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Docs as Engineering @cbetta

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A long time ago… @cbe%a

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Translation @cbe%a

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Backup Translate Upload

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Import & Backup Are not Symmetrical

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Backup Translate Upload

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10 seconds 3 months 1 month

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That’s not all

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The Problem @cbe%a

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The Problem Hard to translate No audit trail No review process No modularity Hard to refactor Hard to ensure quality

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Docs as Code @cbe%a

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Docs as Code Store docs in version control Build documentation automatically Review all documentation Publish without user intervention There must be more?!

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@cbe%a Who am I?

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@cbe%a Cristiano Betta Senior Developer Advocate @ Box

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@cbe%a Cristiano Betta Developer Documenta8on Lead @ Box

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@cbe%a Cristiano Betta Formerly @ Hoopy, PayPal

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@cbe%a Cristiano Betta Writes @

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@cbe%a Docs as Engineering

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Engineering @cbe%a

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Software engineering Modularity KISS DRY Anticipate Change Do one thing well Many more… Test early

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Test & Lint @cbe%a

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Testing & Linting Test early Test often Test the parts Test the whole

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Test at source Test early

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Spellcheck Test the unit

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Validate internal links Test the whole

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[Upload a file](../../../files/upload) [Upload a file](guide://file/upload) [File](resource://file) [Upload a file](endpoint://post_files_content)

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Modularise @cbe%a

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Modularise Do one thing well Allow for easy inclusion Allow for easy inclusion Composition over configuration

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Modularise for simplification Do one thing well

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176 API endpoints > 80 response and request objects 19,000+ lines of OpenAPI 3.0

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PUT /2.0/files/{id} => files__put_files_id.yml GET /2.0/folders/{id} => folders__get_folders_id.yml GET /2.0/files/{id} => files__get_files_id.yml DELETE /2.0/folders/{id} => folders__delete_folders_id.yml

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1 file per API endpoint 1 file per response resource Compilation using Travis CI

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Module composition Easy inclusion

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source/attributes/file_id.yml source/paths/files__get_files_id.yml

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Modular UI Beyond docs

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Modularise Beyond docs @cbe%a

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Pipeline @cbe%a

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Pipeline Ensure quality Maximise value Speed up delivery Encourage responsibility

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Docs Pipeline Delivery speed

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Web Hosting Netlify Functions Build Servers (Sources) SDK & CLI Docs Gatsby Source @box/ framework Guides, Pages, & Microcopy @box/ Netlify CI/CD Netlify CDN OpenAPI spell check OpenAPI compilation Publishing compiled HTML/CSS/JS Pull in OpenAPI/SDK/ CLI/Microcopy data Gatsby build to HTML/ CSS/JS serving on Java / Python / Node / .NET Trigger validation and compilation on Git push to repo Write compiled microcopy (JSON) Write compiled OpenAPI 3.0 (JSON) Microcopy compilation Trigger rebuild of site on Git push to repo Data source Edge caching LetsEncrypt SSL “master” branch (YML) “en” branch (JSON) OpenAPI 3.0 Spec @box/box-openapi “master” branch (YML) “en” branch (JSON) Serverless function to filter GitHub web hooks to trigger the right stage to be rebuilt Trigger specific stage (production, staging, etc) to be rebuild on Netlify

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Web Hosting Netlify Functions Build Servers (Sources) SDK & CLI Docs Gatsby Source @box/ framework Guides, Pages, & Microcopy @box/ Netlify CI/CD Netlify CDN OpenAPI spell check OpenAPI compilation Publishing compiled HTML/CSS/JS Pull in OpenAPI/SDK/ CLI/Microcopy data Gatsby build to HTML/ CSS/JS serving on Java / Python / Node / .NET Trigger validation and compilation on Git push to repo Write compiled microcopy (JSON) Write compiled OpenAPI 3.0 (JSON) Microcopy compilation Trigger rebuild of site on Git push to repo Data source Edge caching LetsEncrypt SSL “master” branch (YML) “en” branch (JSON) OpenAPI 3.0 Spec @box/box-openapi “master” branch (YML) “en” branch (JSON) Serverless function to filter GitHub web hooks to trigger the right stage to be rebuilt Trigger specific stage (production, staging, etc) to be rebuild on Netlify

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Web Hosting Netlify Functions Build Servers (Sources) SDK & CLI Docs Gatsby Source @box/ framework Guides, Pages, & Microcopy @box/ Netlify CI/CD Netlify CDN OpenAPI spell check OpenAPI compilation Publishing compiled HTML/CSS/JS Pull in OpenAPI/SDK/ CLI/Microcopy data Gatsby build to HTML/ CSS/JS serving on Java / Python / Node / .NET Trigger validation and compilation on Git push to repo Write compiled microcopy (JSON) Write compiled OpenAPI 3.0 (JSON) Microcopy compilation Trigger rebuild of site on Git push to repo Data source Edge caching LetsEncrypt SSL “master” branch (YML) “en” branch (JSON) OpenAPI 3.0 Spec @box/box-openapi “master” branch (YML) “en” branch (JSON) Serverless function to filter GitHub web hooks to trigger the right stage to be rebuilt Trigger specific stage (production, staging, etc) to be rebuild on Netlify

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Web Hosting Netlify Functions Build Servers (Sources) SDK & CLI Docs Gatsby Source @box/ framework Guides, Pages, & Microcopy @box/ Netlify CI/CD Netlify CDN OpenAPI spell check OpenAPI compilation Publishing compiled HTML/CSS/JS Pull in OpenAPI/SDK/ CLI/Microcopy data Gatsby build to HTML/ CSS/JS serving on Java / Python / Node / .NET Trigger validation and compilation on Git push to repo Write compiled microcopy (JSON) Write compiled OpenAPI 3.0 (JSON) Microcopy compilation Trigger rebuild of site on Git push to repo Data source Edge caching LetsEncrypt SSL “master” branch (YML) “en” branch (JSON) OpenAPI 3.0 Spec @box/box-openapi “master” branch (YML) “en” branch (JSON) Serverless function to filter GitHub web hooks to trigger the right stage to be rebuilt Trigger specific stage (production, staging, etc) to be rebuild on Netlify

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Beyond docs Maximise value

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Sources Build Servers Netlify Travis In-house API Spec English Japanese Guides & Pages English Japanese Microcopy English Japanese Web Hosting Docs English Japanese Postman English Japanese SDKs & CLI Changelog

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@cbe%a Where are we now?

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@cbe%a Recap

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Docs as Code Store docs in version control Build documentation automatically Review all documentation Publish without user intervention

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Docs as Code Store docs in version control Build documentation automatically Review all documentation Publish without user intervention Test anything that can be tested Modularise to prevent duplication Re-use to maximise value Use a pipeline to tie it all together

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Docs as Code Store docs in version control Build documentation automatically Review all documentation Publish without user intervention Test anything that can be tested Modularise to prevent duplication Re-use to maximise value Use a pipeline to tie it all together

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@cbe%a Thank you Cris8ano Be%a