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Dependency Injection in Practice Yoichi Tagaya Appdevcon 2017, Amsterdam

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I'm an Author of Swinject • Dependency Injection framework for Swift • Maintained by 5 members • 1,3k+ stars in GitHub • Supporting iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux • 4 extensions provided •

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Dependency Injection in Practice 1. Basic Concepts 2. Example Program Applying Dependency Injection 3. Advanced Features 5PEBZT5BML

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Introduction • Reduce Technical Debt • Asset Catalogs • Dependency Injection • Live Playgrounds "Improving Existing Apps with Modern Best Practices"
 by Woody L. at WWDC 2016

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What's Dependency Injection Inversion of Control for resolving dependencies I'm talking to you. ↺ You're talking to me. You call libraries. ↺ Frameworks call you. You create what you use. ↺ What you use are created and passed.

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Inversion of Control class Person { let pet = Cat() } You create what you use

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Inversion of Control class Person { let pet = Cat() } You create what you use What you use are created and passed class Person1 { let pet: Cat init(pet: Cat) { = pet } } let p1 = Person1(pet: Cat()) class Person2 { var pet: Cat? } let p2 = Person2() = Cat() class Person3 { func play(pet: Cat) { // Play with pet } } let p3 = Person3() Cat()) *OJUJBMJ[FS*OKFDUJPO $POTUSVDUPS*OKFDUJPO 1SPQFSUZ*OKFDUJPO .FUIPE*OKFDUJPO

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Coupling of Dependency Tight coupling Loose coupling

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Coupling of Dependency class Person { let pet = Cat() } Tight coupling Loose coupling • Only a cat can be a pet • Not flexible

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Coupling of Dependency class Person { let pet = Cat() } protocol Animal { } class Cat: Animal { } class Dog: Animal { } class Person4 { let pet: Animal init(pet: Animal) { = pet } } let catPerson = Person4(pet: Cat()) let dogPerson = Person4(pet: Dog()) Tight coupling Loose coupling • Only a cat can be a pet • Not flexible • Any animal can be a pet • Flexible

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Example Program Applying Dependency Injection

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Main Problems to Develop a Large App

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Main Problems to Develop a Large App • Event handling • State management

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Main Problems to Develop a Large App • Event handling - Functional Reactive Programming - ReactiveSwift - RxSwift

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Main Problems to Develop a Large App • State management - Complicated problem - Caused by dependency often - Dependency injection is a solution (but not the only)

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Sample App

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Login State Management Singleton account manager named like: • class AccountManager • class LoginManager • class UserAccount Used as: if AccountManager.shared.isLoggedIn { // Do things } else { // Do other things }

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Problems of Singleton Login Manager • Tightly coupled with external login service. • Difficult to write unit tests. • Log in/out your app again and again during development.

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Let's Dive into the Code

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Let’s Dive into the Code 1. Implementation with Account Manager singleton. 2. Refactoring with Dependency Injection. 3. Unit testing.

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User Model struct User { let username: String let fullname: String }

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final class LocalAccountManager { static let shared = LocalAccountManager() private init() { } } LocalAccountManager Singleton 4JOHMFUPO

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final class LocalAccountManager { static let shared = LocalAccountManager() private init() { } private (set) var currentUser: User? var isLoggedIn: Bool { return currentUser != nil } } LocalAccountManager Singleton 4JOHMFUPO

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final class LocalAccountManager { static let shared = LocalAccountManager() private init() { } private (set) var currentUser: User? var isLoggedIn: Bool { return currentUser != nil } func login(username: String, password: String) -> Bool { guard currentUser == nil else { return false } guard username == "yoichi" && password == "secure_one" else { return false } currentUser = User(username: "yoichi", fullname: "Yoichi Tagaya") return true } func logout() { currentUser = nil } } LocalAccountManager Singleton 4JOHMFUPO

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MainViewController final class MainViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet private weak var label: UILabel! @IBOutlet private weak var usernameField: UITextField! @IBOutlet private weak var passwordField: UITextField! @IBOutlet private weak var button: UIButton! }

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MainViewController final class MainViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet private weak var label: UILabel! @IBOutlet private weak var usernameField: UITextField! @IBOutlet private weak var passwordField: UITextField! @IBOutlet private weak var button: UIButton! @IBAction private func buttonTapped(_ sender: Any) { if LocalAccountManager.shared.isLoggedIn { logout() } else { login() } } private func login() { let username = usernameField.text ?? "" let password = passwordField.text ?? "" let status = LocalAccountManager.shared.login(username: username, password: password) if status, let user = LocalAccountManager.shared.currentUser { label.text = "Hello \(user.fullname)!" button.setTitle("Log out", for: .normal) } else { label.text = "Failed to log in." } } private func logout() { LocalAccountManager.shared.logout() label.text = "Please log in." button.setTitle("Log in", for: .normal) } } 6TJOHTJOHMFUPO 6TJOHTJOHMFUPO

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But Singleton is Used LocalAccountManager.shared.isLoggedIn LocalAccountManager.shared.currentUser LocalAccountManager.shared.login(...) LocalAccountManager.shared.logout()

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Refactoring to Inject Dependency final class MainViewController: UIViewController { // Set this property before you use this class. var accountManager: LocalAccountManager! // Omit } 1SPQFSUZJOKFDUJPO

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Refactoring to Inject Dependency final class MainViewController: UIViewController { // Set this property before you use this class. var accountManager: LocalAccountManager! // Omit @IBAction private func buttonTapped(_ sender: Any) { if accountManager.isLoggedIn { logout() } else { login() } } private func login() { let username = usernameField.text ?? "" let password = passwordField.text ?? "" let status = accountManager.login(username: username, password: password) if status, let user = accountManager.currentUser { label.text = "Hello \(user.fullname)!" button.setTitle("Log out", for: .normal) } else { label.text = "Failed to log in." } } private func logout() { accountManager.logout() label.text = "Please log in." button.setTitle("Log in", for: .normal) } } 1SPQFSUZJOKFDUJPO 3FQMBDFTJOHMFUPO XJUIUIFQSPQFSUZ

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Refactoring to Inject Dependency @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Setup window let window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds) window.makeKeyAndVisible() self.window = window // Setup root view controller let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil) let vc = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as! MainViewController vc.accountManager = LocalAccountManager.shared window.rootViewController = vc return true } } *OKFDUBOJOTUBODF PG"DDPVOU.BOBHFS

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Improved by Refactoring • Removed dependency to LocalAccountManager singleton from the view controller. • Injected an LocalAccountManager instance to the view controller.

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But Still Tightly-Coupled with LocalAccountManager final class MainViewController: UIViewController { var accountManager: LocalAccountManager! }

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Introduce a Protocol to Decouple protocol AccountManager { var currentUser: User? { get } var isLoggedIn: Bool { get } func login(username: String, password: String) -> Bool func logout() } extension AccountManager { var isLoggedIn: Bool { return currentUser != nil } } &YUSBDUFEJOUFSGBDF PG-PDBM"DDPVOU.BOBHFS "EEFEEFGBVMUJNQMFNFOUBUJPO CZQSPUPDPMFYUFOTJPO

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Conform to the Protocol final class LocalAccountManager: AccountManager { private (set) var currentUser: User? func login(username: String, password: String) -> Bool { guard currentUser == nil else { return false } guard username == "yoichi" && password == "secure_one" else { return false } currentUser = User(username: "yoichi", fullname: "Yoichi Tagaya") return true } func logout() { currentUser = nil } } $POGPSNFEUP UIFQSPUPDPM *NQMFNFOUBUJPOJTUIFTBNF

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Depend on the Protocol final class MainViewController: UIViewController { // Set this property before you use this class. var accountManager: AccountManager! // Omit } 3FQMBDFEXJUIUIFQSPUPDPM

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Inject Instance to View Controller @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? var accountManager: AccountManager = LocalAccountManager() func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Setup window let window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds) window.makeKeyAndVisible() self.window = window // Setup root view controller let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil) let vc = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as! MainViewController vc.accountManager = accountManager window.rootViewController = vc return true } } *OKFDUUIFJOTUBODF $SFBUFBOJOTUBODF

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Decoupled Dependency • Loosely-coupled the view controller with AccountManager protocol. • AccountManager can be replaced with any concrete type conforming to the protocol.

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Let's Add Unit Tests

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Introduce a View Model final class MainViewModel { private let accountManager: AccountManager private (set) var labelText = "Please log in." private (set) var buttonText = "Log in" init(accountManager: AccountManager) { self.accountManager = accountManager } } 5FYUTUPEJTQMBZJO7JFX *OJUJBMJ[FSJOKFDUJPO

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Introduce a View Model final class MainViewModel { // Omit func login(username: String, password: String) { guard !accountManager.isLoggedIn else { labelText = "Log out first." return } let status = accountManager.login(username: username, password: password) if status, let user = accountManager.currentUser { labelText = "Hello \(user.fullname)!" buttonText = "Log out" } else { labelText = "Failed to log in." } } func logout() { guard accountManager.isLoggedIn else { labelText = "Log in first." return } accountManager.logout() labelText = "Please log in." buttonText = "Log in" } } .PWFEMPHJOMPHPVUMPHJD GSPN7JFX$POUSPMMFS

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Use the View Model final class MainViewController: UIViewController { // Set this property before you use this class. var accountManager: AccountManager! private lazy var viewModel: MainViewModel = MainViewModel(accountManager: self.accountManager) // Omit @IBAction private func buttonTapped(_ sender: Any) { if accountManager.isLoggedIn { viewModel.logout() } else { let username = usernameField.text ?? "" let password = passwordField.text ?? "" viewModel.login(username: username, password: password) } updateTexts() } private func updateTexts() { label.text = viewModel.labelText button.setTitle(viewModel.buttonText, for: .normal) } } *OKFDUEFQFOEFODZ 6TFUIFWJFXNPEFM 6TFUIFWJFXNPEFM

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Moved the View Logic • View logic was moved from View Controller to View Model. • It’s easier to test View Model.

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Add Unit Tests // MARK: Successful Login final class MainViewModelTests: XCTestCase { // MARK: Mock private final class SuccessfulAccountManager: AccountManager { private (set) var currentUser: User? @discardableResult func login(username: String, password: String) -> Bool { currentUser = User(username: "test", fullname: "Test Test") return true } func logout() { currentUser = nil } } .PDLTVDDFFEJOH UPMPHJOBMXBZT

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Add Unit Tests // MARK: Successful Login final class MainViewModelTests: XCTestCase { // MARK: Mock private final class SuccessfulAccountManager: AccountManager { private (set) var currentUser: User? @discardableResult func login(username: String, password: String) -> Bool { currentUser = User(username: "test", fullname: "Test Test") return true } func logout() { currentUser = nil } } // MARK: Tests func testLogin_saysHelloToTheUserOnSuccess() { let accountManager = SuccessfulAccountManager() let viewModel = MainViewModel(accountManager: accountManager) viewModel.login(username: "", password: "") XCTAssertEqual(viewModel.labelText, "Hello Test Test!") } .PDLTVDDFFEJOH UPMPHJOBMXBZT *OKFDUUIFNPDL The message is checked in this example, but checking
 a state parameter or flag makes a unit test stable.

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Add Unit Tests func testLogin_showsErrorIfAlreadyLoggedIn() { let accountManager = SuccessfulAccountManager() accountManager.login(username: "", password: "") let viewModel = MainViewModel(accountManager: accountManager) viewModel.login(username: "", password: "") XCTAssertEqual(viewModel.labelText, "Log out first.") } func testLogout_asksToLoginAgain() { let accountManager = SuccessfulAccountManager() accountManager.login(username: "", password: "") let viewModel = MainViewModel(accountManager: accountManager) viewModel.logout() XCTAssertEqual(viewModel.labelText, "Please log in.") } func testLogout_promptsToLoginIfNotLoggedIn() { let accountManager = SuccessfulAccountManager() let viewModel = MainViewModel(accountManager: accountManager) viewModel.logout() XCTAssertEqual(viewModel.labelText, "Log in first.") } } The message is checked in this example, but checking
 a state parameter or flag makes a unit test stable.

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Add Unit Tests // MARK: - Failed Login extension MainViewModelTests { // MARK: Mock private final class FailingAccountManager: AccountManager { private (set) var currentUser: User? func login(username: String, password: String) -> Bool { return false } func logout() { } } // MARK: Tests func testLogin_showsErrorOnLoginFailure() { let accountManager = FailingAccountManager() let viewModel = MainViewModel(accountManager: accountManager) viewModel.login(username: "", password: "") XCTAssertEqual(viewModel.labelText, "Failed to log in.") } } *OKFDUUIFNPDL .PDLGBJMJOHUPMPHJOBMXBZT The message is checked in this example, but checking
 a state parameter or flag makes a unit test stable.

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Testable by Refactoring✅

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Summary of the Example App 1. Tightly-coupled dependency to singleton LocalAccountManager 2. Refactoring by dependency injection 3. Made the program testable✅

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Advanced Features

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Dependency Injection Container (DI Container)

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Problem of Dependency Injection At the beginning... Dependency Injection Code let a = A(b: B()) " Dependency #

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Problem of Dependency Injection Soon... " Dependency # let a = A(b: B(c: C())) $ Dependency Dependency Injection Code

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let a = A(b: B(c: C(f: F()), e: E(f: F()))) Problem of Dependency Injection Much later... $ ' * & # ) " % ( Hard to manage Dependency Injection Code

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Dependency Injection Container $ ' * & # ) " % ( %*$POUBJOFS Dependency Graph Register the dependency graph let a = ... Resolve dependencies upon your request

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// Program entry point. let container = Container() Swinject Example $ ' & # " How to use a container

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// Program entry point. let container = Container() container.register(AProtocol.self) { r in A(b: r.resolve(BProtocol.self)!) } Swinject Example $ ' & # " How to use a container #JOTUBODFJTNBOBHFE CZUIFDPOUBJOFS

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// Program entry point. let container = Container() container.register(AProtocol.self) { r in A(b: r.resolve(BProtocol.self)!) } container.register(BProtocol.self) { r in B(c: r.resolve(CProtocol.self)!, e: r.resolve(EProtocol.self)!) } Swinject Example $ ' & # " How to use a container #JOTUBODFJTNBOBHFE CZUIFDPOUBJOFS

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// Program entry point. let container = Container() container.register(AProtocol.self) { r in A(b: r.resolve(BProtocol.self)!) } container.register(BProtocol.self) { r in B(c: r.resolve(CProtocol.self)!, e: r.resolve(EProtocol.self)!) } container.register(CProtocol.self) { r in C(f: r.resolve(FProtocol.self)!) } container.register(EProtocol.self) { r in E(f: r.resolve(FProtocol.self)!) } container.register(FProtocol.self) { _ in F() } Swinject Example $ ' & # " How to use a container #JOTUBODFJTNBOBHFE CZUIFDPOUBJOFS

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// Program entry point. let container = Container() container.register(AProtocol.self) { r in A(b: r.resolve(BProtocol.self)!) } container.register(BProtocol.self) { r in B(c: r.resolve(CProtocol.self)!, e: r.resolve(EProtocol.self)!) } container.register(CProtocol.self) { r in C(f: r.resolve(FProtocol.self)!) } container.register(EProtocol.self) { r in E(f: r.resolve(FProtocol.self)!) } container.register(FProtocol.self) { _ in F() } // Anywhere later... let a = container.resolve(AProtocol.self)! Swinject Example $ ' & # " How to use a container #JOTUBODFJTNBOBHFE CZUIFDPOUBJOFS +VTUBTLUPHFU BO"JOTUBODF

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Dependency Injection Container • Pros - It's easy to use. - Definitions are unified. • Cons - Error at runtime for ! 1SPCMFNPGEZOBNJDEFQFOEFODZJOKFDUJPO

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Static dependency injection in Cake Pattern • Pros - Lack of definitions checked by compiler. - No error at runtime for dependency injection. • Cons - Less easy than DI container. %FQFOEFODZ*OKFDUJPOXJUIUIF$BLF1BUUFSOJO4XJGUCZ#PC$PUUSFMM

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Summary • Basic Concepts - Inversion of Control - Tight/loose coupling • Example Program - State management problem - Refactoring by Dependency Injection • Advanced Features - Dependency Injection Container (dynamic) - Cake Pattern (static)