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The Critical Request Ben Schwarz @benschwarz !

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Performance status quo Follow the rules you know and love • Serve less requests • Use compression everywhere possible (Brotli, GZip) • Bundle and minimise scripts (UglifyJS) • Use asset hashing (app-0ff97b5.js), with “forever” cache headers • Use CDNs (Fastly, Netlify, Cloudflare, Cloudfront)

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Performance through the eyes of your users. 1.

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Users lose focus after 1 second. Abandonment rises dramatically after 10 seconds.

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No content

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User navigates

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User navigates

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User navigates First Paint

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User navigates First Paint

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User navigates First Paint

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User navigates First Paint First Contentful Paint

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User navigates First Paint First Contentful Paint

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User navigates First Paint First Contentful Paint

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User navigates First Paint First Contentful Paint First Meaningful Paint

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User navigates First Paint First Contentful Paint First Meaningful Paint

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User navigates First Paint First Contentful Paint First Meaningful Paint

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Load + Render Timeline

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Load + Render Timeline

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onLoad Load + Render Timeline

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onLoad First Meaningful Paint Load + Render Timeline

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onLoad First Meaningful Paint Load + Render Timeline

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Focus on these requests onLoad First Meaningful Paint Load + Render Timeline

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onLoad First Meaningful Paint First Meaningful Paint Text & Lead content has been rendered

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← Critical requests A critical request is one that contains an asset that is essential to the content within the users viewport

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Often, these are: 1. CSS for the elements 
 on the page 2. Fonts 3. Logo 4. A lead image ← Critical requests A critical request is one that contains an asset that is essential to the content within the users viewport

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How do browsers decide which resources should be fetched? 2.

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Resource queuing

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My website … Resource queuing

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My website … Resource queuing Queue

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My website … app.css Resource queuing Queue

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My website … app.css app.js Resource queuing Queue

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My website … app.css app.js font.woff Resource queuing Queue

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Inspecting request priority

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Inspecting request priority

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No content

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No content

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app.css app.js font.woff Assets are prioritised by type Queue Highest High Lowest … and how they are referenced

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app.css app.js font.woff Assets are prioritised by type Queue Highest High Lowest • HTML (Highest) … and how they are referenced

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app.css app.js font.woff Assets are prioritised by type Queue Highest High Lowest • HTML (Highest) • Styles (Highest) … and how they are referenced

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app.css app.js font.woff Assets are prioritised by type Queue Highest High Lowest • HTML (Highest) • Styles (Highest) • Images (Low or Medium) … and how they are referenced

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app.css app.js font.woff Assets are prioritised by type Queue Highest High Lowest • HTML (Highest) • Styles (Highest) • Images (Low or Medium) • XHR/Fetch (High) … and how they are referenced

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app.css app.js font.woff Assets are prioritised by type Queue Highest High Lowest • HTML (Highest) • Styles (Highest) • Images (Low or Medium) • XHR/Fetch (High) • Fonts (Highest) … and how they are referenced

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app.css app.js font.woff Assets are prioritised by type Queue Highest High Lowest • HTML (Highest) • Styles (Highest) • Images (Low or Medium) • XHR/Fetch (High) • Fonts (Highest) • Scripts (Low, Medium or High!) … and how they are referenced

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Javascript request priorities For an in depth guide, see by @jaffathecake High (when placed before ) Otherwise, Medium Low Priority

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How fonts are fetched

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How fonts are fetched 1. The stylesheet targets an element with a font declaration body { font-family: Calibre; }

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How fonts are fetched 1. The stylesheet targets an element with a font declaration body { font-family: Calibre; } 2. The stylesheet has a corresponding @font-face declaration @font-face { font-family: "Calibre"; src: url("/fonts/calibre.woff2") format("woff2"), url("/fonts/calibre.woff") format("woff"); }

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How fonts are fetched 1. The stylesheet targets an element with a font declaration body { font-family: Calibre; } 3. There is text to render 2. The stylesheet has a corresponding @font-face declaration @font-face { font-family: "Calibre"; src: url("/fonts/calibre.woff2") format("woff2"), url("/fonts/calibre.woff") format("woff"); }

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Auditing and improving performance. 3.

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Test using poor conditions

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Test using poor conditions

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Create a performance trace

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Create a performance trace

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No content

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No content

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Preload Critical, essential resources. Required for fonts! HTML

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Preload Critical, essential resources. Required for fonts! HTML Link: ; rel=preload; as=font; crossorigin As a HTTP Header

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Local overrides

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Local overrides

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Use preload for critical resources Every browser that supports preload also supports WOFF. Preload those!

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HTML CSS Font Weight 1 Font Weight 2 Font Weight 3 Network timeline Text gets rendered here Before preload 5-7 seconds until text is visible

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HTML CSS Font Weight 1 Font Weight 2 Font Weight 3 Network timeline After preload 2-3 seconds until text is visible

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HTML CSS Font Weight 1 Font Weight 2 Font Weight 3 Network timeline After preload 2-3 seconds until text is visible Text gets rendered here

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@font-face { font-family: LLCircularWeb; src: url(/lineto-circular-black-c.woff) format("woff"); font-weight: 800; font-style: normal; font-display: swap;
 } Add font-display: swap “ Display the text until the web font has loaded, then swap it out.

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HTML Network timeline Before font-display 2-3 seconds until text is visible HTML CSS Font Weight 1 Font Weight 2 Font Weight 3

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HTML Network timeline Before font-display 2-3 seconds until text is visible HTML CSS Font Weight 1 Font Weight 2 Font Weight 3 Text gets rendered here

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HTML CSS Font Weight 1 Font Weight 2 Font Weight 3 Network timeline After font-display Text is always visible

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HTML CSS Font Weight 1 Font Weight 2 Font Weight 3 Network timeline After font-display Text is always visible Text gets rendered here

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Font style matcher Monica Dinculescu @notwaldorf

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Font style matcher Monica Dinculescu @notwaldorf

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Audit improvement notes

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Audit improvement notes 1. Use to preload essential fonts.

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Audit improvement notes 1. Use to preload essential fonts. 2. Use font-display: swap; to ensure text is always visible.

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Audit improvement notes 1. Use to preload essential fonts. 2. Use font-display: swap; to ensure text is always visible. 3. Have font fallbacks that look similar to avoid changes when webfonts load.

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Audit improvement notes 1. Use to preload essential fonts. 2. Use font-display: swap; to ensure text is always visible. 3. Have font fallbacks that look similar to avoid changes when webfonts load. 4. Use woff2, woff where possible.

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Priority Hints await fetch(‘api/endpoint.json’, {importance: ‘low’}) Experimental

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Audit checklist

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Audit checklist 1. Test under poor conditions to highlight performance issues.

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Audit checklist 1. Test under poor conditions to highlight performance issues. 2. Use the performance panel to explore the relationship between render, asset fetching, paints and JavaScript execution.

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Audit checklist 1. Test under poor conditions to highlight performance issues. 2. Use the performance panel to explore the relationship between render, asset fetching, paints and JavaScript execution. 3. Ensure critical requests are prioritised.

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Audit checklist 1. Test under poor conditions to highlight performance issues. 2. Use the performance panel to explore the relationship between render, asset fetching, paints and JavaScript execution. 3. Ensure critical requests are prioritised. 4. Iterate from good to great.

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Audit checklist 1. Test under poor conditions to highlight performance issues. 2. Use the performance panel to explore the relationship between render, asset fetching, paints and JavaScript execution. 3. Ensure critical requests are prioritised. 4. Iterate from good to great.

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Becoming a successful performance advocate at your company. 4.

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Project timeline Performance usually happens here

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Project timeline “Hey, is the website fast?” “ahhhh, um…”

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Project timeline “Let’s make this really great!” When performance should happen

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It ain't done until it's fast It ain't done until it's accessible

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… Can we schedule some more performance work? I have no idea how long it’ll take but we’ll hope for the best! Your manager You, without a plan

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Performance workbook

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Performance workbook

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Performance workbook Estimated gain Achieved gain Difficulty Estimated cost

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Performance workbook Estimated gain Achieved gain Difficulty Estimated cost Preload fonts 3 — 5 seconds FMP 3 seconds to FMP Easy Low

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Performance workbook Estimated gain Achieved gain Difficulty Estimated cost Preload fonts 3 — 5 seconds FMP 3 seconds to FMP Easy Low Font-display: swap Instant text rendering Instant text rendering Easy Low

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Performance workbook Estimated gain Achieved gain Difficulty Estimated cost Preload fonts 3 — 5 seconds FMP 3 seconds to FMP Easy Low Font-display: swap Instant text rendering Instant text rendering Easy Low Remove all webfonts Less download? ? Political hurdles with branding team

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Performance workbook Estimated gain Achieved gain Difficulty Estimated cost Preload fonts 3 — 5 seconds FMP 3 seconds to FMP Easy Low Font-display: swap Instant text rendering Instant text rendering Easy Low Remove all webfonts Less download? ? Political hurdles with branding team Rewrite app in React ? ? Hard Very expensive

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Performance workbook Estimated gain Achieved gain Difficulty Estimated cost Preload fonts 3 — 5 seconds FMP 3 seconds to FMP Easy Low Font-display: swap Instant text rendering Instant text rendering Easy Low Remove all webfonts Less download? ? Political hurdles with branding team Rewrite app in React ? ? Hard Very expensive Remove ads 10 seconds time to interactive improvement on mobile devices ? Medium All our revenue

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Performance workbook Estimated gain Achieved gain Difficulty Estimated cost Preload fonts 3 — 5 seconds FMP 3 seconds to FMP Easy Low Font-display: swap Instant text rendering Instant text rendering Easy Low Remove all webfonts Less download? ? Political hurdles with branding team Rewrite app in React ? ? Hard Very expensive Remove ads 10 seconds time to interactive improvement on mobile devices ? Medium All our revenue Delete all Javascript No JS, no problems ? Easy

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Sure Can we schedule some more performance work? I’ve summarised some research and ideas in this spreadsheet… I can run you through the details over a coffee? Your manager You, an intellectual

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The performance advocate’s manifesto

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The performance advocate’s manifesto 1. Performance is a baseline requirement.

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The performance advocate’s manifesto 1. Performance is a baseline requirement. 2. Every addition has a cost, therefore it should have a value.

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The performance advocate’s manifesto 1. Performance is a baseline requirement. 2. Every addition has a cost, therefore it should have a value. 3. Performance testing should be automated.

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The performance advocate’s manifesto 1. Performance is a baseline requirement. 2. Every addition has a cost, therefore it should have a value. 3. Performance testing should be automated. 4. Draw conclusions and act on observed performance data.

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The performance advocate’s manifesto 1. Performance is a baseline requirement. 2. Every addition has a cost, therefore it should have a value. 3. Performance testing should be automated. 4. Draw conclusions and act on observed performance data.

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@benschwarz Cheers