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Solving Real World Problems with Design Patterns. Confoo 2017 / Dec. 6th / Vancouver / Canada Hugo Hamon h"ps://  

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Hugo Hamon

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Hugo Hamon Senior Software Developer 15 years of PHP experience 10 years of Symfony experience Conferences speaker @hhamon on social networks Books (co) author

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SOLID Principles

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Single Responsability Open / Closed Liskov Substitution Interface Segregation Dependency Inversion

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What are Design Patterns?

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In software design, a design pattern is an abstract generic solution to solve a particular redundant problem.

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Creational Abstract Factory Builder Factory Method Prototype Singleton Creational design patterns are responsible for encapsulating the algorithms for producing and assembling objects. Patterns

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Structural Adapter Bridge Composite Decorator Facade Flyweight Proxy Structural design patterns organize classes in a way to separate their implementations from their interfaces. Patterns

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Behavioral Chain of Responsibility Command Interpreter Iterator Mediator Memento Observer State Strategy Template Method Visitor Behavioral design patterns organize objects to make them collaborate together while reducing their coupling. Patterns

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What are the pros & cons of design patterns?

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  Communication   Code Testability Maintainability Loose Coupling   …   Hard to Teach   Hard to Learn   Hard to Apply   Entry Barrier   …

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Patterns are not always the holly grail!!!

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Composite Composite pattern enables to treat individual objects and groups of objects of the same type the same way with a uniform common interface.

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Tailored for hierarchical data structures Family Tree File Explorer Organization Chart Content Management Book XML Parsing Navigation Bars etc. Web Forms Products Combos

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Loading Routes Definitions from Configuration Files

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namespace Routing; use Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException; final class UrlMatcher implements UrlMatcherInterface { private $routes; public function __construct(RouteCollection $routes) { $this->routes = $this->sortByPath($routes); } public function match(Request $request): array { if (!isset($this->routes[$path = $request->getPathInfo()])) { throw RouteNotFoundException::forUnsupportedPath($path); } return $this->routes[$path]; } }

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# config/routes.php use Routing\Route; use Routing\RouteCollection; $routes = new RouteCollection(); $route1 = new Route('/contact', 'App\\Action\\ContactDisplay'); $route1->setMethods(['GET']); $routes->add('get_contact', $route1); $route2 = new Route('/contact', 'App\\Action\\ContactProcess'); $route2->setMethods(['POST']); $routes->add('post_contact', $route2); return $routes;

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use Routing\UrlMatcher; use Routing\Loader\PhpFileLoader; $loader = new PhpFileLoader(); $routes = $loader->load('config/routes.php'); $router = new UrlMatcher($routes); $infos = $router->match(new Request('GET', '/home'));

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namespace Routing\Loader; use Routing\Exception\UnsupportedFileException; use Routing\RouteCollection; class PhpFileLoader implements FileLoaderInterface { public function load(string $path): RouteCollection { if (!file_exists($path)) { throw UnsupportedFileException::forUnreadableFile($path); } if ('php' !== pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { throw UnsupportedFileException::forUnsupportedType($path, 'php'); } $routes = require $path; if (!$routes instanceof RouteCollection) { throw UnsupportedFileException::forUnexpectedData($path, $routes); } return $routes; } }

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class XmlFileLoader implements FileLoaderInterface { public function load(string $path): RouteCollection { // ... try { $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($path)); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw UnsupportedFileException::forUnreadableFile($path, $e); } $routes = new RouteCollection(); foreach ($xml->route as $route) { $routes->add($route['name'], $this->makeRoute($route)); } return $routes; } }

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use Routing\UrlMatcher; use Routing\Loader\XmlFileLoader; $loader = new XmlFileLoader(); $routes = $loader->load('config/routes.xml'); $router = new UrlMatcher($routes); $infos = $router->match(new Request('GET', '/home'));

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What if the file loader must be chosen at runtime?

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use Routing\Loader\DelegatingLoader; use Routing\Loader\PhpFileLoader; use Routing\Loader\XmlFileLoader; $loader = new DelegatingLoader(); $loader->add(new PhpFileLoader()); $loader->add(new XmlFileLoader()); $routes = $loader->load('config/routes.xml'); $routes = $loader->load('config/routes.php');

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class DelegatingLoader implements FileLoaderInterface { private $loaders = []; public function add(FileLoaderInterface $loader): void { $this->loaders[] = $loader; } // ... }

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class DelegatingLoader implements FileLoaderInterface { // ... public function load(string $path): RouteCollection { foreach ($this->loaders as $loader) { if ($routes = $this->tryLoader($path, $loader)) { return $routes; } } throw UnsupportedFileException::forUnsupportedType($path); } private function tryLoader(string $path, FileLoaderInterface $loader): ?RouteCollection { try { return $loader->load($path); } catch (UnsupportedFileException $exception) { return null; } } }

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Builder Builder pattern separates the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.

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$matcher = UrlMatcherBuilder::create() ->load('config/routes.xml') ->add('/home', 'homepage', 'App\\Action\\Homepage') ->add('/about', 'about', 'App\\Action\\About') ->load('/config/routes.php') ->build() ; $infos = $router->match(new Request('GET', '/home'));

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final class UrlMatcherBuilder implements UrlMatcherBuilderInterface { private $loader; private $routes; public function __construct(FileLoaderInterface $loader) { $this->loader = $loader; $this->routes = new RouteCollection(); } public static function create(): self { $loader = new DelegatingLoader(); $loader->add(new XmlFileLoader()); $loader->add(new PhpFileLoader()); return new self($loader); } }

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class UrlMatcherBuilder { public function load(string $path): self { $this->routes->merge($this->loader->load($path)); return $this; } public function add(string $path, string $name, callable $callback): self { $this->routes->add(new Route($path, $name, $callback)); return $this; } public function build(): UrlMatcherInterface { return new UrlMatcher($this->routes); } }

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Decorator Decorator pattern enables to dynamically attach new responsabilities to an object without changing its class.

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Decorator leverages Object Composition over Class Inheritance.

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$instance = new OtherConcreteDecorator( new SomeConcreteDecorator( new ConcreteDecorator( new DecoratedComponent() ) ) ); $instance->operation();

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Simple Object Decoration Example

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// ... use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class LoggableUrlMatcher implements UrlMatcherInterface { private $urlMatcher; private $logger; public function __construct( UrlMatcherInterface $urlMatcher, LoggerInterface $logger ) { $this->urlMatcher = $urlMatcher; $this->logger = $logger; } }

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class LoggableUrlMatcher implements UrlMatcherInterface { // ... public function match(Request $request): array { $this->logger->info(sprintf('Matching path "%s".', $request->getPathInfo())); try { $infos = $this->urlMatcher->match($request); $this->logger->info(sprintf('Matched route "%s".', $infos['_route'])); } catch (RoutingException $e) { $this->logger->info($e->getMessage()); throw $e; } return $infos; } }

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$loader = new PhpFileLoader(); $routes = $loader->load('/config/routes.php'); $matcher = new LoggableUrlMatcher( new UrlMatcher($routes), new Logger('/tmp/app.log') ); $matcher->match(new Request(...));

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Making Infinite Object Responsabilities Combinations

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Coupon Codes Management Consider an e-commerce website offering coupon codes for customers to reduce their orders. Coupons are accepted and will discount an order total amount if their restrictions constraints are validated.

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Coupons Restrictions ü  Limited lifetime period, ü  Minimum total amount required, ü  Minimum quantity of ordered items required, ü  Valid for a specific geographical area, ü  Customer must own the loyalty membership card, ü  Coupon is valid for Premium / VIP customers only, ü  Valid for the customer’s very first order, ü  Some products are not eligible for discounts, ü  Valid only on some specific products areas (luxury, food…), ü  etc.

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interface CouponInterface { public function getCode(): string; /** * Returns the new total amount after the coupon has been * applied on the given order. * * @param OrderableInterface $order The order to discount * * @return Money The new order total amount * * @throws CouponException When coupon is not applicable */ public function applyDiscount(OrderableInterface $order): Money; }

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Modeling Coupon Objects Classes

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class ValueCoupon implements CouponInterface { private $code; private $discount; public function __construct(string $code, Money $discount) { $this->code = $code; $this->discount = $discount; } public function getCode(): string { return $this->code; } public function applyDiscount(OrderableInterface $order): Money { return $order->getTotalAmount()->subtract($this->discount); } } Modelling a Value Coupon

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class RateCoupon implements CouponInterface { private $code; private $rate; public function __construct(string $code, float $rate) { Assertion::greaterThan($rate, 0); Assertion::lowerThanOrEqual($rate, 1); $this->code = $code; $this->rate = $rate; } } Modelling a Rate Coupon

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class RateCoupon implements CouponInterface { // ... public function getCode() { return $this->code; } public function applyDiscount(OrderableInterface $order): Money { $amount = $order->getTotalAmount(); return $amount->subtract($amount->multiply($this->rate)); } }

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abstract class CouponDecorator implements CouponInterface { protected $coupon; public function __construct(CouponInterface $coupon) { $this->coupon = $coupon; } public function getCode(): string { return $this->coupon->getCode(); } protected function createCouponException(string $message, \Throwable $previous = null) { return new CouponException($message, 0, $previous); } } Modelling a Coupon Decorator

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Modeling Coupon Restrictions as Coupon Decorators

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class LimitedLifetimeCoupon extends CouponDecorator { private $period; function __construct(CouponInterface $coupon, DateTimePeriod $period) { parent::__construct($coupon); $this->period = $period; } public function applyDiscount(OrderableInterface $order): Money { // ... Add restriction logic here. return $this->coupon->applyDiscount($order); } }

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class LimitedLifetimeCoupon extends CouponDecorator { // ... public function applyDiscount(OrderableInterface $order): Money { if (!$this->period->isStarted()) { throw $this->createCouponException(sprintf( 'Coupon is usable from %s.', $this->period->getStartDate() )); } if ($this->period->isFinished()) { throw $this->createCouponException(sprintf( 'Coupon was valid until %s.', $this->period->getDueDate() )); } return $this->coupon->applyDiscount($order); } }

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use SebastianBergmann\Money\Money; use Shop\Discount\LimitedLifetimeCoupon; use Shop\Discount\RateCoupon; use Shop\Discount\ValueCoupon; // Coupon offers a discount value of 20 €. $coupon1 = new LimitedLifetimeCoupon( new ValueCoupon('3s2h7pd65s', Money::fromString('20.00', EUR')), DateTimePeriod::fromString('FROM 2017-12-01 TO 2017-12-31'); ); // Coupon offers 25% off. $coupon2 = new LimitedLifetimeCoupon( new RateCoupon('76cqa6qr19', 0.25), DateTimePeriod::fromString('FROM 2017-12-01 TO 2017-12-31'); );

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class MinimumPurchaseAmountCoupon extends CouponDecorator { private $minimumAmount; function __construct(CouponInterface $coupon, Money $minAmount) { parent::__construct($coupon); $this->minimumAmount = $minAmount; } public function applyDiscount(OrderableInterface $order): Money { $amount = $order->getTotalAmount(); if ($amount->lessThan($this->minimumAmount)) { throw $this->createCouponException(...); } return $this->coupon->applyDiscount($order); } }

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use SebastianBergmann\Money\Money; use Shop\Discount\MinimumPurchaseAmountCoupon; use Shop\Discount\RateCoupon; use Shop\Discount\ValueCoupon; // Get 20 € off if total amount is greater than 300 € $coupon1 = new MinimumPurchaseAmountCoupon( new ValueCoupon('3s2h7pd65s', new EUR('20.00')), new EUR('300.00') ); // Get 25% off if total amount is greater than 300 € $coupon2 = new MinimumPurchaseAmountCoupon( new RateCoupon('76cqa6qr19', 0.25), new EUR('300.00') );

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// ... class CustomerFirstOrderCoupon extends CouponDecorator { public function applyDiscount(OrderableInterface $order) { $customer = $order->getCustomer(); if ($customer->hasPastOrders()) { throw $this->createCouponException( 'Customer already has past orders.’ ); } return $this->coupon->applyDiscount($order); } }

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use SebastianBergmann\Money\Money; use Shop\Discount\CustomerFirstOrderCoupon; use Shop\Discount\RateCoupon; use Shop\Discount\ValueCoupon; // Get 20 € off on the first order $coupon1 = new CustomerFirstOrderCoupon( new ValueCoupon( '3s2h7pd65s', new EUR('20.00') ) ); // Get 25% off on the first order $coupon2 = new CustomerFirstOrderCoupon( new RateCoupon('76cqa6qr19', 0.25) );

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// Create the special coupon $coupon = new CustomerFirstOrderCoupon( new MinimumPurchaseAmountCoupon( new LimitedLifetimeCoupon( new ValueCoupon('3s2h7pd65s', new EUR('20.00')), DateTimePeriod::until('+60 days') ), new EUR('170.00') ) ); // Create the order instance $customer = new \Shop\Customer('[email protected]'); $order = new \Shop\Order($customer, new EUR('200.00')); // Apply discount coupon on the order $discountedAmount = $coupon->applyDiscount($order);

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Easy to setup Infinite combinations Unchanged existing code Loose coupling   SOLID compliant   …   Large objects graphs   Proxy objects   Fluent interfaces   …

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Abstract Factory Abstract Factory provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.

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2016 - Twig 1.x 2015 – Symfony 3.0 2012 – Symfony 2.3

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Both assessments have similarities -­‐ Symfony  2.3  /  3.0 Twig Pricing €250 (USA, Europe, UAE, Japan, etc.) €200 (Brazil, Tunisia, India, etc.) €149 (no country restriction) Eligibility Conditions Candidate must be at least 18 y.o Candidate must not be Expert Certified Up to 2 sessions max per civil year No active exam registration 1 week blank period between 2 exams Candidate must be at least 18 y.o Candidate must not be Expert Certified No active exam registration 1 month blank period between 2 exams Levels Expert Symfony Developer Advanced Symfony Developer Expert Twig Web Designer

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First Implementation Attempt…

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class PlaceOrderCommandHandler { private $symfonyPricer; private $twigPricer; // ... public function handle(PlaceOrderCommand $command): void { $order = new Order(); $order->setQuantity($command->getQuantity()); $order->setUnitPrice($this->getUnitPrice($command)); // ... } }

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class PlaceOrderCommandHandler { // ... private function getUnitPrice(PlaceOrderCommand $command): Money { $country = $command->getCountry(); switch ($code = $command->getExamSeriesType()) { case 'TWXCE': return $this->twigPricer->getUnitPrice($country); case 'SFXCE': return $this->symfonyPricer->getUnitPrice($country); } throw new UnsupportedAssessmentException($code); } }

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Introducing an Abstract Factory Implementation

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Defining all main common interfaces

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namespace Certification; interface CertificationFactoryInterface { public function createEligibilityChecker() : CertificationEligibilityCheckerInterface; public function createTicketPricer() : CertificationTicketPricerInterface; public function createAuthority() : CertificationAuthorityInterface; }

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namespace Certification; use SebastianBergmann\Money\Money; interface CertificationTicketPricerInterface { public function getUnitPrice(string $country): Money; public function getTotalPrice(string $country, int $quantity): Money; }

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namespace Certification; use Certification\Domain\AssessmentResult; use Certification\Exception\CandidateNotCertifiedException; use Certification\Exception\UnsupportedAssessmentException; interface CertificationAuthorityInterface { /** * Returns the candidate's certification level. * * @throws CandidateNotCertifiedException * @throws UnsupportedAssessmentException */ public function getCandidateLevel(AssessmentResult $result): string; }

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Varying Certifications Tickets Pricing

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$pricer = new \Certification\Symfony\TicketPricer( Money::fromString('250', 'EUR'), Money::fromString('200', 'EUR') ); $price = $pricer->getUnitPrice('FR'); // €250 $price = $pricer->getUnitPrice('TN'); // €200 $pricer = new \Certification\Twig\TicketPricer( Money::fromString('149', 'EUR') ); $price = $pricer->getUnitPrice('FR'); // €149 $price = $pricer->getUnitPrice('TN'); // €149

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namespace Certification; use SebastianBergmann\Money\Money; abstract class AbstractTicketPricer implements CertificationTicketPricerInterface { /** * Returns the total price for the given quantity. */ public function getTotalPrice(string $country, int $quantity): Money { if ($quantity < 1) { throw new \InvalidTicketQuantityException($quantity); } return $this->getUnitPrice($country)->multiply($quantity); } }

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namespace Certification\Twig; use SebastianBergmann\Money\Money; use Certification\AbstractTicketPricer; class TicketPricer extends AbstractTicketPricer { private $price; public function __construct(Money $price) { $this->price = $price; } public function getUnitPrice(string $country): Money { return $this->price; } }

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namespace Certification\Symfony; use SebastianBergmann\Money\Money; use Certification\AbstractTicketPricer; class TicketPricer extends AbstractTicketPricer { private $regularPrice; private $discountPrice; public function __construct(Money $regularPrice, Money $discountPrice) { $this->regularPrice = $regularPrice; $this->discountPrice = $discountPrice; } public function getUnitPrice(string $country): Money { if (in_array($country, ['FR', 'US', 'DE', 'IT', 'CH', 'BE', /* … */])) { return $this->regularPrice; } return $this->discountPrice; } }

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Varying Certifications Authorities

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try { $assessment = AssessmentResult::fromCSV('SL038744,SF3CE,35'); $authority = new \Certification\Symfony\Authority(20, 10); $symfonyLevel = $authority->getCandidateLevel($assessment); $assessment = AssessmentResult::fromCSV('SL038744,TW1CE,17'); $authority = new \Certification\Twig\Authority(15); $twigLevel = $authority->getCandidateLevel($assessment); } catch (CandidateNotCertifiedException $e) { // ... } catch (UnsupportedAssessmentException $e) { // ... } catch (\Exception $e) { // ... }

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namespace Certification\Twig; use Certification\CertificationAuthorityInterface; use Certification\Domain\AssessmentResult; use Certification\Exception\CandidateNotCertifiedException; use Certification\Exception\UnsupportedAssessmentException; class Authority implements CertificationAuthorityInterface { // ... public function getCandidateLevel(AssessmentResult $result): string { if ('TW1CE' !== $assessmentID = $result->getAssessmentID()) { throw new UnsupportedAssessmentException($assessmentID); } if ($result->getScore() < $this->passingScore) { throw new CandidateNotCertifiedException($result->getCandidateID(), $assessmentID); } return 'expert'; } }

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namespace Certification\Symfony; use Certification\CertificationAuthorityInterface; use Certification\Entity\AssessmentResult; use Certification\Exception\CandidateNotCertifiedException; use Certification\Exception\UnsupportedAssessmentException; class Authority implements CertificationAuthorityInterface { private $expertLevelPassingScore; private $advancedLevelPassingScore; public function __construct(int $expertScore, int $advancedScore) { $this->expertLevelPassingScore = $expertScore; $this->advancedLevelPassingScore = $advancedScore; } // ... }

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class Authority implements CertificationAuthorityInterface { public function getCandidateLevel(AssessmentResult $result): string { $assessmentID = $result->getAssessmentID(); if (!in_array($assessmentID, ['SF2CE', 'SF3CE'])) { throw new UnsupportedAssessmentException($assessmentID); } $score = $result->getScore(); if ($score >= $this->expertLevelPassingScore) { return 'expert'; } if ($score >= $this->advancedLevelPassingScore) { return 'advanced'; } throw new CandidateNotCertifiedException($result->getCandidateID(), $assessmentID); } // ... }

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Implementing Concrete Factories

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namespace Certification\Symfony; use SebastianBergmann\Money\Money; use Certification\CertificationAuthorityInterface; use Certification\CertificationFactoryInterface; // ... class CertificationFactory implements CertificationFactoryInterface { // ... public function createTicketPricer(): CertificationTicketPricerInterface { return new TicketPricer( Money::fromString('250', 'EUR'), Money::fromString('200', 'EUR') ); } public function createAuthority(): CertificationAuthorityInterface { return new Authority(20, 10); } }

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namespace Certification\Twig; use SebastianBergmann\Money\Money; use Certification\CertificationAuthorityInterface; use Certification\CertificationFactoryInterface; // ... class CertificationFactory implements CertificationFactoryInterface { // ... public function createTicketPricer(): CertificationTicketPricerInterface { return new TicketPricer(Money::fromString('149', 'EUR')); } public function createAuthority(): CertificationAuthorityInterface { return new Authority(20); } }

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$assessmentFamily = 'SFXCE'; // Choose the right factory switch ($assessmentFamily) { case 'TWXCE': $factory = new TwigCertificationFactory(...); break; case 'SFXCE': $factory = new SymfonyCertificationFactory(...); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAssessmentFamilyException($assessmentFamily); } // Request and use the factory services $pricer = $factory->createTicketPricer(); $checker = $factory->createEligibilityChecker(); $authority = $factory->createAuthority();

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The Giga Factory

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namespace Certification; use Certification\Exception\UnsupportedAssessmentException; //... class CertificationFactoryFactory implements CertificationFactoryFactoryInterface { private $factories = []; public function getFactory(string $assessment): CertificationFactoryInterface { if (isset($this->factories[$assessment])) { return $this->factories[$assessment]; } if ('TW1CE' === $assessment) { return $this->createTwigCertificationFactory($assessment); } if (in_array($assessment, ['SF2CE', 'SF3CE'], true)) { return $this->createSymfonyCertificationFactory($assessment); } throw new UnsupportedAssessmentException($assessment); } }

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// ... use Certification\Symfony\CertificationFactory as SymfonyCertificationFactory; use Certification\Twig\CertificationFactory as TwigCertificationFactory; class CertificationFactoryFactory implements CertificationFactoryFactoryInterface { private $factories = []; public function getFactory(string $assessment): CertificationFactoryInterface { if (isset($this->factories[$assessment])) { return $this->factories[$assessment]; } if ('TW1CE' === $assessment) { return $this->createTwigCertificationFactory($assessment); } if (in_array($assessment, ['SF2CE', 'SF3CE'], true)) { return $this->createSymfonyCertificationFactory($assessment); } throw new UnsupportedAssessmentException($assessment); } }

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class CertificationFactoryFactory implements CertificationFactoryFactoryInterface { // ... private function createTwigCertificationFactory(string $assessment) : CertificationFactoryInterface { $this->factories[$assessment] = $f = new TwigCertificationFactory(...); return $f; } private function createSymfonyCertificationFactory(string $assessment) : CertificationFactoryInterface { $this->factories[$assessment] = $f = new SymfonyCertificationFactory(...); return $f; } }

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class CertificationFactoryFactory implements CertificationFactoryFactoryInterface { // ... public function createCertificationTicketPricer(string $assessment) : CertificationTicketPricerInterface { return $this->getFactory($assessment)->createTicketPricer(); } public function createCertificationAuthority(string $assessment) : CertificationAuthorityInterface { return $this->getFactory($assessment)->createCertificationAuthority(); } public function createCertificationEligibilityChecker(string $assessment) : CertificationEligibilityCheckerInterface { return $this->getFactory($assessment)->createEligibilityChecker(); } }