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Starting an Ops Team @emmajanehw Emma Jane Hogbin Westby

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Agenda 0. Origin story Lessons Learned 1. Building inclusive teams 2. Starting a community of practice 3. Growing your tech with your team

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Origin story

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Humanitarian Programme Cycle

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Humanitarian Programme Cycle

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(Most of) the Teams We Support

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Pre 2014 Fast-moving, disparate teams. Duplicate costs for hosting. No infrastructure support for: - very large (high traffic) sites;
 - for small sites. Origin Story

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Circa 2014 All web properties consolidated into a single infrastructure. Opted to use a managed hosting company already in use by OCHA with containers running on racked hardware. Origin Story

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Circa 2014 All web properties consolidated into a single infrastructure. Opted to use a managed hosting company already in use by OCHA with containers running on racked hardware. Origin Story we’ll come back to this later

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Transition Ops support was handled by - managed hosting staff
 - third-party ops consulting company with the intention of bringing this support in-house 
 “at some point”. Origin Story

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Genesis of the Ops Team (2014) OCHA Ops Team 0.5 FTE ops
 from one of the existing dev teams 1 FTE coordination / project management
 front end developer turned dev team project manager turned ops maven (that's me). 
 Phase2 Ops Team 0.2 FTE ops
 consulting firm 0.1 FTE coordination / project management
 experienced ops PM BlackMesh Ops Team as-needed ops support
 managed hosting company 0.1 FTE coordination / project management
 experienced ops PM Origin Story FTE = Full Time Equivalent

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Genesis of the Ops Team (March 2016) OCHA Ops Team 0.5 FTE ops
 from one of the existing dev teams 1 FTE coordination / project management
 front end developer turned dev team project manager turned ops maven (that's me). 
 Phase2 Ops Team 0.2 FTE ops
 consulting firm 0.1 FTE coordination / project management
 experienced ops PM BlackMesh Ops Team as-needed ops support
 managed hosting company 0.1 FTE coordination / project management
 experienced ops PM Origin Story That’s us! FTE = Full Time Equivalent

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Genesis of the Ops Team (June 2016) OCHA Ops Team 0.5 FTE ops
 from one of the existing dev teams 0.5 FTE ops
 specialist Drupal ops in Australia 1 FTE coordination / project management
 front end developer turned dev team project manager turned ops maven (that's me). Phase2 Ops Team 0.2 FTE ops
 consulting firm 0.1 FTE coordination / project management
 experienced ops PM BlackMesh Ops Team as-needed ops support
 managed hosting company 0.1 FTE coordination / project management
 experienced ops PM Origin Story That’s us now!

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Timeline Consolidation Understanding Building Trust Disparate teams Origin Story < 2014 2014 - 2015 2016

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Building an inclusive team myself my team my community of practice

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No matter your rank or role you are the start of an inclusive team. community of practice team self

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Interlude The moment you’re asked to
 “show progress” is the moment you realise you have no metrics.

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Resource Rich Archbold, Leading a Team with Values

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version 1.0 of my values- based metrics world premiere!

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Knowing my values significantly reduced my option paralysis Set boundaries: When devs have root access to a shared service what’s “allowed”; developing an on-call schedule Define roles: according to the capacity of each team, what’s “ops” and what’s “dev”? Collaborate on special projects: ops pair with developers on configuration improvements no dev wanted to be part of the on-call roster

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Building an inclusive team community of practice team self

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Lesson 1: I thought I was being consistent, but as I grew,
 I began valuing different attributes and skills.

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Question: How will you develop and nurture today the skills you will need three months from now?

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Lesson 2: The skills I nurtured on my team three months ago are not necessarily the skills I need today.

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Question: What action(s) can you take to ensure you have a diverse team who will help your team grow as the situation changes.

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Starting a community of practice community of practice team self

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define: community of practice A community of practice is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do, and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. This definition reflects the fundamentally social nature of human learning. It is very broad.

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Establishing Communication Channels (biweekly) Community of Practice calls Flowdock discussion / chat channels Documentation on how to report an ops problem Weekly newsletter Incident reports Performance investigations Communities of Practice

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Growing the practice The practice:
 their interactions produce resources that affect their practice (whether they engage in actual practice together or separately)

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Resources Produced by the Community Tools Flowdock discussion / chat channels “Brown bag” calls Shared documentation Process Established procedures on how to work with ops (e.g., reporting an incident) Artefacts Weekly newsletter Incident reports Infra / app performance investigations Communities of Practice

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The development stages of a CoP we’re about here

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Timeline Consolidation Understanding Building Trust Disparate teams Origin Story < 2014 2014 - 2015 2016 All of the communication tools I was using to improve shared understanding
 helped to make our team more consistent and we began to establish trust.

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Tuckman’s stages of group development Consolidation Understanding Building Trust Disparate teams Building Teams

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Tuckman’s stages of group development Consolidation Understanding Building Trust Disparate teams Storm Form Norm Perform Building Teams

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Growing your tech with your team

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Understanding what we had inherited CentOS 6 + Docker 1.6 + GlusterFS 3 + Insufficient RAM Sadness 1.0 Growing your tech

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Understanding what we had inherited CentOS 6 + Docker 1.6 + GlusterFS 3 + Insufficient RAM Sadness 1.0 Growing your tech on three peers

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Interlude You get better at the thing you practice. I’m much better at “incidents” than I would like to be.

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Resource Scott Klein,
 Effective Incident Communication

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It wasn’t actually a bad decision.

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But it’s time to move on.

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Lesson 3: Having the wrong technology today, doesn’t mean you made a bad decision.

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Question: How will you establish the trust within your team, and community of practice, to be able to iterate and improve your infrastructure?

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Summary 0. Response to humanitarian crisis is publicly documented, and ever-evolving. 1. If you don’t know where to start in building an inclusive team,
 start by defining your values. 2. A strong, inclusive community of practice doesn't happen on its own. Transparency and trust are essential. 3. Your infrastructure is used to deploy applications;
 without the trust of the developers, you cannot iterate and improve.

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I’m hiring! If you are, or know, an API developer who would be interested in working on an amazing (distributed) team. Please reach out!

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