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Shodipo Ayomide | Keynote - SINFO, Lisbon, Portugal 2021 Technical Principles of Developer Experience (DX)

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Shodipo Ayomide Dev. Relations Manager at Stack Overflow • GitHub Star • Cloudinary Media Developer Expert • Community Evangelist Twitter & GitHub @developerayo

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What is Developer Experience (DX)?

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Developer experience (DX) is similar to how you see and understand user experience (UX) but the difference is DX focus is strictly on developers who consume certain API services, SDKs, or other services owned by a company or an organisation.

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We help developers feel awesome and great about their work, because the transition into docs to product use case was easy.

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Popular Question: Who is a Developer Advocate? 1. Technically Advanced 2. A Community Builder 3. Expert Communicator of Technicalities 4. Can Sell Software to Developers

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User Experience (UX) is how the general users use your platform and their experience from loading up the first screen to signing up so routing to their dashboard.

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Developer Experience (DX) is the flow developers have while trying to implement or configure your dev SDK, API, or your NPM package.

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The difference: Developer Focused | General User Experience Focus.

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Developer Experience is Value & Time Value - I can reach my goals with this API - This API provides even more than I need right now, exciting! Time - I can reach my goals in a shorter time - This API docs is amazingly straightforward!

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Productivity of developers is measured in DX based on how fast developers move from docs to implementation.

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No docs, it’s simply called, I built this I don't care figure it out yourself, I hate stress 😬

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The most important part of writing good docs is the structure, everything should be tabled properly and super easy to find.

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Everyone love a well structured ReadMe

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What happen’s under the hood when there is no docs:

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Developers need to understand how your API service works, what endpoints are available, how to implement them, All these are great developer experience because it helps developers move from your docs to getting their api key/tokens to implementation.

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Tools for helping with docs: - Docusaurus (JS) - Documentationjs (JS) - Gocco (GO) - Slate (Ruby) - Codex2 (PHP)

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Documentation is not just for the end-user, you need it also, you are human, you forget things.

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Commit Messages

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Commit messages are part of documenting your code also. Which helps in improving the flow of onboarding new developers to the dev team,

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Developer Experience Feedback Can be hurtful but it helps to improve the product. Any feedback is good feedback ✅ ❌

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Thank You! Questions? You can also follow and reach me over on: Twitter: @developerayo GitHub: @developerayo Shodipo Ayomide | Keynote - SINFO, Lisbon, Portugal 2021