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Now and Future of OpenStack at CyberAgent, Inc CyberAgent, Inc Makoto Hasegawa @OpenStack Summit 2015 Tokyo - Keynote Day 2 -

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CyberAgent ?

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“To create the 21st century's leading company” CyberAgent is expanding its business in the field of Internet, a leading industry of the 21st Century.

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About CyberAgent We provide a variety of services such as on-line games, on-line communities and Ad-Tech. And we have been running our Ad-Tech services on our OpenStack Cloud. and m ore !!

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OpenStack in CyberAgent

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Folsom CyberAgent with OpenStack Grizzly Havana Icehouse Juno Kilo Liberty Mitaka 2012.09 2013.04 2014.06 2015.03 2015.09 The biggest OpenStack deployment of ours We call this Diana

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Stackalytics of Diana DPSF DPSF DPSF DPSF DPSF PUIFS running 20+ Ad-Tech services with 70+ VLANs on Diana transition of CPU cores distribution of flavors

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Folsom CyberAgent with OpenStack Grizzly Havana Icehouse Juno Kilo Liberty Mitaka 2012.09 2013.04 2014.06 2015.03 2015.09 What is the future?

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Future of our OpenStack

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Future of our OpenStack Expanding our OpenStack Our services that running on OpenStack are still increasing and growing, so we need to scale our OpenStack. (we deployed new 88 Compute nodes this month) New is always better We want to retire Icehouse and Juno deployment and we must try to deploy new environment Liberty or Mitaka.

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Future of our OpenStack Software Defined Network We are running only Neutron L2 agent, not running L3 agent, and trying to get rid of conventional VLAN based networking by using IP-based overlay networking. We are now experimenting with MidoNet by Midokura. We will adopt VXLAN with HW offload for overlay networking technology.

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Thank you very match !! Today’s presentation will be available on our Github. If you have any questions and impressions, please create an issue on github !! I will reply as soon as possible. See you next Austin summit !!