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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Oblivious Online Monitoring for Safety LTL Specification via Fully Homomorphic Encryption Ryotaro Banno*1, Kotaro Matsuoka*1, Naoki Matsumoto*1, Song Bian*2, Masaki Waga*1, and Kohei Suenaga*1 *1 Kyoto University *2 Beihang University August 8, 2022 34th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV’22) 1

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Background & Motivation Real-time monitoring of sensitive data ● e.g., Monitoring blood glucose levels and/or ECG by wearable devices Server Client Sensitive sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring 2

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Background & Motivation Real-time monitoring of sensitive data ● e.g., Monitoring blood glucose levels and/or ECG by wearable devices Server Client Sensitive sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring 3 The server may exploit the sensitive sensed data

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Background & Motivation Real-time monitoring of sensitive data ● e.g., Monitoring blood glucose levels and/or ECG by wearable devices Server Client Sensitive sensed data Monitoring result 4 Online monitoring

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Background & Motivation Real-time monitoring of sensitive data ● e.g., Monitoring blood glucose levels and/or ECG by wearable devices Server Client Sensitive sensed data Monitoring result 5 Online monitoring The client may steal proprietary monitoring specification

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Requirements of Remote Monitoring Protocol 2-party protocol that maintains both parties’ privacy 6 Server Client Sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Requirements of Remote Monitoring Protocol 2-party protocol that maintains both parties’ privacy The client’s privacy: ● Private data ● Private result 7 Server Client Sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Requirements of Remote Monitoring Protocol 2-party protocol that maintains both parties’ privacy The client’s privacy: ● Private data ● Private result 8 Server Client Sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring The server’s privacy: ● Private spec.

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Requirements of Remote Monitoring Protocol 2-party protocol that maintains both parties’ privacy The client’s privacy: ● Private data ● Private result 9 Server Client Sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring The server’s privacy: ● Private spec. w/o any decryption

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Requirements of Remote Monitoring Protocol 2-party protocol that maintains both parties’ privacy The client’s privacy: ● Private data ● Private result 10 Server Client Sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring The server’s privacy: ● Private spec. How can we implement this protocol? w/o any decryption

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Contribution: Oblivious Online Monitoring Use fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) The client’s privacy: ● Private data ● Private result 11 Server Client Sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring w/o any decryption The server’s privacy: ● Private spec. Encryption allowing computation without decryption

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Contribution: Oblivious Online Monitoring Use fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) The client’s privacy: ● Private data ● Private result 12 Server Client Sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring w/o any decryption The server’s privacy: ● Private spec. (Safety) LTL Encryption allowing computation without decryption Run a monitor DFA w/o any decryption

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Challenge: Online, Obliviously, and Fast No known techniques provide fast oblivious online monitoring ● Oblivious offline algorithms are known (e.g., [Chillotti+, J. Crypto 2020]) ○ None of them is online ● Trivial online algorithm via universality of FHE is theoretically possible ○ Too slow 13

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Our Contribution ● Two online algorithms to run a DFA obliviously using FHE ○ Named Reverse and Block ● A protocol for oblivious online LTL monitoring ○ with proofs of correctness and security ● Experimentally demonstrated scalability and practicality ○ Monitoring of a blood glucose level in < 3ms/sample in the best case 14

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Outline ● Preparation ○ Offline Monitoring v.s. Online Monitoring ○ Fully Homomorphic Encryption ○ Offline algorithm to run a DFA obliviously ● Oblivious Online LTL Monitoring ○ Algorithm Reverse ○ Algorithm Block ● Experiments ○ Monitoring of blood glucose levels 15

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Offline Monitoring v.s. Online Monitoring Offline monitoring: ● Monitored data: given in advance ● Output: only once, after all data processed Online monitoring: ● Monitored data: given one by one ● Output: multiple times in the process 16 batch of data result 1st part of data partial result 2nd part of data partial result Offline monitoring Online monitoring

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) 17 Common Encryption (e.g., AES) FHE

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) 18 x x Encrypt Common Encryption (e.g., AES) FHE

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) 19 x x f(x) Normal computation (e.g., addition) Encrypt Common Encryption (e.g., AES) FHE f

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) 20 x x f(x) f(x) Normal computation (e.g., addition) Encrypt Common Encryption (e.g., AES) FHE f

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) 21 x x f(x) f(x) Normal computation (e.g., addition) Encrypt Common Encryption (e.g., AES) FHE f x x f(x) Normal computation (e.g., addition) Encrypt f

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) 22 x x f(x) f(x) Normal computation (e.g., addition) Encrypt Common Encryption (e.g., AES) FHE f x x f(x) f(x) Normal computation (e.g., addition) Encrypt Decrypt f Computation via FHE (w/o dec.) f

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) 23 x x f(x) f(x) Normal computation (e.g., addition) Encrypt Common Encryption (e.g., AES) FHE f x x f(x) f(x) Normal computation (e.g., addition) Encrypt Decrypt f Computation via FHE (w/o dec.) f ● We can construct f from f automatically via universality of FHE, but such f is slow ● We need dedicated and fast algorithms

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Primitive FHE Operation for DFA Execution FHE supports many operations over ciphertexts ● It achieves its universality by combining them One primitive operation: CMux ● Many FHE operations are constructed on top of CMux We realize DFA execution mainly via CMux 24

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) CMux (Controlled MUltipleXer) Gate A homomorphic operation FHE provides ● Input: Ciphertext d, c 1 , c 0 ● Output: Ciphertext o Calculate the following without decryption: ● Dec(o) = Dec(c 1 ) if Dec(d) = 1 ● Dec(o) = Dec(c 0 ) if Dec(d) = 0 Chosen value is not revealed ● c 1 ≠ o and c 0 ≠ o (in binary representation) 25

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Offline Execution of DFA via FHE The idea : ● Enumerate all transitions of the DFA M that may be taken with the input data to be monitored ● Select the correct one by CMux gates 26 [Chillotti+, J. Crypto 2020]

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Offline Execution of DFA via FHE The idea : ● Enumerate all transitions of the DFA M that may be taken with the input data to be monitored ● Select the correct one by CMux gates 27 [Chillotti+, J. Crypto 2020] Assume input s = σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 (n=3) DFA M

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Offline Execution of DFA via FHE The idea : ● Enumerate all transitions of the DFA M that may be taken with the input data to be monitored ● Select the correct one by CMux gates 28 [Chillotti+, J. Crypto 2020] Assume input s = σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 (n=3) DFA M n is known in advance in the offline setting

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) 1. Enumerate all transitions at depth n=3 Assume input s = σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 (n=3) 29 [Chillotti+, J. Crypto 2020] DFA M Offline Execution of DFA via FHE

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Offline Execution of DFA via FHE 1. Enumerate all transitions at depth n=3 2. Select by CMux gates 30 [Chillotti+, J. Crypto 2020]

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Offline Execution of DFA via FHE 1. Enumerate all transitions at depth n=3 2. Select by CMux gates 31 [Chillotti+, J. Crypto 2020] The monitored ciphertexts

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Offline Execution of DFA via FHE 1. Enumerate all transitions at depth n=3 2. Select by CMux gates 32 [Chillotti+, J. Crypto 2020] The monitored ciphertexts Flags indicating ● accepting state (1) ● not-accepting state (0)

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Offline Execution of DFA via FHE 1. Enumerate all transitions at depth n=3 2. Select by CMux gates 33 [Chillotti+, J. Crypto 2020] The monitored ciphertexts Flags indicating ● accepting state (1) ● not-accepting state (0) Result: δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 ) F (encrypted) ∈

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Why is the Algorithm Offline? ● It consumes all the data from back to front ● We cannot start the algorithm before we obtain the last input 34 Outline figure of the algorithm offline

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Outline ● Preparation ○ Offline Monitoring v.s. Online Monitoring ○ Fully Homomorphic Encryption ○ Offline algorithm to run a DFA obliviously ● Oblivious Online LTL Monitoring ○ Algorithm Reverse ○ Algorithm Block ● Experiments ○ Monitoring of blood glucose levels 35

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Proposed Online Algorithms ● Algorithm Reverse: 1. Reverse the DFA to obtain MR 2. Apply the offline algorithm to MR ● Algorithm Block: 1. Split the monitored ciphertexts into fixed-length blocks 2. Process each block sequentially with the modified offline alg. 36 [Contribution]

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Proposed Online Algorithms ● Algorithm Reverse: 1. Reverse the DFA to obtain MR 2. Apply the offline algorithm to MR ● Algorithm Block: 1. Split the monitored ciphertexts into fixed-length blocks 2. Process each block sequentially with the modified offline alg. 37 [Contribution] ● Essentially reverse M twice ● Time complexity is O(2|M|) due to powerset construction

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Proposed Online Algorithms ● Algorithm Reverse: 1. Reverse the DFA to obtain MR 2. Apply the offline algorithm to MR ● Algorithm Block: 1. Split the monitored ciphertexts into fixed-length blocks 2. Process each block sequentially with the modified offline alg. 38 [Contribution] ● Essentially reverse M twice ● Time complexity is O(2|M|) due to powerset construction This talk focuses on algorithm Block

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Revisit the Offline Algorithm Observation: The offline algorithm can output the reached state (i.e., δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 …σ n ) ) 39

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Revisit the Offline Algorithm Observation: The offline algorithm can output the reached state (i.e., δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 …σ n ) ) 40 Use states as inputs instead of flags

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Revisit the Offline Algorithm Observation: The offline algorithm can output the reached state (i.e., δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 …σ n ) ) 41 Use states as inputs instead of flags Result: δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 )

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Algorithm Block 42 Monitored ciphertexts:

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Algorithm Block 43 Monitored ciphertexts: 1. Split the monitored ciphertexts into blocks of size B (here B=3)

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Algorithm Block 44 Monitored ciphertexts: 1. Split the monitored ciphertexts into blocks of size B (here B=3) 2. Apply the modified offline alg. ● to obtain δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 )

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Algorithm Block 45 Monitored ciphertexts: 1. Split the monitored ciphertexts into blocks of size B (here B=3) How can we handle the block #2? ● We want δ(δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 ), σ 4 σ 5 σ 6 ) ● But, we don’t know δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 ) because it’s encrypted 2. Apply the modified offline alg. ● to obtain δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 )

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Algorithm Block 46 Monitored ciphertexts: 2. Apply the modified offline alg. ● to obtain δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 ) 1. Split the monitored ciphertexts into blocks of size B (here B=3) 3. Apply the modified offline alg. to every state q i ● to obtain δ(q i , σ 4 σ 5 σ 6 )

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Algorithm Block 47 Monitored ciphertexts: 2. Apply the modified offline alg. ● to obtain δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 ) 1. Split the monitored ciphertexts into blocks of size B (here B=3) Candidates 3. Apply the modified offline alg. to every state q i ● to obtain δ(q i , σ 4 σ 5 σ 6 )

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Algorithm Block 48 Monitored ciphertexts: 2. Apply the modified offline alg. ● to obtain δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 ) 1. Split the monitored ciphertexts into blocks of size B (here B=3) Candidates Selector 3. Apply the modified offline alg. to every state q i ● to obtain δ(q i , σ 4 σ 5 σ 6 )

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Algorithm Block 49 Monitored ciphertexts: 2. Apply the modified offline alg. ● to obtain δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 ) 1. Split the monitored ciphertexts into blocks of size B (here B=3) Candidates Selector 3. Apply the modified offline alg. to every state q i ● to obtain δ(q i , σ 4 σ 5 σ 6 ) 4. Select the correct current state ● i.e, δ(δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 ), σ 4 σ 5 σ 6 ) = δ(q 0 , σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 σ 4 σ 5 σ 6 ) This “Big CMux” is essentially a tree of CMux gates Selector Candidates

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Algorithm Block: Pros and Cons ● Pros: # of CMux gates is linear to |M| as well as to n ○ In contrast, it’s exponential to |M| in algorithm Reverse ● Cons: “Big CMux” can be slow ○ It contains a very slow operation (~ 1,000 times slower than CMux) ○ Tolerate B bits of delay of monitoring results for better performance ■ Large B Fewer “Big CMux” ⇒ 50

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Outline ● Preparation ○ Offline Monitoring v.s. Online Monitoring ○ Fully Homomorphic Encryption ○ Offline algorithm to run a DFA obliviously ● Oblivious Online LTL Monitoring ○ Algorithm Reverse ○ Algorithm Block ● Experiments ○ Monitoring of blood glucose levels 51

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Monitoring of Blood Glucose Levels (BG) Monitor BG of simulated type 1 diabetes patients ● Use 6 LTL formulae (ψ 1 , ψ 2 , ψ 4 , φ 1 , φ 4 , φ 5 ) ○ Originally presented by [Cameron+, RV’15] and [Young+, IoTDI’18] ○ Use discrete sampling to convert original STL formulae to LTL ones ● Record BG every 1 minute ● Encode each BG in 9 bits 52 Experimental environment: ● CPU: Intel Xeon Silver 4216 (32C64T @ 3.2 GHz) ● RAM: 128 GiB

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Experimental Result 53 Formula |M| |MR| Mean Runtime (ms/value) Block Reverse ψ 1 10524 2712974 184.02 22220.62 ψ 2 11126 2885376 182.43 23626.97 ψ 4 7026 —*1 49.12 —*1 φ 1 21 20 172.72 2.21 φ 4 237 237 205.68 4.19 φ 5 390 390 206.78 5.44 *1: Construction of MR for ψ 4 was aborted due to memory limit

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Experimental Result 54 Formula |M| |MR| Mean Runtime (ms/value) Block Reverse ψ 1 10524 2712974 184.02 22220.62 ψ 2 11126 2885376 182.43 23626.97 ψ 4 7026 —*1 49.12 —*1 φ 1 21 20 172.72 2.21 φ 4 237 237 205.68 4.19 φ 5 390 390 206.78 5.44 *1: Construction of MR for ψ 4 was aborted due to memory limit |MR| is large ⇨ Block is faster <

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Experimental Result 55 Formula |M| |MR| Mean Runtime (ms/value) Block Reverse ψ 1 10524 2712974 184.02 22220.62 ψ 2 11126 2885376 182.43 23626.97 ψ 4 7026 —*1 49.12 —*1 φ 1 21 20 172.72 2.21 φ 4 237 237 205.68 4.19 φ 5 390 390 206.78 5.44 *1: Construction of MR for ψ 4 was aborted due to memory limit |MR| is large ⇨ Block is faster |MR| is small ⇨ Reverse is faster < >

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) Experimental Result 56 Formula |M| |MR| Mean Runtime (ms/value) Block Reverse ψ 1 10524 2712974 184.02 22220.62 ψ 2 11126 2885376 182.43 23626.97 ψ 4 7026 —*1 49.12 —*1 φ 1 21 20 172.72 2.21 φ 4 237 237 205.68 4.19 φ 5 390 390 206.78 5.44 *1: Construction of MR for ψ 4 was aborted due to memory limit Both algorithms took at most 24 sec./value ⇨ Faster than sampling interval (1 min.)

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) The client’s privacy: ● Private data ● Private result Server Client Sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring The server’s privacy: ● Private spec. w/o any decryption Conclusion 57

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) The client’s privacy: ● Private data ● Private result Server Client Sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring The server’s privacy: ● Private spec. w/o any decryption Conclusion 58 1. We proposed a protocol of oblivious online LTL monitoring

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) The client’s privacy: ● Private data ● Private result Server Client Sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring The server’s privacy: ● Private spec. w/o any decryption Conclusion 59 1. We proposed a protocol of oblivious online LTL monitoring 2. We proposed online algorithms Reverse and Block

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) The client’s privacy: ● Private data ● Private result Server Client Sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring The server’s privacy: ● Private spec. w/o any decryption Conclusion 60 1. We proposed a protocol of oblivious online LTL monitoring 2. We proposed online algorithms Reverse and Block 3. We experimentally showed scalability and practicality of our algorithms

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(Banno, Kyoto U.) The client’s privacy: ● Private data ● Private result Server Client Sensed data Monitoring result Online monitoring The server’s privacy: ● Private spec. w/o any decryption Conclusion 61 1. We proposed a protocol of oblivious online LTL monitoring 2. We proposed online algorithms Reverse and Block 3. We experimentally showed scalability and practicality of our algorithms Thank you! In the paper, we discuss: ● Details on Reverse and Block ● Proposed 2-party protocol ● Other experiments