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Kotlin as a Modernized Java Programming in XXI Century Presented at JavaOne, 2018 email elizarov@ Roman Elizarov @relizarov

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1995 2003 2004 2011

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What if Java was designed in 201x?

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Error handling

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Error handling int res = fread(buf, n, file);

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Error handling int res = fread(buf, n, file); if (res < n) { // error or EOF if (ferror(file) != 0) { // handle error } return; }

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Error handling int res = fread(buf, n, file); if (res < n) { … } res = fread(buf, m, file); if (res < n) { // error or EOF if (ferror(file) != 0) { // handle error } return; }

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Exceptions try { FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(fileName); // … int res =, 0, n); // throws exception // … } catch (IOException e) { // handle error }

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Exceptions try { FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(fileName); // … int res =, 0, n); // … res =, 0, m); // throws exception // … } catch (IOException e) { // handle error }

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Exceptions try { Data result = work(fileName); } catch (IOException e) { // handle error }

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Checked Exceptions Data work(String fileName) throws IOException { FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(fileName); // … int res =, 0, n); // … res =, 0, m); // … }

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No content

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1995 1.0 2004 5 Generics

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1995 1.0 2004 5 Generics Lambdas (FP) 2014 8

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Imperative List results = new ArrayList<>(); for (String fileName : fileNames) { Result work = work(fileName); results.add(work); }

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Func%onal & Declara%ve List results = .map(fileName -> work(fileName)) .collect(Collectors.toList());

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Functional + Checked Exceptions = ! List results = .map(fileName -> work(fileName)) .collect(Collectors.toList());

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XXI Century Languages 2000 2003 2005 2004 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012 2014

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If Java was designed in 201x It would not have checked exceptions

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Functional in Java List results = .map(fileName -> work(fileName)) .collect(Collectors.toList());

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Functional in Java as an afterthought List results = .map(fileName -> work(fileName)) .collect(Collectors.toList());

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Kotlin is designed to be functional val results = fileNames .map { fileName -> work(fileName) }

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val results = fileNames .map { work(it) }

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val results = fileNames .map { work(it) } .filter { it.isGood() }

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val results = fileNames .map { work(it) } .filter { it.isGood() } .doMyProcessing()

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val results = fileNames .map { work(it) } .filter { it.isGood() } .doMyProcessing()

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val results = MyUtils.doMyProcessing(fileNames .map { work(it) } .filter { it.isGood() })

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val results = fileNames .map { work(it) } .filter { it.isGood() } .doMyProcessing()

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Kotlin extension functions val results = fileNames .map { work(it) } .filter { it.isGood() } .doMyProcessing() fun List.doMyProcessing() = …

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Kotlin top-level functions val results = fileNames .map { work(it) } .filter { it.isGood() } .doMyProcessing() fun List.doMyProcessing() = …

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If Java was designed in 201x It would have been functional by design

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More generic casualties…

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More generic casualties… List strings = …

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More generic casualties… List strings = … List dates = …

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More generic casualties… List strings = … List date = … List ints = …

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More generic casualties… List strings = … List date = … List ints = …

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C for Consistency myDate.toString()

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C for Consistency myDate.toString() String.valueOf(myInt)

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Equality myInt == otherInt

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Equality myInt == otherInt myString == otherString Oops!

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Equality myInt == otherInt myString.equals(otherString)

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If Java was designed in 201x It would not have exposed primitives

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Kotlin hides primi/ves myDate.toString() myInt.toString()

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Kotlin hides primitives myDate.toString() myInt.toString() List List

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Kotlin hides primitives myDate.toString() myInt.toString() List List { it.toString() } { it.toString() }

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Kotlin hides primitives myDate.toString() myInt.toString() List List { it.toString() } { it.toString() } myDate == otherDate myInt == otherInt

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Local variable type inference 1995 1.0 2004 5 2018 10 2014 8

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Before type inference int count = … double average = … List strings = … Map> items = …

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With type inference var count = … var average = … var strings = … var items = …

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With type inference var count = … var average = … var strings = … Map> items = …

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Types on right! var count = … var average = … var strings = … var items: Map> = …

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Where is the type in XXI Century? Left Right

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Where is the type in XXI Century? Left Right

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If Java was designed in 201x It would have been designed for type inference with types on the right

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Type safety

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How type-safe is that? int process(List input) { … }

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How type-safe is that? int process(List input) { … }

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How type-safe is that? int process(List input) { … } process(null); Oops!

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Null in Kotlin fun process(input: List): Int { … } process(null)

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Null in Kotlin is forbidden by default fun process(input: List): Int { … } process(null)

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Opt-in to use nulls fun process(input: List?): Int { … } process(null)

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fun process(input: List?): Int { … return input.size } process(null)

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fun process(input: List?): Int { … return input.size } process(null)

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fun process(input: List?): Int { … return input?.size } process(null)

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fun process(input: List?): Int { … return input?.size } process(null)

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fun process(input: List?): Int? { … return input?.size } process(null)

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If Java was designed in 201x It would have had null-safety

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How type-safe is that? int process(List input) { … }

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How type-safe is that? int process(List input) { input.removeIf(data -> !data.isGood()); return input.size(); }

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How type-safe is that? int process(List input) { input.removeIf(data -> !data.isGood()); return input.size(); } Oops!

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Collections in Kotlin fun process(input: List): Int { input.removeIf { data -> !data.isGood() } return input.size }

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Collections in Kotlin are read-only fun process(input: List): Int { input.removeIf { data -> !data.isGood() } return input.size }

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Opt-in to mutability fun process(input: MutableList): Int { input.removeIf { data -> !data.isGood() } return input.size }

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How type-safe is that? int process(List input) { … int size = input.size(); … return size; }

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How type-safe is that? int process(List input) { … final int size = input.size(); … return size; }

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Kotlin: Make val not var fun process(input: List): Int { … val size = input.size … return size }

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Choice of Defaults

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Defaults Null/Not-null

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Defaults Java Null/Not-null Nullable

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Defaults Java Real life Null/Not-null Nullable Non-nullable

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Defaults Java Real life Null/Not-null Nullable Non-nullable Mutable/Immutable

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Defaults Java Real life Null/Not-null Nullable Non-nullable Mutable/Immutable Mutable

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Defaults Java Real life Null/Not-null Nullable Non-nullable Mutable/Immutable Mutable Immutable

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Defaults Java Real life Null/Not-null Nullable Non-nullable Mutable/Immutable Mutable Immutable Open/Final

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Defaults Java Real life Null/Not-null Nullable Non-nullable Mutable/Immutable Mutable Immutable Open/Final Open

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Defaults Java Real life Null/Not-null Nullable Non-nullable Mutable/Immutable Mutable Immutable Open/Final Open Final

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Defaults Java Real life Null/Not-null Nullable Non-nullable Mutable/Immutable Mutable Immutable Open/Final Open Final Private/Public

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Defaults Java Real life Null/Not-null Nullable Non-nullable Mutable/Immutable Mutable Immutable Open/Final Open Final Private/Public Pkg private

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Defaults Java Real life Null/Not-null Nullable Non-nullable Mutable/Immutable Mutable Immutable Open/Final Open Final Private/Public Pkg private Public

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If Java was designed in 201x It would have very different defaults

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Semicolon foo(); bar();

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Semicolon foo(); bar();

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Semicolon foo(); bar();

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Semicolon foo() bar()

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Where is the semicolon in XXI Century? Mandatory None/Optional

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Where is the semicolon in XXI Century? Mandatory None/Optional

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If Java was designed in 201x It would have optional semicolon

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What if Java was designed in 201x? ØNo checked exceptions ØDesigned for type inference ØFunctional by design ØNo exposed primitives ØNull safety ØWell-founded defaults ØOptional semicolon

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Syntactic sugar

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Properties in Java public class Person { private String firstName; private String lastName; public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } …

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Properties in Kotlin class Person { var firstName: String? = null var lastName: String? = null }

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Primary constructor in Java public class Person { private String firstName; private String lastName; public Person(String firstName, String lastName) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; } …

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Primary constructor in Kotlin class Person( var firstName: String?, var lastName: String? )

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Primary constructor + null-safety = ❤ class Person( var firstName: String, var lastName: String )

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Equals/hashCode/etc in Java public class Person { private String firstName; private String lastName; @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof Person)) return false; Person person = (Person) o; return Objects.equals(firstName, person.firstName) && Objects.equals(lastName, person.lastName); } …

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Data class in Kotlin data class Person( var firstName: String, var lastName: String )

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String concatenation in Java public class Person { @Override public String toString() { return firstName + " " + lastName; } …

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String format in Java public class Person { @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s %s", firstName, lastName); } …

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String interpolation in Kotlin class Person(…) { override fun toString(): String { return "$firstName $lastName"; } …

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String interpolation in Kotlin class Person(…) { override fun toString(): String = "$firstName $lastName" …

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Singleton in Java public class Singleton { public static final INSTANCE = new Singleton(); private Singleton() {} … }

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Singleton in Kotlin object Singleton { … }

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Why Kotlin?

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Kotlin was designed as a modernized Java

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Kotlin ØInteroperability with JVM ecosystem ØEasy to learn for Java developers by design ØExtensible, DSL-friendly ØPragmatic ØFun to work with

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Resources Ø Ø Ø Ø

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Thank you Any questions? Slides are available at email elizarov@ Roman Elizarov @relizarov