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IPython → Collaboration Seaborn → Visualization in the Python World PRMLษڧձ#4 @ஜ೾େֶ #PRMLֶ΅͏
 ্ా൏໵ @huturotiya
 2015/05/29 ೔༵PRMLerNight ͸͜ͷൃද಺༰Λվྑͨ͠΋ͷͰ͢ɻ

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ࣗݾ঺հ • ஜ೾େֶେֶӃ म࢜1೥ • ্ా൏໵ @hurutoriya • ݚڀ෼໺͸ը૾ೝࣝɾը૾ॲཧ

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BakeryScan(ੈքॳΧϝϥͰձܭ!) • ϕʔΧϦʔγϣοϓͰͷ࣮ݧ • ύϯͷछྨΛ30छྨˠ100छྨʹ • ച্/୯Ґ໘ੵ 150% UP↑↑ • ύϯΛݸผแ૷ͯ͠όʔίʔυ΋ఴ෇ • ച্͕1/3Down↓↓

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BakeryScan(ੈքॳΧϝϥͰձܭ!) • छྨΛ૿΍͢&ݸผแ૷Λ͠ͳ͍ࣄ͕େࣄ!! • ͦͯ͠ੜ·Εͨͷ͕BakeyScanͰ͋Δɹ

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Machine Learning in the Python world • ೔ʑͷݚڀੜ׆Λࢧ͑Δ஥ؒୡ • numpy • matplotlib • scikit-lean • IPython

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IPython • Pyhon ඪ४ͷର࿩؀ڥ͸ΠϚΠν • ΑΓεϚʔτͳର࿩؀ڥ͕ IPython !! • pip install ipython • $ ipyhon notebook %ϊʔτϒοΫΛදࣔ • Web্ͰΠϯλϥΫςΟϒͳॲཧ͕Մೳʹ ࢀরը૾ :

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IPython→Project Jupyter
 Go to • IPython͸ 3.0Ͱ։ൃࣗମ͸ऴྃ͠ɺ
 Project Jupyterͱͯ͠ੜ·ΕมΘͬͨɻ • ରԠݴޠ: Python, Julia, R, Ruby, Bash, etc… • 5݄͔ΒJupyter Notebook͕
 GithubͰ΋௚઀ϨϯμϦϯά͞ΕΔΑ!! ࢀরը૾ :

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Seaborn : • matplotlibΛϕʔεͱͨ͠౷ܭ෼໺Ͱͷ
 ՄࢹԽπʔϧ • ඪ४ͷmatplotlib͸ࢹೝੑ͕ΠϚΠν!!
 Seabornʹ৐Γ׵͑ͯΈ·ͤΜ͔ʁ ࢀরը૾: index.html

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