Slide 1

Slide 1 text www. using Atlassian BitBucket & Bamboo case study of CD Implementation at Check Point Software Technologies, Ltd. on the road to …

Slide 2

Slide 2 text www. _Agenda_ Ā Git & BitBucket Server ą Build & Deploy using Bamboo þ Implementation into peoples’ minds Ć Transition from some (undisclosed) state into the newer shinier, harder, better, faster, stronger state.

Slide 3

Slide 3 text www. Continuous Delivery is a set of principles and practices to reduce the cost, time and risk of delivering incremental changes to users. -- Jez Humble

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Slide 4 text www. bring us the CI and the CD and the Git "Now, where did I put that potion? I know it’s in here somewhere…" ah, yes yes…

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Slide 5 text www. 270 hours & 14 weeks

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Slide 6 text www. Step I upgrade all the things

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Slide 7 text www. Hello there busy IT person. Can you please upgrade the Bamboos and the Bit Buckets? Right on it, wizardman!

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Slide 8 text www. Step II understand the concepts

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Slide 9 text www. A Generic Delivery Pipeline

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Slide 10 text www. 5 Deploy Release 4 Store Artifacts and Build info 2 Check- in code 3 Pull Code changes for build 1 Feature or Bug issue created version control system for source code repository for storing artifacts, results & releases continuous integration server to generate builds & orchestrate releases

Slide 11

Slide 11 text www. We need to outline the Bit Buckets and Bamboos, can you help? Sure, let me call some friends and JFDI!

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Slide 12 text www. Step III iterate on the solution

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Slide 13 text www. Iterative Process…

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Slide 14 text www. staging production feature / UCAPP-23-new-stuff hotfix / UCAPP-33-typo-bug

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Slide 15 text www. staging

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Slide 16 text www. Step IV review with your peers

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Slide 17 text www. friends, what are your thoughts of our branches? Yiiihaaa! Rock on! ☮

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Slide 18 text www. Step V document everything and share

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Slide 20 text www. Step VI implement stuff iteratively fix what doesn’t work

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Slide 22 text www. ● prevent force push on intgration branch ● set branch naming convention ● auto-add reviewers to pull requests ● git tag successful deployments

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Slide 25 text www. ● per-feature branch build plan ● integration branch build plan ● auto deploy where possible ● manual step deploys with “stages” ● add “local” agents for parallelism

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Slide 28 text www. ● upload successfully deployed artifacts ● also use bamboo artifact sharing

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Slide 29 text www. integration

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Slide 31 text www.

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Slide 32 text www. Step VII train everyone on everything dvps . me / technical - training - book

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Slide 33 text www.

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Slide 34 text www. bla bla bla, bla bla, bla Yey! I learned the Git and the Bamboos and the Bit Buckets!

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Slide 35 text www. Step VIII provide knowledge aids dvps . me / technical - training - book

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Slide 36 text www. Release Checklist ▢ 1 JIRA issue assigned to me ▢ 2 Pull-Request exists & Reviewed ▢ 3 Build for Pull-Request/JIRA is successful ▢ 4 Approve & Merge Pull-Request ▢ 5 Verify auto-deployment to Staging ▢ 6 Run tests on staging ▢ 7 Create Pull-Request Staging → Production ▢ 8 Verify auto-deployment to Pre-Production ▢ 9 Run tests on Pre-Production ▢ 10 Deploy to Production

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Slide 38 text www. bonus

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Slide 39 text www. Remember me?

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Slide 43 text www. Last Step IX success

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Slide 44 text www. We invite you to join Atlassian Israel Facebook group on we are hiring at Thank you!