has been applied to many cognitive phenomena including: ● mnemonics ● problem-solving, ● concept learning ● language Examples of dual coding ● Diagrams ● Timelines ● Cartoons ● Graphic organizers ● Simple drawings with labels ● Infographics

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Experiment Example ● In one experiment, participants saw pairs of items that differed in roundness (e.g., tomato, goblet) and were asked to indicate which member of the pair was rounder. ● The objects were presented as words, pictures, or word-picture pairs. ● The response times were slowest for word-word pairs, intermediate for the picture-word pairs, and fastest for the picture-picture pairs. Types of Codes Analogue codes - ● Retain the main perceptual features of whatever is being represented ● Mentally represent images Symbolic codes - ● Represent something conceptually, sometimes, arbitrarily, as opposed to perceptually ● Mentally represent words

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Real Life examples 1. E-learning , it involves both visual and verbal as there's a two way communication between the student and teacher, and they observe the notes given in form of slides 2. Google Maps , we get to see the map and it instructs us where to go , so when we are driving we keep our eyes on the road and our ears on the instructions given Paivio’s Dual-Coding Hypothesis

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Conceptual-Propositional Theory Anderson and Bower ● Memory is not like a paragraph ● We store propositional interpretations of events, whether they be verbal or visual, rather than the imagery components. ● They explain that concrete concepts are coded by a rich set of predicates that bind concepts together. … “the only difference between the internal representation for a linguistic input and a memory image is detail of information” Anderson and Bower’s conceptual-propositional hypothesis is a good model theoretically ● The hypothesis does have trouble accounting for some imaginal processes

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Images could be: ● Propositions: Essentially a verbal/symbolic thing. The feeling that you have an image is epiphenomental, there isn’t really an image. You saw You heard “The goal keeper missed the ball” Same underlying propositional representations: ● Missed (goalkeeper, ball) Image may provide even richer information: ● Wept (goalkeeper) ● Cursed (goalkeeper)

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Comparing Analog and Propositional codes Analog Code ● Picture-like code ● Images like perceptions, retain some sensory qualities ● Relations represented implicitly ● Simultaneous ● Different representations for each sense Propositional Code ● Word-like code ● Images are descriptions of visual scenes ● Relations represented explicitly ● Sequential ● Same representations for each sense Anderson (1978): concluded that “It may not be possible to decide between imaginal and propositional representations strictly on the basis of behavioral data”

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Functional-Equivalency Hypothesis What is Functional-Equivalency Hypothesis? - originally presented in 2005 by Stephen Hubbell - a manipulation of images - visual imagery, which occurs without external stimulation of the sense organs - mostly, the physical traits of the pictures or patterns are majority similar - Neuroscience with Functional-Equivalency Hypothesis: > Schizophrenia > Auditory hallucination

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Mental Manipulation Of Images Mental Rotations (Shepard & Metzler - 1971) > displays had two similar shapes > some pairs were similar, but rotated to various degrees Image Scaling (Kosslyn - 1975) > how participants scan and use images

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Image Scanning (Kosslyn - 1983) > Memorize the map by scanning the image > Manipulate distance between items while scanning > Measure reaction time All the mental imaging is an internal process with perception of physical objects.

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Week 9 Which one is not me?

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A a. I like to play badminton b. I like to eat meat c. I’m afraid of lizards B a. My spice tolerance is low b. I am not afraid of insects c. I enjoy eating raw fish (sashimi)

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A A. I have 4 dogs B. I can play the violin C. I like insects B A. I am 153cm tall B. I love ice cream C. I can solve a 3x3 rubik’s cube

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A A) I like sweet things B) I like rock music C) I go to the gym almost everyday B A) I am an early morning person B) I don't like dancing C) I Love watching movies

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A A. I love fast food and meat. B. I know how to play chinese traditional instrument. C. I have never been abroad. B A. I love cosmetics. B. I prefer reading over swimming. C. People who are overly positive make me uncomfortable.

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A a. I like to travel around the world b. I like to play game c. I like to makeup B A. I like to listen to music B. I like to do photography travelling C. I like to climb

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A A) I have a sibling B) I am actually an apprehensive person despite my appearance. C) Watching Youtube videos is my hobby. B A - Other than USA, I travelled many countries B - One of my bucket list is to ride superbike C - I am PADI advanced diver

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A a. I don’t like to eat cake b. I’m introverted c. I have 5 turtles B a. I have 5 hamsters b. I loves to eat durian c. I am a Introvert

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A A) I like to eat bread as the breakfast every morning. B) I don’t have interest in French language. C) I like dessert. B A. I don’t like to eat meat with bone. B. I want to learn instrument (piano, guitar, ukulele and kalimba). C. I do to do list everyday.

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A A. I have a pet cat B. I like the color red C. I like to play basketball B A,I like to make money B,I like to make things by many different wayd C, I like to play basketball

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A A. I like the colour blue. B. I do not like to swim C. I love to watch movies B A. I read comic everyday B. The colour I like is brown C. The cake I like is Tiramisu

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A a. I switch accents b. I'm good in accounting c. I play more than 3 music instruments

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Week 11 Name 3 things you can hear, then 2 things you can see, and 1 sensation that you feel

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A 3 things I can hear - phone notifications, sound of raindrops, rotation of a ceiling fan 2 things I can see - laptop screen, a guitar in my room 1 sensation I can sense - my fingertips on my laptop’s keyboard B 3 things I hear - fan sound, car sound & people are talking out side of my room. 2 thing I can see - laptop screen & my room. 1 sensation I can feel - Cold breeze C 3 things i can hear- water droplets after rain, dog barking, birds chirping. 2 things i can see - laptop screen, the tree right in front my house I sensation i can feel - cold breeze after the rain stopped D 3 things I can hear - the nurses talking, footsteps, and the number calling machine (idk what is the right term) 2 things I can see- glass door , metal chair 1 sensation I can feel - cold chair

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A Hear: Raindrops, lecturer’s voice, typing sound. See: Laptop screen, my phone Sensationl: Touch the keyboard B Hear: Ceiling fan sensor, standing fan, lecturer’s voice See: Laptop screen, my room Sensation: Comfortable soft toy C Hear - Droplets of rain, train moving, sounds of people talking See - people with umbrellas, a sweet potato shop Sensation: The socks at my feet D See: laptop screen, room light Hear: rain, vehicle (firefighter), ceiling fan Sensation: dryness in eyes

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A Hear - Birds chirping, sound of the television, laptop fan noise. See - laptop screen, notebook Sensation - my wet hair B Hear - Mum’s voice, Cooking sound, Raindrops See - Laptop screen, My phone screen Sensation - Typing on my keyboard C Hear: sound of rain,cars, ambulance See: laptop, phone Sensation: typing by keyboard D Hear - Bird is thriting, the wind pass by the leaf, Typing sound See - Laptop screen, Coffee cup Sensation - Typing my keyboard

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A Hear- People talking around the office, eating potato sound and typing keyboard sound. See- I see table, laptop screen and whatsapps chat Sensation- Feel so cool in the office because of the air conditional B Hear- Neighbours’ conversation, bird chipping and television. See- Laptop screen and phone Sensation- Don’t feel anything C 3 things I can hear- Music, rain sound, keyboard sound. 2 things I can see- laptop screen, smart phone I sensation that I felt- tiredness after work out D Hear - Rain, Aircond, people talking See - Raindrop, Laptop Sensation - Coldness

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A Hear - vehicle pass by, rain sound, phone typing sound See - phone & cable Feel- bed B Hear - Rain drops, cars passing by, Dogs barking See - Rain, monitor Feel - coldness from the rain

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Week 11 Three Types of Problems

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Arrangement Problem It is a problem that requires rearranging its parts to satisfy a specified criterion. It is presented with objects and arrange them in a way that satisfies the criteria. Examples include: anagrams and the string problem. For example: Organizing parts of like unscrambling letters to find a word or piecing together a puzzle

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Problems of Inducing Structure Problems of inducing structure: to discover the relations among numbers, words, symbols, or ideas and then arrange them. For examples: completion problems & analogy problems Completion Problem - will used those linking words like but, because, since, such as, or even to explain a definition. “Today was a raining day, it was really_____.” A) Hot B) Sunny C) Cold (Raining → Cold) Analogy Problem “Pineapple is to fruit as cabbage is to ___.” Answer = vegetable (need to figure out the relationship between “pineapple” and “fruit” and apply a similar relationship to “cabbage”) What word completes the analogy? – Merchant: Sell : : Customer : ____ (Buy) – Lawyer: Client : : Doctor : _____ (Patient)

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Problems of Transformation / Transformation Problems Transformation is the process of changing. Cognitive psychologists have determined that an individual must carry out a certain sequence of transformations to achieve specific desired goals. It also causes major modification or shift in an individual’s thought and/or behavior patterns. A good example of this phenomena is the Wallas Stage Model of the creative process. = Preparation → Internalisation → Illumination → Verification and Elaboration Example: A sudden change in environment is difficult for an individual as it forces them to change his/her lifestyle. That is why steps must be taken to for an individual to be comfortable with the changes that will be made.

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Making Comparisons Online Learning vs Classroom Learning

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Online Learning A - Can eat during class. B - saving time, no need to spend time for traveling to attend the class C - Can attend anywhere but hard to focus D - Can eat during class E - flexibility D - Limits creativity in students E - Convenience, Less interactive F - very to easy to access to learning materials G - No need to wake up early H - Can read the learning materials beforehand I - accessibility of place and the time J - students are allow to use the suitable learning pattern during the class (e.g. I am using typing method for my notes, which will making noise in the classroom) Classroom Learning A - Easily to focus when lecturer teaching B - more active, has face to face interaction C - More engagement during class but need travel to college D - Improves relationship among coursemates E - more interaction in classroom between each other F - No network problems G - more guidance H - the focus environment is crucial for learning efficiency, and allow the students to discuss physically, make sure everyone is able to follow the learning speed. I - Pros- can be more focus during class. J - Less activity based learning, so it's hard to remember the topic K - Better understanding and fun learning environment

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K - no need to squeeze KTM with others (if afternoon class) L - Don't need to rush to a certain place M - Can do multiple tasks at a time N - Quite comfortable as I am able to learn at my own pace in my surrounding, feel less anxiety as I am not a sociable person and able to save money. O - Multitasking, Lazy, Save Travel Time, No need iron working attire, Flexible, Comfort, Easy to access bed, Bored (WFH long term) P - less hassle in waiting for transportation in a long queue and riding it have to stand, cannot sit. Need to chase with time when catching the train. Q - no need wake up early R - no need to rush and we can login to class when the time comes S - More easy and flexible to students N - help improves our social skills O - More interactions and can understand everyone's body language P - Easy to understand (no matter for lecture teaching or discussion in group) Q - Convenient to have an interaction with Lecturers, coursemates and students from other course as well. R - Can discuss with friends in a snap when facing problems, Easier to feel tired and dozing off S - more easy to concentrate T - can see how other students organised their food selling events and their posters when they introduced to us U - More interactions, Regular Lifestyle, Use their resources (ie. WIFI, aircond etc), Travel Cost V - Better communication with other classmates and lecturers. W - Have smoother communication among one another

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Ideal Education What would you suggest?

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A’s Suggestion Out of 14 Weeks (Long Semester) - 5 Online Lessons - 5 Classroom Lessons - 2 Self Learning Lessons - 2 Outdoor Activity Tasks / Assignments / Activities - Students take turn to lead for weekly open current topic to have 20mins discussion to kill boredness in the middle of the class - Have 15-30mins breaktime - Random Kahoot quiz for extra credit - Limit the number of chairs, first come first serve, get students to be on time / early. - 1 day intern related experience B’s Suggestion - Have more fun activities during an online lesson - Should record some lessons which are more than 2 hours of lecture so that students will be able watch it again later on due to short attention span in humans - Have around 5 physical classes in a semester if possible - Recap the whole semester using Quizizz because it is fun C’s suggestion - Make online learning and classroom learning more interactive like having quiz, games and more activities during the lectures. Helps to make the students more attentive.

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A’s Suggestion - 60% Online learning with more class activities/ group discussion (To increase interactivation) - Prefer simple presentation teaching slides not wordy one - 40% Classroom learning for presentation/ practical events needs PS: The way Ms. Giney used to teach us is the way I prefer for online class hahaha for real not flattering B’s Suggestion - Making online classes more active with trying to have some structure which students have active roles during hr class - C’s Suggestions For 14 weeks (3.5 months) semester: - 1 online classes per month - Mostly classroom classes - More activities during online classes that involves every student - Don’t watch so many videos - 1 self learning session every 2 months

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A’s Suggestion 14 Week - Having more interesting activity to get interest in the topic and lesson such as quiz, activity to understand the topic. - Do outdoor activity one or twice in per semester. - Have a break in middle of class to refresh and digest the lesson. B’s Suggestion - More interactive games like Quizz to do exercise and revision on the same time - More time in self-study and revision time - More chance in doing publicity tasks, e.g. Instagram Post, Infographic, Poster and Brochure to gain more experience. - Provide short breaks in between the class. - More focus on how we can relate the theories in real life rather than memorizing for the test and exam. - More on speaking assignments than writing essay assignments. C’s suggestion - Class activities, to let the students relate the topic with their real-life experience - Tutorial to summarize up the contents in the topics - Allow students back to school, at least twice a week, to use the college facilities (e.g. library, study room) - A compulsory open-book test, before the final, make sure everyone have do revision

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A’s Suggestion More interactive sessions during lessons, the more we talk the more we'll be assured that we understand A mini recap session before class about what we learnt in our previous class B’s Suggestion - Have more online activities during class hours to help students be more active in class - Session to on the camera for QnA so that everyone participates C’s suggestion - Have quiz after class to help students have a revision - Mini recap for previous class before class start - Record the lesson of the day for students watch it again

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A’s Suggestion -More interesting class activity during online class - Can rest in between class. - More individual assignment -More classroom learning :p B’s Suggestion - More Interactive class games - Watch more fun facts video to gain an insight throughout the topic of the day. - Have a break in between class Task/Assignments : - More Individual assignments - More journaling assignment - More open book test to help student understand better of what they’ve learnt. - More guest speaker talk types of assignment~~ C’s Suggestion - More online learning quizzes - Recap what was learnt in previous class before starting another class. - Have more outdoor activities Task/Assignments : - More Powerpoint slides assignments - More tutorial - More discussion about student understanding -

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A’s suggestion ● I suggest to having more outdoor class because we all sitting at home and we easily feel boring. ● More guidance by lecturer. ● Have 6 physical class Task/assignment/activities ● More research assignment ● More fun class activity ● Less group assignment ● More individual assignment ● More presentation B’s suggestion Long semester (14 weeks) ● 5 outdoor activity ● 7 classroom lesson with class activity ● 2 self- learning Task/ assignment/ activities ● No research assignment ● More on report for class activity C’s suggestion - Have more games and quizzes to check our understanding and to have better interactions. - Have more self study sessions. - Encourage recorded lesson

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A's suggestion - Each month have at least one week of physical classes Task/Assignments/Activities - Have quizzes after each lesson More hands on learning (if possible) - Spilt the ratio of classes to 2:8 - If there are 10 classes within the semester, 2 classes will be offline classes and 8 classes will be online classes B’s suggestion C’s suggestion -Having some face to face classes(2 or 3 times) to improve interactions among Lecturers and students. -Having a little more online class activities would be beneficial to improve students’ concentration level.

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Week 12 What / How do you reply (with logical reasoning) when people have misconception about psychology and your personal choice of taking this course?

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A Response : ● Psychology is about how people behave, think and feel ● Psychology is not all about “crazy” people or mental health issues ● We study everything about the human experience from the basic workings of the human brain to consciousness, memory, reasoning and language to personality and mental health. ● We can’t read minds ● I study psychology because I want to learn more about myself as an individual. I would tell them: ❏ Psychology is the study of the mind, thoughts, feelings and behaviour. ❏ Psychologist is a person who specializes in the study of mind and behavior or in the treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. ❏ They do not have the power to read or control a person’s mind. ❏ I choose to study Psychology because I want to understand human behavior and their mental process and most importantly, lend a helping hand when they are going through a rough patch in their lives. B

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A Response ● psychology is mainly about how we understand the human behaviour ● It's about how we should be attentive and listen to people. ● Being able to empathize with someone or what they are going through ● It helps people be in a comfortable space when they are to share something that is personal. B First point - Everybody goes through difficult times and everybody has their own struggles. The reason why I choose to study Psychology is because I wish to understand those struggles and difficulties better so that I could help not just others but myself as well. Second point - To be a psychologist does not mean that I’d be working to cure or study crazy people. To be a psychologist would mean that I am trying to provide people with the proper skill set to be healthier mentally and physically as well as a proper outlet for them to receive help and talk about their worries. Third point - Everybody deserves to get the nonjudgmental help and support they need and by studying Psychology and aiming to be a psychologist, that is hopefully, what I would be doing for my clients in the future.

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A Reply- If u don’t understand then google pls, don't talk nonsense hahahaha / I'm not a god, I don't know what other people are thinking. They're just sick, so please don't treat them like monsters. Choice- I chose this course because I hope I can help people with stress (many people hurt themselves or commit suicide because of stress) B What i reply: Walao no leh, why you like this one. You think i God meh can read your mind. They are not doing crazy, they are just sick mentally. Like how you are sick physically. My personal choice: I wish to understand people’s thoughts and emotions better, especially myself.

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A ● Based on the people would be misconception about psychology, I would be explain that psychology is a scientific and learns about the human emotion and not as the people learn psychology they could read people mind. ● For my personal choice to choose this course is I want to help myself and other too as I want to understanding my own mores about my emotion and others. B ★ I would reply saying that psychology is not necessary about “ crazy people” but it is simply the study of the human mind and the science behind it. Anyone that studies psychology doesn’t have the power to read minds but they are able to study our emotions based on our facial expression and body movements. ★ I choose to study psychology because i want to be able to give people hope and comfort when they are lost, this means that i want to give them the feeling of self acceptance and love. Besides that, i too want to understand myself more and the people around me even if they are not my clients.

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A ➔The myth that, Psychology can read and control others mental, is an old story, please come back to the real life, think logic and believe to the science. ➔I understand that, there will be a risk to get mental issues, but when I know that, I really want to help someone, I can’t stop my step to get forward, which helping someone to find the right career in the future. ➔When I choose to take Psychology as my main course, I know which type of career that I can choose and also a target to reach. B Q: You study psychology, so you know what I think now right? A: You study IT, are you a hacker now? Q: You crazy ah? Study Psychology… A: You computer meh study IT, lmao == Reason I chose Psychology: - curious in human’s mind and brain (Feelings: interesting and worth to study) - People are so different in thinking way and behaviour (Feelings: WHY and How the thoughts come?) Brief and general idea: Psychology is about cognitive, behaviour and feelings, how do you view the world and react to it.

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A ● I will explain to them psychology is not a study crazy people mind but it can help me to understand deeper on me and others emotion, behavior and cognitive ● But usually I don’t explain ● My personal choice of taking this course: because I want to have more understand on others and I want to help them B ● First and foremost, the reason I decided to study psychology is to have a deeper understanding on humans’ behavior and cognition ● Although I may associate myself with socially perceived “abnormal/strange human beings”, but that does not change the fact that they are human beings/equal to us at the end of the day. ● Those people are unfortunately a victim of discrimination and bullying. Because I deeply understand/have the knowledge on how they feel, it is my duty as a fellow human being to provide them the aid they desperately need to overcome their dreadful situation.

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A ● I will tell them the real meaning of psychology ● Psychology can actually let us have more clear understanding towards our cognitive,emotion,and physical changes. ● If they do not want to hear, I will not waste my time on them. Personal Choice to take psychology ● To help ppl ● To understand ownself B ● I think they are not educated yet. In fact, there are quite a lot of courses and jobs available these days, but many people do not know much about them and how they can help in contributing to the society. ● To gain a better understanding why people act toward certain responses in the family, school, working area, shopping and travelling.

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A The first reason that i decided to study psychology was being more expert to understand human mind. Second human diversity and personality type Third understanding the stages of human developmentand also aii can study psychology in any where I choose psychology over everything else because i love people is my usual response.There’s three types of reactions, i would get. -“Psychology?! What’s that?” that isn’t so common anymore. I’d explain what psychology is and what peeps in the field do. -“Ooo, Psychology, read my mind,please?” i still get that despite it being too cliche. I’ll explain that we don’t read minds -“Nice, so are you going to be seeing crazy people for a living?” i’ll explain to them that we can’t label people as crazy B

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A - Psychology is the study of the mind, its thought, feeling and behaviour. - The first reason why I choose psychology is I want to understand myself, then other people behavior, thinking, and personality. - Nowadays people are very busy with their own thing and they didn't spend time to listen or talk each others, so as a psychology we can help them. - If people said you are working with crazy people? I would said that people who talk with each other, share their feelings and emotion are perfect than you because you don't know who you contributing to yourself, and to this society as well. B ● I chose psychology because I am interested in early childhood education and the counsellor tell me to take psychology will make me more easier. Next, I also want to know myself in deeper. ● I have received some funny comment and question from my friends and students. They thought if learn psychology we just treat crazy patient, They might think is very dangerous. Some of them also ask me I learn psychology so I will know what other people think about? So funny. But I will explain we will learn how to observe people body language and also we can see the person personality through signature and handwriting.

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A When people have misconception I will explain to them. Personal choice to take psychology Understand myself, understand others. B If people have misconception about psychology, I will just give them a smile. If they keep asking then I will explain to them what I have learn. For me, it just is my interest, and also because I like to communicate with my friend with deep talk therefore I take psychology.

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A - I’ll casually and calmly explain to them that those misconceptions are wrong and try to help them get a better understanding on it. - I choose this course because I have an interest in learning and understanding on how and why people act in certain ways. B ● I will explain them based on my experience i have seen through and also will help them to understand about it more well ● I choose this course because for a long time i was trying to understand myself and also others and psychology can help me get through it

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Reasoning How do we think?

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Analysis Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it. Breaking material or concepts into key elements and determining how the parts relate to one another or to an overall structure or purpose ● Use analytical skills when detecting patterns, brainstorming, observing, interpreting data, and making decisions based on the multiple factors and options available. ● Ability to work with data – that is, to see patterns, trends and things of note and to draw meaningful conclusions from them Examples : - Research - Communication - Critical thinking - Problem solving - Data Analysis

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Analysis Real Life Example 1 ❖ Alice has been wondering on why her boyfriend is barely replying to her text messages. ❖ She starts to get angry on how her boyfriend treats her which is extremely different from the past especially his efforts. ❖ Alice then secretly checked on her boyfriend’s phone and found out that he is texting multiple of girls in a seductive way. ❖ Alice then analysed the entire situation by concluding that her boyfriend is currently cheating on her and has lost feelings towards her. Real Life Example 2 ➢ One day, I saw my friend felt depressed and unmotivated during his work time. ➢ After he has finished work, he went to a nearby bar and chugged down more than 3 bottles of beer in a sitting. ➢ Then, I analysed the circumstances that perhaps he had some personal problems or is facing troubles. ➢ I reached out to him and sat down beside him. Later on, I asked him if there is anything that he is going through, he can just talk it out with me. ➢ He opened up to me and said he that he is facing a problem with his relationship, where he feels helpless and empty on the inside.

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Synthesis Example 1: ● Boba tea contains a lot of sugar. ● Ali likes boba tea and he has just been diagnosed with diabetes. Synthesis Ali may have gotten diabetes because he has been consuming lots and lots of boba tea. Example 2: Synthesis is thinking of new ideas by gathering the information based on your interpretation of the information/ ideas you have encountered. + = 17 + = 25 = 2 + = 8 Synthesis: Apple=6, Watermelon=11, Orange=14

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Divergent thinking Is also known as lateral thinking, is the process of creating multiple, unique ideas or solutions related to a problem that you are trying to solve. Divergent thinking is similar to brainstorming in that it involves coming up with many different ideas to solve a single problem. Basically it’s like a brain buffet of many solutions or ideas. Example 1: It is raining outside. Would it be better if I take my umbrella with me or wear the raincoat instead? Example 2: multiple ways to use a fork Example 3: Giving a kid blocks to see how many shape they can create from it. Example 4: There could be many captions to be pick for uploading a post, but you will only choose the one that looks best for you.

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Convergent thinking Example 1 ● The Primary colour only include Red, Yellow, and Blue. Example 2 ● If in the school rules, the students that break the rule should be get punishment. Convergent Thinking: generally means the ability to give the "correct" answer to standard questions that do not require significant creativity, for instance in most tasks in school and on standardized multiple-choice tests for intelligence. It is either right or wrong, without other possibility. The characteristics of convergent thinking ●Speed ●Accuracy ●Logic

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Week 13 The Science of How We Think

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A Every day experience ● Attention Sustained attention - Able to focus in online classes for a continuous period. Cognitive learning example ● Receptive Learning Attending lectures where a person stands in front and talks about a subject while the audience listens, takes notes or ask questions (which requires concentration/focus). Every Day Experience: ● Ability to solve problems ● One may use a mental trick to calculate a faster way to get to work instead of reasoning out the entire sequence Cognitive Learning Example: ● Emotional learning ● Helps people learn how to take charge of their emotions and also understand others’. ● An employer requires to have control over their emotions so as to handle customers and also their superiors in a courteous manner. B

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A How does it relate our everyday experience? Cognitive psychology helps us to understand how we perceive the many things we see each day according to the sensory and perception process. For example, sensory stimulus such as such as our laptop is taken in by our visual receptors which is later than perceived as in our brain as a computing device which could help us finish our tasks. Cognitive learning When we wish to solve a problem, we sometimes start to use creative thinking to find more possible solutions and this does not happen when we were toddlers because we have not yet learned the many strategies we could use to solve a problem back then. Our brain being able to think creatively is an indicator of cognitive learning. How does cognitive psychology relate to our everyday experience? Give example. During this pandemic, everyone is expected to work/study/shopping online. There is a transition of getting familiar with the technology like computer or touchscreen phones and softwares. How it is used and cognitive learning example? Everyone will have to get used to the technology when staying at home. Since it is used everyday, so everyone is unconsciously practising and experiencing all sorts of trials until everyone is conditioned to it and stay in the memory. B

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A Everyday experiences: 1. Making a judgment about something based on information you received that your brain processes. 2. Solving problems. Is a way of how humans achieve goals. 3. Perception. This includes the senses and the processing of what we sense and how it interacts with what we already know. Cognitive Learning Example : Asking a person to justify and explain their thoughts rather than explaining in brief sentences. Example, Sam tried to justify his behavior by saying that he was being bullied and treated unfairly by his group of friends due to the fact that he has a different skin colour and dissimilar background experiences. Everyday experience ● Attention - helps us improve to be more attentive to our surroundings. ● Memory - helps with everyday reasoning and decision making. ● Decision making - helps with every decision by using a step by step process. Cognitive learning example Sports - a good player in most sports need to learn how to solve problems like when a basketball is ganged up upon and much quickly figure out on how to outsmart their opponents without getting physical which is not part of the game. B

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A How’s does it relate our everyday experience. ● Mental processes. ● Thinking, memory, attention, language, learning and problem solving. Example Learning - The way our brain makes connection as we learn concepts in different ways to remember what we have learned. Cognitive Learning Example: Explicit Learning- When you deliberately seek knowledge, you are learning explicitly. For example, when you enroll in a PowerPoint course to improve your presentation skills. How is cognitive psychology related to our everyday experience. ● It is related by our mental process such as our attention, language used, memory, and our decision making. Example of cognitive psychology and how its used ● Making a decision based on a situation that we are in by using our attention, language used as well as our memory to recall the event. Example of cognitive learning ● Thinking of a possible solution on how to solve an equation while discussing with other students. B

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A The Science of How We Think: Cognitive Psychology, how’s does it relate our everyday experience: ● Cognitive Psychology relate to our daily life, by consideration, solving the problem, and decide a decision, based on our past experience. Example of cognitive psychology and how it’s used as well as cognitive learning example: ● For example, after the comparison of the Yogurt brands, I choose to be the Bliss’s loyal consumer, as its tastes are more attracting me. The Science of How We Think: Cognitive Psychology, how’s does it relate our everyday experience. ➢ It is related to our everyday experience like emotion, memory, problem-solving, decision making and attention. Give example of cognitive psychology ❏ Cognitive Psychology is related to our everyday life because we used it to make decision, we pay attention in class, we learnt how to solve problem no matter in group or individual. How it’s used as well as cognitive learning example. ❖ For example, our memory have 3 parts which is sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory. B

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How does cognitive psychology relate our everyday? A ● Cognitive psychology could be related our everyday by our emotion. Likes we need to be “present” in that moment, so our cognition should be awareness. ● Cognitive psychology also help us to be understanding how does the problem solving. Like depends on the matter are complicated or not, and how we perceived that need to be resolved that matter. B - Cognitive thinking helps us to think about the information that we had received. - We used cognitive to increase understanding about situation & come out a suitable reaction for the specific situation. - Cognitive psychology helps us to understand mental process and how feelings linked with behaviours. - For example: Logically thinking

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Cognitive Psychology: Learning - How information taken and how learning process occurs Memory - How we acquire, store and retrieve memory Example: We learn how to think logically and how to do decision making. We will be able to decide what is our next move after we analyze all the outcomes that could occur. A & B

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A Cognitive psychology is relevant to everyday experience in that it describes many of the key functions of the brain responsible for our everyday experiences Attention - Sometimes our cognitive processing systems get overloaded and we have to select information to process further. Formation of concepts - This aspect studies human's ability to organize experiences into categories. Response to stimulus is determined by the relevant category and the knowledge associated with that particular category. Memory - Studying human memory is a large part of cognitive psychology. Learning thetypes of memory covers the process of acquiring, storing and retrieving memory, including facts, skills and capacity. How does it relate to our everyday experience - We use our reasoning and judgment to help with our decision making and dictate how we act Examples of cognitive psychology - Language is used to help people communicate with others and it can also be used to pass information and knowledge Examples of learning psychology - Requiring students to justify, elaborate, and explain their points or views can help improve their way of speech and communication skills B

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A How does cognitive psychology relate to our everyday experience? Cognitive psychology is important to everyday life because it explains many of the main brain functions that are responsible for our daily experiences. It reveals, for example, how we hear, experience, think, how we solve problem and feel about our daily activities. Give example. Problem solving - Our ability to solve problems is influenced by cognitive brain functions. If our laptop get frozen or hang while attending online classes, we can go through a checklist of items we're familiar with and see if we can find out what's wrong. Cognitive learning example: Students' ability to justify, elaborate, and clarify their points or viewpoints may be improved by requiring them to justify, elaborate, and explain their points or viewpoints. How does it relate our everyday experience? Cognitive Psychology is about how we do the decision in term of our thinking. Example of cognitive psychology Learning- The students are learn with each other because some of them are weak in different subject so they can learn each other on it. B

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A - Cognitive psychology plays a crucial role of the functions of our brain for everyday experiences such as how we act, feel and perceive. Example of Cognitive Psychology: Language Processing How it’s used: This is the study of how language is acquired and comprehended. We learn words, sentences and concepts of the language through listening and reading. From there, we apply it in our daily lives to interact with others as well as learning other knew knowledges or experiences. The human brain reacts, feels , perceives to function and help us get through our daily lives. Everyday example :- Memory : Short term memory When you recall things that you’ve learned from your previous class B

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A Cognition is a term referring to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension. ● Logic and reasoning Everyday examples : ● Asking students to reflect on their experience. ● Helping students find new solutions to problems. ● Encouraging discussions about what is being taught. B Cognitive is refer to human brain function such as thinking, knowing, remembering, judging and problem solving. ● Emotion learning Everyday example ● Think about what need to eat for breakfast ● Solve the problem when the car overheat ● Remember every Monday 12pm have Ms Giney class until finish semester.

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What’s your Cognitive Bias? A - I am bias toward an autism people. B - I am bias towards someone who is unpromptedly rude towards others without any specific reasons. C - I am bias towards a harasser D - I am bias towards people who victimize themselves to get attention or favor from others despite being the one who caused damage upon others. E - Smokers, gaslighters, rude people, people who constantly tries to one-up others, narcissists F - I am bias towards people who constantly think they are right in any given situation even when they have made a slip up, basically people who are big heads and self proud. G - Sex offender (Molester, Rapist, Pedophile, Incest etc), Hostile, Abusive, Rude person H: I am bias towards people who mistreat elderly like in the grandma/grandpa phase I - I am bias towards a heavy smoker, alcoholic, people who are rude, loves to eat rabbit and loves to flirt. J - Don’t like heavy smoke, irresponsible (abandoned pets) and people who abuse animals. K - Don’t like smokers/ who do not have any goals and being lifeless/ violence/ male chauvinism/ focus on happiness yet not realistic, accept LGBT but if girls like me I will not accept, L - Communicate with people that close to me only, Don’t like smokers, I accept drink alcohol but not until get drunk.

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M - I cannot accept people who are LGBT, gay, lesbian, smoking, gambling, harsh, abusive, alcoholic, gangster, put their blame on the wrong person. N - Who believes that men have more right than women specially in recent centuries O - I am bias that women always do things by very convenience and like nothing everyone give them the opportunity to do it. P - I doesn’t like people who likes to joking around , like do it purposely to be attack other’s weakness to be making joke. Doesn’t like the person that doesn’t like to admit their fault Q - I don’t like the people who purposely do something bad, especially they ignore others’ advices. For example: Someone smoke in the public area, even there is a smoking ban. A naughty guy play a fool, even the girl ask him to get away. R - I don’t like to talk to people who forcefully push their own thoughts or views onto others, and also people who make up their own headcanon and see it as a fact (even though it’s not) during a debate or discussion. If I encounter these people I just ignore them and leave the conversation. S - Unable to comprehend/accept child marriage. I have fear towards people with red hair. There are times people with tattoo especially on their face startle me. Dislike those who treat marriage as a joke instead of dedication. T - I dont like girls being abused and being downgraded. I don't like people who who always being selfish and greedy. U - I don’t like people after drank alcohol and go back home to abuse the child and wife. I don’t like people being rude with their parents. I don’t like gambling people. I don’t like any lesbian and gay. I hate selfish people. I hate the parents say boy is more useful than girl.

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Questions for Guest Speakers Biology Q1. What are the common problems in biology? Q2. how does brain chemistry affect how we feel and act ? Q3. Will a mother’s emotions and feelings affect the baby? Q4. Does brain size relate to intelligence? Q5. Why is having a strong understanding of biology is important in our real life? Q6. Why hot water is better than cold water? Psychologist Q1. Do psychologists have their own psychological problems? Q2. How is typical sessions like and how long are the sessions? Q3. What was the most strange case in your working experience Q4. Do psychologists get overwhelmed after listening to people problem all the time? Q5. What are the greatest strength of being a psychologist?, If I often feel blue, should I find counselor, therapist or psychologist? Q6. Do you think psychologists play a huge role in the society? Q7. As a psychologist, how do you prevent or deal with burnout? M Q8. Why Psychologists don’t treat the person who have close relationship with them?

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Questions for Guest Speakers Q7. Does the mental stage of a teenager affect his growth? Q8. If I want to proceed forensic psychology, but I have no basic knowledge in diploma, is it okay for my decision to proceed? Q9. How can I improve my memory ? Q10. What is the relationship between thinking, thoughts and molecular interactions? Q11. How does the brain play a role in our daily experience? Q12. How to regulate the menstrual period if the duration are not punctual? (For females) Q9. If I want to be a clinical psychologist, what is the better way for me to achieve it? Do you have any interested experiences with your clients? Q10. In your opinion, what is the most important trait a psychologist should have? Q11. What is the biggest struggle being a psychologist ? Q12. If I often feel numb or feelingless,what is the ways or solutions that I can try to cheer myself? Q13. What is your biggest achievement as a psychiatrist? Q14. To become a psychologist, what I need to achieve? Q15. If the person keep emotional how can we deal with it? Q16. What do you suggest to those interested to venture into psychology do