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#Tampering( ) #Information disclosure( ) #DoS( ) Open RAN CNF Migration Attacks

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Experience • Education • •

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RAN Disaggregation O-DU O-CU RU (SMO)

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O-DU ( ) O-CU ( ) RU (Infrastructure) (SMO) Hardware Disaggregation (Infrastructure)

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O-RAN 介紹

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Cloud Stack (Containers/VMs, OS, Mgmt.) O-DU RIC O-CU AAL AAL O-Cloud O-Cloud Physical Infra Node FPGA x86 ASIC GPU O-Cloud 伺服器支援部屬 VNF/CNF

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電信業轉型雲原生 DevOps

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Migrant Attack J. -R. Yeh, H. -C. Hsiao and A. -C. Pang, "Migrant Attack: A Multi-resource DoS Attack on Cloud Virtual Machine Migration Schemes," 2016 11th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS), Fukuoka, Japan, 2016, pp. 92-99, doi: 10.1109/AsiaJCIS.2016.14.

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O-RAN Migrant Attack SMO NFs O-Cloud O-Cloud O2 O-Cloud O-Cloud O-Cloud O-Cloud

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O-RAN CNF Migration Attacks Data Plane Attacks Control Plane Attacks • Migration Flooding • False Resource Advertising • (MitM)

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Data Plane Attacks O-RAN.WG11.O-CLOUD-Security-Analysis-TR.O-R003-v03.00

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Data Plane Attacks Illustration of the migration MITM attack O-RAN.WG11.O-CLOUD-Security-Analysis-TR.O-R003-v03.00

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Control Plane Attacks Cloud Stack (Containers/VMs, OS, Mgmt.) O-RU O-CU O-DU AAL AAL AAL PDCP/ SDAP RRC RLC MAC Low- PHY RF High- PHY O-Cloud Physical Infra Node FPGA x86 ASIC GPU Migration Module Control Plane Attacks • Migration Flooding • False Resource Advertising

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Migration Flooding Cloud Stack (Containers/VMs, OS, Mgmt.) O-RU O-CU O-DU AAL AAL AAL PDCP/ SDAP RRC RLC MAC Low- PHY RF High- PHY O-Cloud Physical Infra Node FPGA x86 ASIC GPU Migration Module

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Cloud Stack (Containers/VMs, OS, Mgmt.) O-Cloud Physical Infra Node FPGA x86 ASIC GPU Container Network Functions NF NF NF O-Cloud Physical Infra Node RIC O-CU O-DU Cloud Stack (Containers/VMs, OS, Mgmt.) FPGA x86 ASIC GPU Migration Module Illustration of the migration flooding attack NF NF

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False Resource Advertising ( ) Cloud Stack (Containers/VMs, OS, Mgmt.) O-RU O-CU O-DU AAL AAL AAL O-Cloud Physical Infra Node FPGA x86 ASIC GPU Migration Module

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Cloud Stack (Containers/VMs, OS, Mgmt.) O-Cloud Physical Infra Node FPGA x86 ASIC GPU Migration Module Container Network Functions NF NF NF

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Cloud Stack (Containers/VMs, OS, Mgmt.) O-Cloud Physical Infra Node FPGA x86 ASIC GPU Migration Module Container Network Functions NF NF NF Cloud Stack (Containers/VMs, OS, Mgmt.) O-Cloud Physical Infra Node FPGA x86 ASIC GPU RIC O-CU O-DU

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Potential mitigations ( ) • • • • • • O-RAN.WG11.O-CLOUD-Security-Analysis-TR.O-R003-v03.00

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VNF/CNF - • •

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O-Cloud Node Clusters -

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南針時賜,藉匡不逮 報告完畢