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Coding dojo: Kata de números romanos y TPP A Coruña, 3 de abril de 2018 Borja Fdez Pillado (@BorjaL) Isidro López (@islomar)

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Ego slide Desarrollador de software (de sabático) @islomar Desarrollador de software (Charplanet) @borjal

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¿Para qué estamos aquí? ● Para divertirnos, aprender y compartir ● Practicar TDD (Test-Driven Development) ● Aprender qué es TPP (Transformation Priority Premise) ● Trabajar en parejas y con pomodoros

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¿Qué es un Coding Dojo? ● Lugar donde aprender, mejorar y divertirse programando ● Lugar donde experimentar ● Lugar seguro para practicar: diseño, testing, refactoring, herramientas, etc. ● En parejas: humildad, generosidad, agradecimiento ● Práctica deliberada ● NO es un curso ni una formación ni una “clase maestra”: facilitadores

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La regla dorada de TDD Nunca escribas nueva funcionalidad sin un test que falle

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Recordemos: ¿qué aporta (y qué no) TDD? ¿Qué puede aportar? ● Foco ● Feedback rápido ● Simplicidad ● Cadencia ● Documentación ¿Qué no aporta necesariamente? ● Un buen diseño ● “Buenos” tests ● Buena documentación

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Hands-on time!! Pair programming Pomodoros: ~25 min. Kata Roman Numerals

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Kata de números romanos Write a function to convert from normal numbers to Roman Numerals. (there is no need to be able to convert numbers larger than about 3000) Ayuda: ● : no más de tres símbolos similares seguidos ●

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Round 1… code!!

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Baby steps y el problema del impás Baby steps ● RED -> GREEN: escribir el mínimo código necesario para pasar el test. ● Feedback rápido ● Baja complejidad en cada iteración El problema del impás ● Mala elección en el orden de creación de los tests: bloqueo y “explosión”. ● No hacer el código cada vez más genérico con cada test.

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Transformation Priority Premise ● Transformation -> Modifica el comportamiento del código ● Cada transformación tiene una prioridad o un orden ● Cuanta más alta es la prioridad, más simple es la transformación ● Ayuda al programador a crear el paso más simple posible (Baby step) ● El código va de específico a genérico

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The transformations

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TDD and TPP ● When passing a test, prefer higher priority transformations. ● When posing a test choose one that can be passed with higher priority transformations. ● When an implementation seems to require a low priority transformation, backtrack to see if there is a simpler test to pass

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Example - Word Wrap Kata ({}–>nil) - Red @Test public void WrapNullReturnsEmptyString() throws Exception { assertThat(wrap(null, 10), is("")); }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata ({}–>nil) - Red public static String wrap(String s, int length) { return null; } (nil->constant) - Green public static String wrap(String s, int length) { return ""; }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (nil–>constant) - Green @Test public void WrapEmptyStringReturnsEmptyString() throws Exception { assertThat(wrap("", 10), is("")); }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (constant->constant+) - Red @Test public void OneShortWordDoesNotWrap() throws Exception { assertThat(wrap("word", 5), is("word")); }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (unconditional->if) & (constant->scalar) - Green public static String wrap(String s, int length) { if (s == null) return ""; return s; } Ignoramos la premisa con mayor prioridad

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (constant->constant+) - Red @Test public void TwoWordsLongerThanLimitShouldWrap() throws Exception { assertThat(wrap("word word", 6), is("word\nword")); }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (expression->function) - Green (Too low in the list) public static String wrap(String s, int length) { if (s == null) return ""; return s.replaceAll(" ", "\n"); }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (constant->constant+) - Red @Test public void ThreeWordsJustOverTheLimitShouldWrapAtSecondWord() throws Exception { assertThat(wrap("word word word", 9), is("word word\nword")); } ¡Atención Impás!

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (constant->constant+) - Red @Test public void OneShortWordDoesNotWrap() throws Exception { assertThat(wrap("word", 5), is("word")); }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (constant->constant+) - Green public static String wrap(String s, int length) { if (s == null) return ""; return "word"; }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (constant->constant+) - Red @Test public void OneShortWordDoesNotWrap() throws Exception { assertThat(wrap("otherword", 10), is("otherword")); }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (constant->scalar) - Green public static String wrap(String s, int length) { if (s == null) return ""; return s; }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (constant->constant+) - Red @Test public void TwoWordsLongerThanLimitShouldWrap() throws Exception { assertThat(wrap("word word", 6), is("word\nword")); }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (constant->constant+) - Red @Test public void WordLongerThanLengthBreaksAtLength() throws Exception { assertThat(wrap("longword", 4), is("long\nword")); }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (unconditional->if) - Green public static String wrap(String s, int length) { if (s == null) return ""; if (s.length() <= length) return s; else { return "long\nword"; } }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (statement->statements) - Red @Test public void WordLongerThanLengthBreaksAtLength() throws Exception { assertThat(wrap("longword", 4), is("long\nword")); assertThat(wrap("longerword", 6), is("longer\nword")); }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (expression->function) - Green public static String wrap(String s, int length) { if (s == null) return ""; if (s.length() <= length) return s; else { return s.substring(0, length) + "\n" + s.substring(length); } }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (constant>constant+) - Red @Test public void WordLongerThanTwiceLengthShouldBreakTwice() throws Exception { assertThat(wrap("verylongword", 4), is("very\nlong\nword")); }

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Example - Word Wrap Kata (statement->recursion) - Green public static String wrap(String s, int length) { if (s == null) return ""; if (s.length() <= length) return s; else { return s.substring(0, length) + "\n" + wrap (s.substring(length), length); } }

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Round 2… code!!

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Algunas reflexiones ● ¿Existen otras transformaciones? (seguramente) ● ¿Son éstas las transformaciones correctas? (probablemente no) ● ¿Existen mejores nombres para las transformaciones? (casi sseguro) ● ¿Existe realmente una prioridad?

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Resumiendo, que es gerundio ● It appears that the green phase can be achieved by employing a fixed set of behavior changing transformations to the code. ● These changes move the code from a specific form to a more generic form. ● It also appears that these transformations have a preferred order based on complexity. This ordering can be used in both the red and green phases of TDD. ● TDD impasses will be reduced or eliminated.

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Posibles “soluciones”

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Sobre la kata de números romanos y TPP ● Blog post: ○ umerals-kata/ ○ ed.html (it includes screencast with TPP for another kata) ● Screencasts: ○ ○ ○ ● Uncle Bob - Advanced TDD, the Transformation Priority Premise [min 34:00]:

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Bibliografía ● TDD by example (Kent Beck) ● Growing Object-Oriented guided by tests (Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce) ● Diseño ágil con TDD (Carlos Blé) ● Specification by example (Gojko Adzic) ● Refactoring (Martin Fowler) ● Clean Code (Uncle Bob) ● XP Explained (Kent Beck)

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Screencasts ● Screencasts de Sandro Mancuso: ○ Algorithms: ○ Outside-In TDD: ■ ■ ● Carlos Blé ○ Implementando algoritmos con TDD ○ Kata sobre juego de cartas

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Charlas ● Joaquín Engelmo (@kinisoftware) ○ Adicto al verde ○ Dando amor a los tests ● The limited red society ● The three laws of TDD ● Test-Bridle Development (@flipper83), SCPNA

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Artículos y webs de interés ● ● ● ● dd-546a383468be ● ● Ideas para katas:

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Cursos : Vigo, 11 y 12 de junio elopment/ Pluralsight:

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¡¡Gracias por el feedback!!

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