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CFP Advice from CFP Committee I hope my advice works!

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Didik Wicaksono Github: @firewalker06 Twitter/IG: @did1k

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- Ruby Indonesia Meetups - Ruby Conference Indonesia Co-organizers of

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Ruby Indonesia Meetups

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Ruby Conference Indonesia 2017

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I reviewed CFPs

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But my CFP never got accepted

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Before we begin...

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Believe that You have a chance to give talk

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Even if your CFP is rejected

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Lesson 1 Talk in Meetups

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- Talking in meetups is easy, contact the organizer! - Most meetup lack speakers Meetups

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- Smaller audience - People don’t care if you never gave talks - Better conversation Why you should talk in meetups?

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- Meetup organizers are good natured folks - People are forgiving on first timers Based on experience

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Lesson 2 Find some topics

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- Wrote down achievements no matter small - Pick a topic that is most comfortable to you Finding Topics

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- Problems solved at work - It doesn’t have to be deep into technical things - Unfinished business can also be interesting! Comfortable topics

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Build your confidence by speaking in lots of meetups!

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People don’t care if you talk repeatedly in a meetup

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Once you got the confidence...

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Lesson 3 Talk in conference!

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- to manage CFPs About Ruby Conference Indonesia

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- whether you can do coding demo or not - whether you can do job advertising - presentation design (fonts, background color, etc) - code of conducts - use certain language - whether presentation requires internet connection - theme topics to choose Read CFP guidelines carefully

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- we have two round of reviews - we use anonymous reviewing first, to rate talks - we remove anonymity to choose the best talks from each person (yes you can submit more than 1 talk!) - we are aiming for diverse speakers Our CFP Review Process

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- follow the guidelines to every word! - submit more than 1 talk to increase your chance CFP Tips

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- some conference give discounts to people who submit, even if rejected - don’t afraid to ask the organizer about the CFP CFP Tips cont...

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- learn from other speakers - watch conf talks on YouTube: - Confreaks - Perkodi CFP Tips cont...

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As closing: My first time speaking in front of 700 people In Bath, United Kingdom only 5 minutes Lightning Talk

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Believe that YOU have a chance to give talk