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Teach ________________ you know everything

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Carl Alexander

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Who you _______ online? trust

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What do they have in ____________? common

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They ________! teach

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They _______ on their blog write

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They _________ at WordCamps speak

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They ________ their code share

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That’s ______ you trust them why

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You want to _________________________ buy their products

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You want to _________________________ use their projects

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You want to ______________ hire them

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Just some of the _____________ of _____________ benefits teaching

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And you ______ do it too! can

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But it’s not without its _______________ obstacles

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Fear in a teacher’s world

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Teaching is scary at first

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We’re scared of sooo many things

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Each of them affects us in different ways

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Impostor Syndrome

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What is it?

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Fear of being exposed as a fraud

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Common among developers

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I’m living it as we speak right now

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"Who are you to teach this to other developers!?”

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"I've only spoken at four WordCamps.”

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"If this was important, someone else would have done it already."

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It’s hard to outrun these thoughts

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But it's often the best time to teach

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You’re in the trenches

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It makes you authentic and relevant

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They want to know what you learned

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It gets harder the longer you wait

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No content

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That’s why I’m doing this talk now

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Judgement everywhere Judgment,

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I’m scared of pressing "Post" on Facebook

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Publishing on your site is easy

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You're like Frodo who’s carrying the one ring

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No one suspects you have it!

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Posting online changes that

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It’s like putting it on in Mordor

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No content

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The evil of the internet can see you now

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That's how I feel each time anyhow

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I’m scared of being misunderstood

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I’m scared of being called out

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I’m scared of being hated

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Impostor syndrome feeds on these fears

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Public speaking magnifies them

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People are judging you in real time

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You can’t run away once you started

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Mastering your fears

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Can you master your fears?

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Fear is like love and hate

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We learn to manage it

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You face them over and over

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Until the feeling is familiar

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Easier said than done

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 Public speaking

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Speak at WordCamps

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Speak at meetups

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Speak at your office

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First time is the scariest

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Next time is a bit better

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Keep the ball rolling

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Forget the magic bullet

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It's about taking small steps

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Building teaching habits

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Let’s look at your favorite teacher

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They produce content regularly

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They create blog posts

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They create YouTube videos

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They create podcast episodes

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What they produce isn’t important

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It’s that they produce it regularly

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They never end the week with nothing

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One does not simply start a new habit

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So what can you do about it?

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Start small

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My first writing goal: 1000 words a day

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That was a horrible goal!

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I didn’t like writing that much

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We always think we can handle more

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Break things down into tiny habits

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New writing goal: 100 words a day

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Large enough that I had something

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Small enough that I could finish easily

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Small enough that I could do more

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Small enough that I could grow the habit

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Train your willpower

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Willpower is often seen as well

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We imagine a resource that we can get more of

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Willpower is closer to a muscle

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It fatigues as you use it during the day

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We do worse when it doesn't recover

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Start small to tax it less

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Repeat every day to increase its strength

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Practice until no willpower needed

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Let’s you add new habits without losing the old ones

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Learning to pick yourself back up

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Things won’t go well all the time

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We have off days

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The idea of all-or-nothing is a recipe for disaster

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You need a plan for the off days

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Example: Writing every day

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What happens when you go on vacation?

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Please don’t stop going on vacation!

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Plan for these situations

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You could write in the morning

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Avoid taking more than a day off

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It goes downhill after that

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Knowing your students

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Teacher help their students be successful

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Who do you want to teach to?

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Always a good question to ask yourself

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Do you want to help your ideal clients

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Do you want to help theme designers

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Do you want to help BuddyPress users

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It's tempting to teach to everyone

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It often leads to the worse results

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Your teaching becomes generic and unmemorable

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It applies to everyone but doesn't help anyone

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Finding your audience

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You need a specific audience that you can help

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There’s no right way to pick an audience

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Pick an audience based on your goals

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It’s ok to not know either

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There’s no “right” audience

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Start teaching and see where it leads you

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Know where they hang out

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This is where knowing your audience helps

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Where do they hang out?

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It could be in a Facebook group

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It could be in a subreddit

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It could be in a Slack channel

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It could be in a forum

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Invaluable sources teaching material

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Listen to their problems

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Teach them how to solve them

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You even know where to share it!

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Staying in touch

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Knowing our audience often isn’t enough

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You need to build a bond with them

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Potential students come from anywhere on the internet

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They come once and often never return

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Email is the best way to fix that

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But no one gives out their email just like that

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It’s why you see exit popups asking for your email

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Websites hope they taught you something valuable

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So you’re willing to giving them your email

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You should ask your students for their emails

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Getting it means that they care about your teaching

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But don't ask for their email and never email back

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Your students will forget that you exist

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Try to keep in touch every few weeks

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Ignore most of this

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I wanted to teach a topic that no one talked about

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I was passionate about teaching it

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But I had no potential students

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But I had no hang out spots

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But I had no questions to answer

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I decided to pitch my tent anyways

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This goes against everything mentioned to you so far

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It's possible to do it

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It's just a lot harder

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Staying in touch is even more important

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Closing __________ thoughts

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This takes a lot of ______ work

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Every _________ was a __________ at some point teacher beginner

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The ____________ is they ________ started difference

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There’s no _____ time to ______ start right

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It’s your _______ speaking fears

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That _________ doesn’t ______ moment exist

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You’ll have to ______ the ______ make jump

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Thank you!

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Any ______________? questions